Aphthous ulcers in children have completely different causes than those faced by their parents. However, there is a connection between whether mum and dad suffer from canker sores and whether they appear in children. How can you fight canker sores in children?Thrush is a painful, red eczema usually located inside the mouth. It is accompanied by pain, and if the child accidentally bites through the afta – also burning and bleeding. Aphtha may be associated with a white coating at the site of occurrence. When a child has aphthae in their mouth, they may be fussy and reluctant to eat or drink – hot drinks can make symptoms worse. In young children, the symptom of the appearance of aphthae will be reluctance to eat, crying and pointing the child to the sore spot.
Learn to brush well
Aphthae they are often the result of natural damage to the oral cavity in young children. They are caused by improper brushing or biting of objects, combined with the sensitive skin inside the child’s mouth. In order to prevent them, it is worth teaching the child good habits, i.e. caution when biting and playing, which will help prevent damage to the epithelium inside the mouth. It happens that aphthae are formed because the herpes virus gets into the microdamage in the mouth. Therefore, parents prone to herpes should use pharmacy preparations for herpes and follow the rules of hygieneespecially when dealing with children. Children are most likely to get the virus from their parents.
Vitamins and parental health
Aphthae are more common in children whose parents also have them. They are also often the first symptom or side effect of a cold, because the appearance of aft is associated with reduced immunity and weakening of the body. Therefore, if our child has aphthae, first of all, we should take care of a proper diet. It should include more fruits and vegetables and less processed products – it is best to eliminate chips and fast food from the diet completely for the duration of therapy. For this, it is worth reaching for vitamin preparations aimed specifically at children. Pay attention to their natural composition, because cheap and pharmacy vitamins often contain preservatives, dyes, flavors, sugar and anti-caking agents that can reduce immunity and increase the risk of aft. The greatest attention should be paid to increasing the share of ingredients such as iron and magnesium in the diet. They can be found in meat, dairy, spinach and legumes.