Flower garden in the country: how to decorate beautifully? Video
When ennobling the territory of the personal plot, it is worth thinking about the arrangement of a flower garden. The space around the house or summer cottage, beautifully decorated with flowers, takes on a festive and complete look, becomes habitable and comfortable. By observing some rules for decorating a flower garden, you can create a true masterpiece that will delight your family and guests.
How to arrange a flower garden in the country
When creating a flower garden with your own hands, you should remember that this is not just a piece of land with ornamental plants planted on it. Over the years of practice, gardeners have managed to turn the design of flower beds and flower beds into a real applied art. And in any art there are not only special techniques, but also classics of the genre.
If your plot cannot be compared in size with a city park, there is no point in taking on the design of monumental landscape forms. For a small summer cottage or a local area, compact flower arrangements are more suitable. The most common and popular compositions are: – flower bed; – border; – flowerpot; – decorative garden; – country-style flower garden; – mixborder; – rockery.
Classic types of decorative flower beds
The most common type of flower garden is considered to be a flower bed. The shape of the flower beds can be very different, but almost all of them differ in clearly delineated contours. It can be a circle, oval, square, or rectangle. To decorate such a flower garden beautifully, they try to raise it a little above other elements of the landscape. The optimal size of a flower bed is two to three square meters.
To make an accent on the flower bed, they try to supplement it with decorative details, for example, a bench, a lamp, miniature carved sculptures
The border, in contrast to the classic flower bed, is a rather narrow flower garden of a rectangular elongated shape. When creating a border with your own hands, you must remember that this composition will look most beautiful on the border of various zones of your garden. Perennial flowers and other ornamental plants are widely used for planting in curbs.
Another attractive type of flower garden is a flowerpot. It is usually equipped in a special decorative vase. But there is no need at all to select a classic container for the flowerpot. Here, a wooden tub, barrel or other container suitable in shape and size may well be used.
A flower garden designed in the form of a flowerpot is best suited for landscaping a patio, gallery or outdoor terrace.
A decorative vegetable garden will look very practical and beautiful on the garden plot. The shape of the flower garden that came from France resembles a little garden beds planted with ornamental plants and flowers, which are fenced with a living border. The creation of flower beds of this unusual type allows any housewife to bring her most daring creative ideas to life.
The most popular are ornamental gardens, in which flowers form symmetrical patterns.
Flower garden for creative nature
For those who are looking for an opportunity to express themselves in gardening, a country-style flower garden is very suitable. It is a flowerbed, decorated in the form of a composition that reflects rural life. The basis of such a composition is often an old wooden boat, a body from a retro car or a garden cart.
By choosing the right plants for a country-style flower bed, you can create a unique corner of rural life at the dacha, which can arouse admiration among visitors to your garden.
If you like a variety of shapes and colors, take a look at the shape of a flower garden called a mixborder. This is a multi-row flower garden, where conifers and ornamental shrubs alternating with each other continuously bloom. To highlight the beauty of plants, mixborders are usually made elongated, drop-shaped, or simply irregular in shape. Making out such flower beds with your own hands, you should carefully select plants according to the timing of flowering.
The inhabitants of the mixborder should be well combined with each other in shape.
A very effective flower arrangement can be obtained if you build it around a natural stone or a placer of such stones. This is the so-called rockery or alpine slide. For rockeries, try to choose unpretentious plants that do not need careful care. The advantages of such a flower garden are that it can be placed in places where other plants simply cannot take root.
How to arrange a flower garden with your own hands
It is best if you manage to create one of the classic types of flower garden, and then provide for any unique solutions and author’s decor in it. Whichever of the options described above you choose, follow a certain sequence of work.
Prepare a place for the flower garden and mark the boundaries. Inside the space of the future flower arrangement, remove the top layer of soil to a depth of at least 10-15 cm. Carefully tamp the surface of the resulting pit, and lay drainage on the bottom. It is most convenient to use broken brick, expanded clay or medium-sized crushed stone as drainage.
Decorate the borders of the future flower garden. It should be determined by your chosen stylistic solution. It may look interesting to decorate a flower garden with natural stone or a side made of concrete. It can also be a low wattle fence. After finishing the border, cover the flower garden with soil and leave it for about two weeks.
When choosing colors, pay attention not only to their compatibility, but also to the color scheme. The uniqueness of the composition is determined by the color of flowers and leaves. You can focus on the flower garden using orange, yellow and red shades. For a general background, cool colors, such as purple, blue or cyan, are more suitable.
Flower garden in the country
When decorating a flower bed and flower garden, try not to fill them with plants too tightly. Flowers should not be cramped. Remember that as the plants grow, they will take up significantly more space than they did when they were planted. With your patience and hard work, after a while you will be able to enjoy the fruits of your creativity. A flower garden in the country will delight you and your family members from spring to autumn.