First outings with baby: the 10 questions we ask ourselves

“When can I start taking my baby out?”

If the nursery nurse and the pediatrician have found the baby “good for leaving” the maternity ward, nothing stands in the way of a little walk, from the first days. But it must fit naturally into our schedule: we give ourselves the time to breathe, to find our bearings and to organize our days and those of this little boy who has just landed on Earth. No need to take it out every day as a matter of principle: the ride must remain a pleasure.

“How long should the first walks last?”

A few days old, a baby gets tired extremely quickly: so we start with 15 to 20 minutes, while going for bread or newspaper, before moving on to an hour-long walk. This is a maximum in the first few weeks, and anyway there is little more time between two phases of sleep, once you have fed and changed.

“Can I take my baby when I go shopping?”

Yes, to go to the corner supermarket, not to push the weekly shopping cart in a supermarket. Heat and noise can exhaust baby. We are also wary, because the ventilation of these department stores is a sinkhole for microbes. And then it is rather not recommended to put the Maxi-cozy on a supermarket trolley: many accidents have occurred.

“What about rides in a baby carrier?”

Belly baby carriers are well suited to infants (from 3,5 kg and up to 7,75 kg): tight against us, it is usually quick to fall asleep. We do not abuse it for all that, because it will always be better when lying down. On the other hand, back baby carriers can only be used when he knows how to sit (around 6-7 months). In both cases, be careful, because our baby will be motionless, his hands and feet will therefore get cold very quickly.

“Which model of baby carrier to choose?”

The baby carrier must have wide straps (at least 4 cm) well padded so as not to saw our shoulders. The ideal: cross straps in the back which allow the child’s weight to be evenly distributed. For the comfort of our baby, we choose a good model quilted, with a high headrest and enveloping which ensures a good support of the back and the head: this one must absolutely not toss while walking.

“Should I invest in a pram to walk my baby?”

From birth until the moment he sits down, the pram is perfect for the walk. The child can sleep there as comfortably as in his bed. And in winter, the pram protects him from the cold. Some carrycots also serve as a car bed, invaluable during long journeys by car. If we really want to make it profitable, we choose a combined model that is also a stroller, and we then check that the accessories (hood, footmuff, etc.) fit in both cases.

“If I don’t have a pram, can I take my baby out in a stroller from the first months?”

Yes, if the backrest can fully recline when lying down and if the hammock is comfortable and well enveloping. In winter, we cover baby with a chancellor and we add a hood. Before 6 months, as long as he is not seated, there is no question of putting him in a stroller that does not recline.

“What is an infant stroller?”

The so-called “first age” strollers extend completely so that the baby can sleep in them comfortably. It has sides well raised up to the level of the head. Well equipped with accessories such as the angel’s nest and the footmuff, it can replace the pram.

“When is walking really contraindicated for a baby?”

If he’s been sick, the doctor will certainly advise us to wait a day or two to take it out. Wind and cold are not a problem if it is well covered, but we avoid going out if it is raining or if there is fog.

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