El brachial bicepsGenerally known only as the biceps, it is the muscle of the front part of the arm whose main function is the flexion of the arm and the mobility of the arm. With the fixed elbow, it acts on the shoulder girdle while with the free elbow, it produces supination of the forearm. With the forearm fixed, it produces flexion of the elbow since it is the primary motor of anterior flexion and in external rotation of the shoulder its main motor is to be the primary motor of abduction.
It is made up of two portions, one short or internal and the other, called long or external. Both of them muscle bellies they join in a common tendon in the radius, specifically in the bicipital tuberosity of the same.
Along with the quadriceps or abdominals, the biceps are muscles that attract a lot of attention among those who train since they are very lucid. Nevertheless, it is not about training them in isolation since it can favor injuries of the biceps themselves or of their antagonist muscle, that is, of the triceps.
When planning training, it is essential to do it in such a way as to avoid muscular imbalance in any case. It is not something that is easily noticed but it can cause postural problems. When a movement is performed, the body creates a neuromuscular pattern associated and with repetition becomes more and more efficient with the dominant muscle For this reason, the rest of the muscles tend to underuse, favoring their inhibition and thus entering a vicious circle in which the more developed muscle works more and more and the less developed is also inhibited more and more.
The way to avoid this in training is to seek balance so that for each elbow flexion exercise that is introduced, it is compensated with another elbow extension.
- Biceps with Z bar: with this bar it is achieved that the wrists and elbows suffer less by reducing the work of the forearms, thus concentrating on the biceps.
- Biceps with straight bar and wide grip: it works especially the short portion of the biceps which favors the appearance of greater volume.
- Bicep Curl: Sitting on the bench and with dumbbells, it is recommended that the backrest be slightly inclined to avoid back problems.
- Dominated with supine grip: lifting your own body, it is a very powerful bicep exercise.
- Elbow separated from the body: If the elbow bend is done like this, instead of the biceps, the main work will be done by the shoulders and forearms. Keep your elbows close to your body to optimize your bicep workout.
- Balance: The biceps is made up of two bodies and it is important to train both in a balanced way.
- Excess: Too much workload can be counterproductive due to overload.
- Range of motion: To work the entire muscle and optimize results, the maximum range of motion must be sought.