Eyelid blepharoplasty, or how to remove bags under the eyes

American scientists have discovered the true cause of the appearance of bags under the eyes with age. It turned out to be an overgrowth of adipose tissue in the eye socket.

Until now, plastic surgeons believed that “bags” are formed as a result of the sagging of the orbital septum, which holds the adipose tissue in the orbit, with the formation of a hernia under the lower eyelid. Therefore, the existing techniques of blepharoplasty – “lifting” the eyelids – are based on strengthening this septum.

For your information:

– Transconjunctival (seamless) blepharoplasty. Suitable for young patients with good skin elasticity. Hernias are removed through the conjunctiva.

– Classical (suture) blepharoplasty. An incision is made along the edge of the lower eyelid at the border of the eyelashes. The stitches are removed on the fourth day.

Scientists from the University of California at Los Angeles studied intraorbital adipose tissue of 40 people aged 12 to 80 using magnetic resonance imaging. It turned out that with age, its total amount increases, and excess fat is “squeezed out” under the lower eyelid, regardless of the density of the orbital septum. Based on the findings, work leader Sean Darcy recommends that plastic surgeons pay due attention to the partial excision of intraorbital adipose tissue, not limited to strengthening the orbital septum.

About 241 blepharoplasty procedures were performed in the United States last year, making this one of the most popular in plastic surgery.

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