Which sport to choose?
Full of motivation to play sports? Go for it. There are only advantages: improvement of breath, digestion, sleep. It’s also a great boost to clear your head, deal with stress, and lose weight. But to last over time, at each its own pace.
Finding the right sport activity
Priority n ° 1: have fun. Don’t rush, try out several activities before committing. It is usually possible to do a trial session, or even register for one or two months only. Just to be sure you made the right choice. You can also ask your doctor for advice : some sports may be contraindicated if you suffer from back pain, for example. Go for practicality : a room near your office or home. Then set your goals. Need to let off steam? Try Zumba® or a combat sport. Do you want to build muscle gently? Pilates®, dance or yoga are ideal. To erase cellulite, say yes to Aquabiking® or swimming. If you prefer to practice solo, consider biking, brisk walking, or jogging. But be aware that in a gym, you can benefit from personalized follow-up. Other advantages: several activities to test and often state-of-the-art equipment. If you want better follow-up, opt for a home sports coach, but it’s a real budget! In all cases, the right pace is a 45-minute lesson. For more efficiency, it is recommended to combine two sports activities during the week, one of which focuses on “cardio” – cycling, running … To stay motivated, set achievable goals. Start with one class per week, walk or swim for about XNUMX minutes. Then gradually increase the frequency and intensity.
Sport: do like the pros
Before each session, warm up to prepare your body and avoid strains. Afterwards, walk to slow down the heart rate and stretch to avoid stiffness. Drink regularly before, during (if you feel the need) and after the effort. This makes it possible to compensate for the water losses due to perspiration, but also to eliminate the toxins released and thus avoid cramps. Prefer water rich in magnesium, calcium … because sweating causes a loss of minerals. Another tip, drinking sparkling water after exercise helps reduce muscle fatigue and promotes recovery.
Food and equipment suitable for playing sports
To boost your performance, take care of your diet. For breakfast: yogurt, fruit and unsweetened muesli or wholemeal bread. At lunch: starchy foods – the keys to energy – and proteins (in moderate quantities), which are very important for the muscles. Before a session, avoid sweets, they cause bar ups, and fatty foods, difficult to digest. And it is better not to eat at least two hours before exercising. After the effort, recharge the batteries with a handful of dried fruits.
Finally, having quality equipment is essential. Invest in trainers suitable for your sport to avoid hurting your back. And to stay motivated, why not buy a pedometer or a connected bracelet that will count your steps, the distance covered and even the number of calories burned? You are now ready to go!