What is this procedure? Why did they start talking about her in Russia? Let’s talk briefly and to the point.
In 2009, the film “Desert Flower” was released based on the book of the world-famous model and public figure Varis Dirie. For the first time, the existence of female circumcision was spoken so loudly. Using the example of the main character (young Varis, girls from the Somali clan of nomads), the audience was told about the peculiarities of the ritual and its monstrous consequences. The world was shocked. True, after a few years, only the voices of Dirie herself and her like-minded people continued to urge people to pay attention to a problem so important for women.
And no one could have thought that the topic of female circumcision would ever become widely discussed here, in Russia … On the occasion of Wday.ru, I prepared answers to the five most popular questions concerning such a delicate topic.
The film “Desert Flower” was based on the autobiographical book of the same name by Varis Dirie
Who decided to raise the problem in our country?
For the first time, female circumcision became widely discussed in the summer of 2016. After the publication of the report of the organization “Legal Initiative”, State Duma deputies even introduced a bill on the introduction of criminal liability for female genital mutilation. The people’s representatives proposed to punish such discrimination committed on religious grounds with imprisonment for a term of 5 to 10 years.
Today the problem has again acquired its relevance in connection with the reports of the Georgian media. According to journalists, at the end of 2016 it turned out that girls from several local villages, in which Islam is practiced, are still being circumcised. As a matter of urgency, amendments to the Criminal Code were developed correctly, according to which the introduction of criminal penalties for the procedure was provided.
Is this really relevant for Russia as well?
According to the “Legal Initiative”, in the world about several million girls and women have been subjected to mutilation – various kinds of religious rituals of genital mutilation. Female circumcision is common in Dagestan.
Still, what is female circumcision?
A ceremony in which the clitoris is removed for a future woman in infancy or at the age of 7 to 13 years. It is done in order to control sexuality and behavior, to preserve “purity”, that is, virginity before marriage.
How do doctors feel about the procedure?
All experts, without exception, believe that female genital mutilation causes terrible harm to health.
“Think for yourself, what is the medical justification for amputation of a healthy organ in a woman? He simply does not exist, – says Woman’s Day expert, obstetrician-gynecologist Dmitry Lubnin. “Therefore, female circumcision is nothing more than the infliction of grievous bodily harm, which is practiced mainly in African countries. This is the same as taking and cutting off one arm of a person. He can live without her! “
What harm does the procedure cause to the body?
“Such a ‘operation’ will have an extremely negative effect on the mental health of a woman and will contribute to the formation of neuroses. Circumcision done at the age of 9 is a trauma that a woman will carry through her whole life, – Dmitry Lubnin continues. – No doctor will carry out such a procedure, because they are all made “handicraft”, with terrible tools. This means that inflammation and even the development of blood poisoning is possible. “
Alesya Kuzmina, Lilya Belaya