Having chosen your favorite business, think about whether you have betrayed those who need you.
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A favorite thing is a thing to which you are drawn with pleasure, a thing from which you get joy. A favorite job is a job that you go to with pleasure, perform it qualitatively and complete it with satisfaction. The one who does just what he loves is not at all obliged to think, many people still need his business. «It’s my business! I like it and it feeds me — leave me alone! — and that’s it.
However, on the line of life meanings, a favorite thing is more than entertainment.
The meaning of life is what makes life worth living. Interests and incentives to live, goals in life, meanings of life, favorite business. Related concepts: Motive — for the sake of what a person does something, the main and usually perceived reason for behavior. That which explains the activity (behavior) of a person, gives it meaning.
People call business only that which has even a small, but universal meaning, in contrast to entertainment, which can only make sense for someone who has fun.
Picking your nose may be your favorite pastime, but it’s not called your favorite pastime. People will not pay money for picking someone’s nose, this is in no way demanded by anyone, so this is not the case.
On the other hand, a favorite thing is less than a life mission. A mission is like a favorite thing: if a person does something as his mission, he also does it with joy, he is inextricably drawn there, but calling this mission a favorite thing is inaccurate. It’s easy to give up on what you love, because it’s just a joy for me and no one else cares. And you can’t refuse a mission, because people need it and only you can do it.
However, here too you need to be careful. Many people call their favorite business their mission, sincerely believing that many people need their work, that it carries a universal meaning. For example, an artist likes to paint beautiful horses, maybe this is his illness, but he has faith that his Mission is to bring people the beauty of a horse. Such an artist will tell that humanity needs it, and most likely there will be those who will confirm it.
If a psychiatrist takes a closer look at such an artist, he will probably make a diagnosis and write in the medical history: the patient subordinated all his actions to the desire to paint pictures with horses and called it his Mission. The patient did not eat up, did not get enough sleep, did not pay attention to other people, and, guided by his Mission, completely left real life.
At the same time, it is quite possible that after his death, his paintings will be very popular. Well, so who is this artist with his Mission? A genius, a sick person, just an uninteresting person, who will evaluate and how? By what criteria? We venture to formulate the following proposition: if you do not think about people, do not think about who needs your creativity and act only from your inner impulses, your creativity may be needed by people, but the probability of this is low. Rather, it’s a coincidence. Someone’s creativity and someone’s work more often turns out to be necessary for people when the creator and author thinks not only about his own self-expression, but also about people, about what his work and work gives people. Thinking about people is good!