Fish oil: composition, benefits. Video
Although there is scientific evidence that fish oil helps in the treatment and prevention of a variety of diseases, like all dietary supplements, this product is not a panacea and has some side effects.
For the first time, scientists started talking about the benefits of fish oil after researching the health of the Inuit tribe living in Greenland. The representatives of this people turned out to have a surprisingly strong, healthy heart, despite the fact that their diet was based on exceptionally fatty fish. Further research has shown that this fat contains omega-3 fatty acids, which bring undeniable benefits to the cardiovascular system. Since then, scientists have found more and more evidence that fish oil can help prevent many health problems or promote recovery from a number of diseases.
Fish oil supplements have been around for decades. Once upon a time, liquid fish oil with an unpleasant fishy smell was a nightmare for children, into whom their parents delightedly poured a healthy product. Now it is enough to take a small capsule.
These supplements are typically made from:
- mackerel
- cod
- herring
- tuna fish
- salmon
- paltusa
- whale oil
Fish oil capsules often also contain calcium, iron and vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, C or D
Fish oil is useful not only for preventing diseases of the cardiovascular system, it has gained a reputation as “food for the brain”, so doctors recommend using it in the fight against depression, psychosis, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, Alzheimer’s disease. Fish oil is good for the eyes and helps prevent glaucoma and age-related molecular degeneration. Women can take fish oil to prevent soreness during menstruation and to avoid complications during pregnancy. Research confirms that fish oil is essential for the development of the brain and bone structure of the fetus.
Fish oil is recommended for patients with diabetes, asthma, dyslexia, osteoporosis, kidney disease, and impaired coordination of movements.
It is not recommended to take more than 3 g of fish oil per day
Side effects and contraindications
One of the well-known side effects of taking fish oil is an overdose of heavy metals such as arsenic, cadmium, lead, and mercury. Although this particular harm from a dietary supplement is best known, it is one of the easiest to avoid. You should not buy cheap fish oil preparations, the manufacturers of which do not pay due attention to the chemical control of the processed fish.
Unpleasant side effects from fish oil – belching, diarrhea, heartburn – are associated either with an overdose or with an individual intolerance to the product
Fish oil that you take for several months in a row can cause vitamin E deficiency and vitamin D hypervitaminosis. Omega-3 fatty acids can increase the risk of bleeding and lower blood pressure in patients with ventricular tachycardia, affect blood sugar levels, and contribute to hemolytic anemia, increase the risk of colon cancer. Modern scientists recommend that you consult your doctor before taking fish oil.