These products we used to have and use daily. They are always there in our kitchen, but how much do we know about the usual sour cream, tomatoes, cheese, or sugar?
Tomato is a trendy and useful berry. It contains carotenoid pigment lycopene, which is a powerful antioxidant. But to reinforce the action of lycopene and strengthen the body’s protection, they should be combined with fat, preferably vegetable fat.
The most popular salad – a combination of tomatoes and cucumbers. However, this duet is not desirable for our bodies. In cucumber contains an enzyme that destroys ascorbic acid in the tomatoes.
Garlic has long been used as a powerful antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drug for colds, flu, diphtheria, dysentery, and other diseases. However, large amounts of garlic can become the most powerful toxin, poisoning the body.
Bell pepper
Bell pepper is a common ingredient in cooking. Still, it is so full of vitamins A and C, which ignore the pepper in your diet would be stupid. However, the highest concentration of vitamins in pepper stems, which we cut away, preparing the product for cooking.
Carrot insidious, despite its huge benefits. This vegetable should be excluded from the diet of smokers and workers in chemical companies, increasing the risk of lung cancer. But those who are indifferent to tobacco, on the contrary, it protects against tumors.
We learned that many industrial sugars and a sweet confection that are harmful to the body. But the reason a few people think. According to scientists’ findings, sugar lowers the immune system 17 (!) times. This does not apply to natural sugars that contain fruits and vegetables.
Nutritionists also strongly recommended a salt limit, especially if you’re trying to lose weight. Of course, no saltwater from the body goes faster and creates a feeling of quick weight loss. Actually, no salt threatened violations of electrolyte balance and loss of water of important vitamins and micronutrients. Therefore, the salt in the body is needed only in a limited number.
That tea is a source of antioxidants, useful for anyone and everyone; they know everything. And in the summer and not depriving themselves of the opportunity to have a cool drink with ice and fruits. However, hot tea in the heat can lower the body temperature and cool; iced tea does not possess such properties.
To cheer up, we used to drink coffee and immediately feel its effect. In fact, it is self-deception. Invigorating properties of coffee are opened only half an hour later when the Cup is empty. And ends in 6 hours, so there is no need to drink gallons of coffee to Wake up.
Cheese is a great source of protein, which is why it is in a large number of athletes eat. In fact, digesting protein the human body can only 35 grams – so much is 150 grams of cottage cheese. All that is over, just a waste of product.
Sour cream
Not many people know that the cream is a natural aphrodisiac that can increase testosterone in men and enhance estrogen production in women. Due to the high-fat content, it is better to limit the consumption of sour cream.