Fear of people
If a person is afraid of people – specific groups or everyone in general, such a phobia can significantly ruin life. After all, we are in contact with hundreds of people every day. Why does such a phobia arise and what to do?

If people passing by cause panic attacks or intense fear, this is a serious phobic disorder. Such fear leads to isolation from society. And here the help of a specialist is important.

What is the name of the fear of people

The fear of people has its own scientific name – anthropophobia. This is a serious condition when the patient is afraid of literally every person. This concept should not be confused with social phobia – the fear of society, society, certain groups or mass gatherings of people. Anthropophobe fears a person as such.

Causes of fear of people in adults

So far, mental health experts cannot answer the question – where does such a phobia come from. All possible reasons are only theoretical, but psychiatrists agree on one thing – the problems lie deep in the subconscious, arising in childhood.

Anthropophobia can be provoked by various factors:

  • children’s grievances;
  • facts of violence against children;
  • strong fears, fear;
  • emotional turmoil.

At an early age, the psyche is vulnerable, children after such events behave in isolation, with age the problem worsens, phobic manifestations occur. In adulthood, it is difficult for such people to be surrounded by people, they are comfortable in complete solitude, fears and indecision arise, which only exacerbates the problems.

Although the foundations of a phobia are formed in childhood, they do not always manifest themselves. Psychiatrists believe that a provoking factor is needed that will raise panic and fear from the depths of the subconscious. Provocateurs include:

  • severe acute stress;
  • chronic overwork;
  • depressive disorders;
  • powerful mental shocks (with death of people, violence, murders).


Anthropophobia is more typical for residents of megacities, whose psyche is constantly tense due to the abundance of irritants. In the conditions of noise, bustle, constant interaction with people, it is difficult to allocate your personal space.

Symptoms of fear of people in adults

The severity of symptoms is different for each person, depending on the severity of provocateurs and individuality. There are a number of common manifestations that are typical of the fear of people. In one way or another, they can be found in most people with this phobia:

  • fear arising from the sight of any person with aversion to any touch, phrases or looks;
  • increased fear and panic in contact with strangers, refusal of any communication;
  • rejection of certain types of appearance or behavior – fat, drunk, bald, with a beard, dark skin, etc.

If the patient is forced to communicate with those people who cause his phobias, panic attacks may develop, which have characteristic signs:

  • a sharp increase in the frequency of heart contractions;
  • heavy sweating;
  • an attack of shortness of breath;
  • trembling of hands;
  • state of stupor;
  • diarrhea, abdominal pain;
  • dizziness attacks;
  • feeling short of breath;
  • speech disorders.

The patient feels that he is covered by an attack, can take measures to prevent it, calming himself. Often this manifests itself in the form of compulsive behavior – self-stroking, snapping fingers, stepping from foot to foot, muttering under his breath.

Treatment of fear of people in adults

In a mild form of phobia, the patient can cope with panic attacks by himself due to certain volitional efforts. But without adequate help, the condition tends to progress. There are different forms of anthropophobia, which you need to identify and choose the most effective treatment together with your doctor. This will help to interact normally with society.


Not all people who avoid communication can be attributed to anthropophobes (these can be problems in life, depression). Only a psychiatrist can make a diagnosis based on the criteria and specific characteristics of the disease. The basis of diagnosis is an examination of a person and a detailed conversation with him. We also need conversations with relatives and friends of the patient to clarify the characteristics of behavior, living conditions.

In the presence of panic attacks, instrumental studies are needed to determine the severity of the condition – ECG, MRI or CT for the state of the vascular bed.
Alexander PyatnitskyPsychiatrist, psychotherapist

Modern treatments

In such a situation, working with a psychiatrist – methods of psychotherapy can help. In addition, the work of the patient himself and his relatives on emotional unloading, the consciousness of a calm stop is important. Breathing practices, relaxation techniques, physiotherapy, distraction methods that help prevent a panic attack will help. Phytopreparations can help to calm down – tablets of valerian, motherwort.

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The doctor may prescribe nootropic drugs – Mexidol, Glycine, tranquilizers, antidepressants. Doses are selected strictly individually. It is important to avoid alcohol and psychostimulants, chocolate, spices.

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Also nominated:

  • psychoanalysis;
  • psychotherapy;
  • cognitive behavioral therapy.

Prevention of fear of people in adults at home

The basis for the prevention of this phobia is the upbringing of a child in a normal social environment, the formation of a harmonious personality. It is important to show love for a child, especially for a teenager, to show care. It is equally important to maintain trusting and friendly relations with children, not to humiliate their dignity, to criticize only objectively, to the point and not in a harsh manner. It is important to teach the child to cope with stress, to communicate with peers.

For adults, the basis of prevention is protection from stress and emotional overload.

Popular questions and answers

What is anthropophobia, what exactly are people afraid of, and how does this phobia differ from ordinary thoughts, hostile attitudes and hatred, that is, ordinary emotions? How to get rid of this fear and whether it is possible to treat this condition by ourselves, by non-traditional methods, he told us psychiatrist Alexander Pyatnitsky.

What exactly are anthropophobes afraid of and where does it come from?
Anthropophobia in the modern medical classification belongs to the group of social phobias. Only in the case of anthropophobia is the fear not only of being in a society of a large number of people, but even of one or more people.

This condition is manifested, firstly, in a powerful vegetative reaction of the body – trembling hands, palpitations, shortness of breath, nausea, and secondly, in avoiding social contacts.

The causes of anthropophobia are most often found in childhood or adolescence. These include the experience of physical or psychological abuse, strict upbringing with an abundance of criticism, comparisons, devaluation of the child, upbringing in families where one of the parents suffered from alcoholism.

Is it possible to get rid of a phobia, which doctor should I go to with such a problem?
You can get rid of anthropophobia. Although many people who suffer from it, believe that it is for life. To do this, first of all, you need to contact a psychotherapist. He will be able to diagnose and analyze the problem, offer optimal assistance strategies. Modern global standards of care for anthropophobia involve psychotherapeutic techniques and (if necessary) drug support.

Psychotherapy involves identifying and tracking the causes and mechanisms of this problem, working with distortions of thinking, gradual contact with problem situations, teaching self-regulation and relaxation skills.

Medicinal support helps at first to reduce the manifestations of fear and anxiety.

Does this phobia affect the ability to work?
Anthropophobia can often cause social maladjustment, as a person is afraid and avoids various job interviews, teamwork, interaction with colleagues and management.
Is it possible to heal yourself or with the help of non-traditional methods (dietary supplements, herbs, acupuncture, hypnosis)?
Often they try to get rid of such fears using a variety of non-traditional methods, they succumb to aggressive advertising of dietary supplements, acupuncture, osteopathy. It is important to understand that this can be fraught with a deterioration in the condition, at least I observe such situations regularly. Therefore, in the treatment should be trusted only to professionals – doctors!

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