First blood donation: the complete guide!

To find a collection point, nothing could be simpler. The EFS has set up an interactive map that allows you to find a fixed (donation house) or mobile collection point with just one click. You return to the city from your home, workplace, vacation spot… and voila! To access the map of fixed and mobile collection points nearby, go to this address: You can also find this card on the “Blood donation” application to download on a smartphone or tablet.
Check the main contraindications to donation
I am between 18 and 70 years old, I weigh more than 50 kg, I am in good health and want to donate blood. Am I eligible? It is recommended that you ask yourself this question before going to a collection point. You should know that blood donation is an act framed by rules that ensure the safety of the donor as that of the recipients. Thus, certain contraindications to donation exist, but be aware that the vast majority of postponements are temporary. You will be able to donate blood within a few weeks to a few months.
Here are some examples :
- Antibiotic treatment in progress or stopped for less than 2 weeks;
- Infection or fever over 38 ° C less than 2 weeks old;
- Vaccine less than 4 weeks old (BCG, yellow fever, measles, rubella, mumps);
- Surgical intervention in the last 4 months;
- Tattoos or piercings (including earrings) less than 4 months old;
- Have had more than one sexual partner in the past 4 months;
- A recent trip to a country where malaria is rife …
Before going to a collection point, an eligibility test covering the main contraindications is available online. Test your eligibility in less than 2 minutes by following this link: Note that only the authorized health professional can establish your donation suitability at all collection points. The safety of donors and recipients is a priority!
Your blood donation in 4 steps
Direction the collection point. The donor’s journey is very simple, structured in 4 stages and only lasts one hour:
1. Welcome by a member of the EFS or a volunteer. You fill out a questionnaire on your state of health and your lifestyle, requiring simple answers (Yes / No / Don’t know). A secretary registers your file.
2. Pre-donation interview with a health professional who will review the completed questionnaire with you and help you complete it if necessary. The healthcare professional is responsible for determining your suitability for donation (i.e. donation that is safe for you and the patients who will receive the blood products from your donation).
3. Sampling under the supervision of a nurse after checking the hemoglobin level (main constituent of red blood cells) which must be sufficient. The sample lasts about ten minutes during which 420ml to 480ml of blood will be collected. ;
4. A + break including snack and instant rest of at least 20 minutes in the presence of EFS staff and other donors.
Solidarity, sharing and conviviality are the key words for blood donation! In the hours following a donation, remember to hydrate yourself well and avoid any strenuous physical exertion. The blood volume collected will quickly be reconstituted. You will be able to donate again within a minimum of 8 weeks (maximum 4 times per year for women and 6 times per year maximum for men).
Download the application to find the closest collection point to you with just one click.