
Nowadays, we already know that just as a woman may like to have sex often and change partners, a man may not feel like having sex. However, there are some general principles that govern the male and female libido. It is worth getting to know them to get along better in a relationship and get more pleasure from sex.
In the case of men, a small impulse is often enough to trigger thoughts about sex – a thought, a photo or a sight of a woman on the street. Many men feel like throwing themselves at their partner right after getting out of bed or right after coming home from work. This is due to the fact that the male libido makes a man satisfy his sex drive in the fastest possible way. Hence, for men, it is not always important where and how they will have sex, but the very fact of intercourse is more important. Statistically, men are able to achieve sexual satisfaction in a few minutes and sometimes a few seconds. For most women, it’s way too short for anything to come out of an intimate encounter.
The mood matters
For women, libido is based more on emotion and less on physiology. This can be seen in the two-gender approach to pornography. Gentlemen need a few seconds of video to be satisfied, while women need a longer, more complex story that has a chance to draw them in and interest them. What counts for them is the partner’s approach to the partner, the place where they have sex, their clothes, mood or music, as well as the degree of probability associated with the scenario seen in the film. Therefore, for some women, the movies their partners love, in which a plumber “throws himself” at a strange woman who opens the door for him, are unacceptable. It is against this background that there are often misunderstandings between the sexes in bed, because men do not realize that such a trifle as light, an ill-considered word or ugly bedding can kill a woman’s desire for sex.
Let’s stay close
Women have a greater need for intimacy. The most important thing is who they will be in bed with and to achieve satisfaction they often do not need to change positions or gadgets, only a romantic atmosphere. This does not mean that they will be satisfied with monotony. However, for most women, mood can be more important than sex toys. Meanwhile, men are visual creatures whose libido can be stimulated by the mere sight of a partner’s naked body, high heels, underwear or an erotic gadget.