Five popular diets of 2015

Five popular diets of 2015

Tell me what kind of diet you’re on, and I’ll tell you who you are. This theory is more relevant today than ever. After all, nutritionists do not get tired of pleasing us with new formulas of slimness. Today we discuss the most popular diets of 2015.

Back to the Stone Age

Пять популярных диет 2015 года

The rating of fashionable diets-2015 is headed by the paleo diet. It calls for sharing the taste preferences of our Paleolithic ancestors. Therefore, the menu includes only natural meat, fish, vegetables, fruits, berries and nuts. The black list included cereals, legumes, dairy products and vegetables with starch. They were not known at the dawn of mankind. With salt, as with canned food, sauces and smoked meats, we will have to say goodbye. Sugar is also out of the question, including bitter chocolate and fruit juices. Longing for sweets is offered to treat with honey. And quite harmless tea should be replaced with water and herbal infusions. Nutritionists claim that this new diet in 2015 will get rid of fat and build muscle, will normalize blood pressure and cholesterol levels. At the same time, a long refusal of carbohydrates, milk and cereals negatively affects the entire body and can cause serious malaise.

Minimalism in the Asian spirit

Пять популярных диет 2015 года

A new diet for weight loss, called Chinese, is gaining fans around the world. Oddly enough, there is almost nothing Chinese on her menu. But there are fiber-rich vegetables and fruits, dietary varieties of meat and fish, cereals and eggs. And all this-without a gram of salt and spices. We completely remove fatty dishes, smoked meats, semi-finished products, pastries and sweets from the diet. Meals — only 3 per day, the volume of each-no more than 300 g. Snacks are heroically replaced with green tea, plain and mineral water without gases. The diet is designed for 7, 14 or 21 days, depending on willpower. This method is recognized as one of the best diets of 2015. Its undoubted advantage is rapid weight loss due to general cleansing of the body. There are much more disadvantages. Weakness, irritability, poor health will manifest itself very soon. And if you have chronic digestive diseases, this diet is definitely not for you.

Cottage cheese and banana marathon

Пять популярных диет 2015 года

Do you like bananas and cottage cheese? Then the banana-curd diet was invented just for you. This is one of the most effective diets of 2015, allowing you to lose 3-5 kg in 3 days. On the first day, we chew 3-4 bananas, in between drinking a glass of kefir. During the second day, we methodically destroy 400-500 g of low-fat cottage cheese. And on the third day we return to the bananas. A more satisfying option is designed for a week. On banana days, we supplement breakfast with yogurt, at lunch — with a boiled egg, and at dinner we allow ourselves to eat chicken breast. Cottage cheese days are diluted with grapefruits, apples or melon. We quench our thirst with ordinary water, fresh juices and fermented milk drinks. This diet is very nutritious, so it is easy to transfer it, which provided it with an honorable place in the ranking of the best diets for weight loss in 2015. But because of the scarcity of the diet, it can not be delayed, otherwise the body will begin to malfunction and take revenge by exacerbating chronic diseases.

White, which makes you slimmer

Пять популярных диет 2015 года

Strictly speaking, the protein diet in 2015 is not a novelty, which does not prevent it from remaining in fashion. As you might guess, the focus here is on protein foods: meat, fish, cottage cheese and eggs. At the same time, the proportion of fat in it should be minimal. In order not to get bored, we supplement the proteins with fruits, but not bananas, grapes and apricots. They contain carbohydrates that will reduce the effort to nothing. Vegetables in fresh, boiled and baked form are welcome, with the exception of carbohydrate potatoes. An important caveat: proteins and vegetables with fruits are divided into different meals, which should be at least five during the day. Along with this, we drink water with lemon, mineral water without gas and unsweetened tea. The protein diet is designed for 7-10 days, in each of which you can lose a kilogram. Prolongation can cause a sharp deterioration in health, hit the kidneys and cause the development of diabetes.

Buckwheat Test  

Пять популярных диет 2015 года

Buckwheat diet for weight loss — the best in the list of mono-diets. All thanks to buckwheat with its perfect balance of carbohydrates, fats and proteins, high nutritional value and the ability to remove waste products from the body. As a result-minus 10 kg in a week. At the same time, we do not cook the cereals, but steam them. Pour 200 g of buckwheat 500 ml of boiling water without salt and spices, insist all night and eat during the day. Since few people are willing to eat “naked” porridge for several days in a row, there are two sparing options for the diet. In the first case, we alternate between cereals and 500 ml of low-fat kefir instead of snacks. In the second — we enjoy buckwheat and 150 g of dried fruits in the same mode. Remember, the last meal is completed 5 hours before bedtime. If it becomes unbearable, it will save a glass of kefir. But you can drink water and green tea in any quantity. The buckwheat diet lasts a maximum of 7 days. With stomach ulcers, diabetes and hypertension, it is better to refrain from it.

Before choosing a diet, be sure to consult your doctor and carefully read the reviews of those who have experienced it for themselves. Do not forget, a healthy and happy body is more important than the most seductive forms. 


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