Little girls also want to be pretty and smart. True, they have fewer opportunities than adults. But you can please your daughter by making her a very simple but effective and fashionable hairstyle.
Long thick bright hair is a real gift. Unfortunately, nature distributes it very unevenly. But this does not mean at all that little Cinderella with colorless thin hair cannot turn into a princess. Take a stroll to your nearest haberdashery store and choose beautiful soft, narrow ribbons and eye-catching little hairpins. It can be invisible with different decorations, soft elastic bands with small flowers and butterflies. A shiny mesh is also suitable. And you can make a tiara made of artificial or even real flowers with your own hands. To do this, it is enough to take a beautiful flower, remove almost completely the stem, and screw the head to the invisible one with a piece of floral wire. The main thing is that the accessories are light and not very large. Trim your hair to avoid split ends and start fantasizing.
For long thick hair, both a wide nylon tape and large hairpins are suitable.
A simple tail is always beautiful. But here’s the trouble – thin short hair is not always possible to collect on the top of the head. And if you make several beams? For example, let one be on the top of the head, the other closer to the back of the head, and the rest where you like. Even adult women of fashion now wear such hairstyles, and they are all the more suitable for a little mischievous woman. And if you also tighten the bundles with multi-colored elastic bands with butterflies, ladybirds and flowers, it will turn out to be very interesting and fun. Original jewelry has one more advantage. It is very easy to recognize them among the accessories belonging to other children, and your little daughter will find her hairpins even after sleeping in kindergarten. With such a hairstyle, it’s not a shame to even come to kindergarten for graduation.
The next hairstyle for short hair is a beautiful wreath of plaits. It is best done from the temple. Tighten a small bun with a soft elastic band. Twist the tail several times. At some distance from the first bundle, make a second, tightening the tip of the first tail along with the new strand. With the rubber band of the third bundle, tighten the tip of the second – and so on in a circle. The last ponytail will turn out on a different temple, and then there will be nowhere to hide the curl.
You can simply twist it, and take an elastic band with some kind of decoration.
The traditional children’s hairstyle is a braid. There are many options. The girl will be happy to wear both a French braid and a “crown”. And if you try to weave braids in different directions? For example, make two French braids from the temples to the back of the head, and then join them together, leaving a small “ponytail”?
A spectacular hair clip at one of the temples will complete and give your princess a special elegance
The weaving pattern of such a braid is simple. Start with three small strands, and then gradually separate from the main mass and attach new ones to the outer strands. By the way, such pigtails can generally be woven in a spiral or in zigzags. Such hairstyles can be done even from very short hair.
A braid or tail looks best if decorated with a beautiful bow. But the child does not always have a positive attitude towards hard nylon tapes. So what? The ribbon does not have to be woven or pulled over the ponytail. You can make a spectacular bow and sew it on an elastic band. In this case, you can even use decorative stiff ribbons, which are usually used to tie up gifts. Match the color of the nylon and satin ribbon, align them in length.
It is better to cut off nylon and burn it, satin should be cut obliquely or with a corner, then it crumbles less
Add to them a few narrow synthetic ribbons, about twice as long. Tie all this with a double bow and sew to an elastic band or screw to an invisible one. Twist the synthetic rigid tapes with a curling iron. You can wear a different bow every day.