1. Flaxseed: benefits.
The health benefits of flaxseed have been known for a long time. But it has only recently come to be called a superfood. And all because flax seeds have a beneficial and even healing effect on the human body. So what is so special about flaxseed?
Flax seeds are an amazing product. It is as much appreciated as it is underestimated. How can this be? Everything is very simple. Our ancestors appreciated flax (talking about fiber) as a material for everyday life – they sewed clothes, sails, made paper, canvases from it – and as a product (talking about oil), which was used for food and technical purposes. The beneficial properties of flaxseed were so impressive that, for example, the ancient Babylonians (5 thousand years ago) sowed whole lands with flax, and by order of the King of the Franks Charlemagne (VIII century), all the inhabitants of his country without fail added flax seeds to their food.
However, in the modern world, until some time, flax was mainly used for domestic purposes (as a natural, dense material), for some reason its beneficial properties have faded into the background, or even into the background. Everything changed with the advent of healthy lifestyle fashion. Healthy lifestyles who are constantly on the lookout for superfoods have remembered flax seeds.
The benefits of flaxseeds for humans are so impressive that the well-deserved “regalia” quickly returned to this product. Moreover, flaxseed began to be referred to as “Medicine of the XXI century”.
2. Why is flaxseed considered a superfood?
Superfood is the name given to foods with a high content of nutrients, which are found nowhere else in nature in such a ratio. Apparently, in translation from Latin the word “flax” (meaning “the most useful”) there is not an ounce of guile. Despite its more than modest size, flaxseed contains vitamins, antioxidants and minerals in large quantities and, what is important, in perfectly balanced proportions.
Flax seeds are so rich in bioactive ingredients that they rightfully deserve the title of superfood. If you know the composition of this product, then you will never again have the question “What are the health benefits of flaxseed?”
Flaxseed contains:
- essential amino acids (lysine, threonine, valine, methionine, isoleucine, leucine, phenylalanine, histidine, arginine);
- polyunsaturated fatty acids (omega-3, omega-6, omega-9);
- cellulose;
- phytoestrogens (lignans);
- minerals (zinc, iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, selenium);
- vitamins (A, E, A, group B, beta-carotene);
- antioxidants.
All these components are necessary for the human body for normal life. The absence / lack of any of them can cause disruption in the functioning of an organ or system and lead to the development of serious diseases. Therefore, the use of flaxseeds in moderation serves as a fairly effective way of healing.
Uses and benefits of flaxseed.
It would seem that with such an impressive composition, the product should have a high energy value. But here, too, flaxseed surprises – it is low in calories (210 kcal per 100 g of product), which makes nutritionists and people keenly watching their weight incredibly happy.
The main properties of flaxseed:
- activates the intestines;
- lowers cholesterol (prevents atherosclerosis);
- normalizes pressure;
- protects against cancer;
- has anti-inflammatory effects;
- strengthens the immune system;
- cleanses the body of toxins and toxins.
Everything in order.
The intestinal benefits of flaxseed are found in dietary fiber. If the recommended daily intake of fiber is 25-38 g, then one serving of flaxseed contains 8 g). Thanks to the fiber, flaxseed “kicks in” bowel activity and aids in emptying. Also, flax seeds envelop the lining of the stomach and esophagus, thus helping in the treatment of gastritis and ulcers. In addition, flax seeds (or rather their mucus) have a powerful antitoxic and absorbent effect, helping the body to get rid of its health and get rid of toxins and toxins.
It is no secret that most people in the world die not in car accidents, and not even from cancer, but from diseases of the cardiovascular system. Recently, a study was published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition that proved the benefits of flaxseed for the body. In the experiment, 59 volunteers (middle-aged men) added flaxseed oil to their diet for four months. After 12 weeks, their blood pressure was found to have dropped. Namely, high blood pressure, as you know, is a provocateur of a heart attack or stroke.
Flaxseed has proven itself to be a product that can lower blood glucose levels and restore the beta cells of the pancreas (their main function to produce insulin).
The benefits of flaxseed for men are very simple to explain. It turns out that flaxseed contains active substances that can significantly reduce the growth rate of prostate cancer cells. In addition, in the course of many years of research, scientists from the University of Iowa found that men who add flaxseed to their diet have normal blood cholesterol levels.
Due to the high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids (in particular, omega-3), flax seeds have proven themselves well in the process of destroying cancer cells and malignant tumors. Foreign studies have shown that flaxseed reduces the risk of melanoma by more than 60%. The benefits of flaxseed for women are due to the presence of phytoestrogens in the product. In the power of lignans to protect women from breast cancer (the use of flaxseed is especially important during menopause).
Use with caution!
Flax seeds have a very high activity, therefore, with prolonged use or when the dosage is exceeded, they can provoke an exacerbation of some chronic diseases.
How to use flax seeds.
Flax seeds can be added to salads, cereals, smoothies. You can eat them whole, or you can grind them in a coffee grinder to a powder state.
You can buy flaxseeds here.