Family support allowance: for whom?
Do you have at least one dependent child and are you supporting them on your own? You may be entitled to the Family Support Allowance …
Family support allowance: conditions of attribution
The following can receive the Family Support Allowance (ASF):
- The single parents with at least one dependent child under the age of 20 (if he works, he must not receive a salary higher than 55% of the gross minimum wage);
- Anyone living alone, or in a couple, having taken in a child (you will of course have to prove that you support them).
- If the child is an orphan of father and / or mother, or if his other parent did not recognize him, you will automatically receive this help.
- If one or both parents are no longer involved in the maintenance of the child for at least two consecutive months.
You may be temporarily entitled to this allowance if:
- the other parent is unable to cope its maintenance obligation;
- the other parent does not, or only partially, the alimony fixed by judgment. The family support allowance will then be paid to you as an advance. After written agreement on your part, CAF will take action against the other parent to obtain payment of the pension;
- the other parent does not assume his maintenance obligation. The Family Support Allowance will be paid to you for 4 months. To receive more, and if you have no judgment, you will have to bring an action with the family court judge of the district court in your place of residence in order to fix alimony. If you have a judgment but that does not set a pension, you will have to initiate an action for review of the judgment with the same judge.
The amount of the family support allowance
The family support allowance is not subject to any means test. You will recieve :
- 95,52 euros per month, if you are on a partial rate
- 127,33 euros per month if you are at full rate
Where to apply?
All you need to do is complete an ASF form. Ask your Caf or download from the CAF website. Depending on the case, you can also contact the Mutualité sociale agricole (MSA).