Everything we don’t want to know about bees

Mankind has invented fertilizers and pesticides, but it has yet to develop a chemical that can successfully pollinate huge crops. Currently, bees pollinate about 80% of all fruits, vegetables and seeds cultivated in the United States.

We believed that honey was a by-product of the natural pollination of farmed bees. Did you know that the “wild cousins” of honey bees (such as bumblebees, earth bees) are much better pollinators? In addition, they are less susceptible to the harmful effects of ticks. Thus, they do not produce large amounts of honey.

To produce 450 grams of honey, a bee colony needs to “fly around” (approximately 55 miles) at a speed of 000 miles per hour. During a lifetime, a bee can produce about 15 teaspoon of honey, which is crucial for a hive during a difficult winter period. Another fact worth thinking about while sitting near a wax candle: for the production of 1 g of wax, bees. And the more we take from these small, industrious creatures (bee pollen, royal jelly, propolis), the harder they have to work and the more bees are needed. Unfortunately, agricultural bees have to be in an absolutely unnatural and stressful environment for them. Honey is excellent food… for bees.

The answer to the question of what will happen if the bees disappear seems to be just around the corner. Over the past few years, the stories of bee extinction and colony collapse syndrome have been covered by many respected publications such as The New York Times, Discovery News and others. Scientists are investigating why bees are declining and what we can do before it’s too late.


The University of Pennsylvania published a study in 2010 that found “unprecedented levels” of pesticides in US hives (If pesticides are present in beehives, do you think they are in honey?). Moreover, the US Environmental Protection Agency is aware of this.

— Mother Earth News, 2009

Ticks and viruses

Due to a weakened immune system (stress, pesticides, etc.), bees become more susceptible to viruses, fungal infections and mites. Many of these infestations are on the rise as the hives are transported from country to country, from one place to another.

Cell Phones

– ABC News

In addition to the influence of cell phones, pesticides and viruses, “commercial” agricultural bees, whether simple or organic (where their mortality is less, but still present), are kept in unnatural environments and conditions. No matter how small the animal, there should be no place for enslavement. Whether you buy farm honey or a well-known brand, you are contributing to the exploitation of bees for human consumption purposes. What is the process of “production” of honey?

  • Bees looking for a source of nectar
  • Having found a suitable flower, they are fixed on it and swallow nectar.

Not so bad… But let’s see what’s next.

  • There is a belching of nectar, in which it mixes with saliva and enzymes.
  • The bee swallows the nectar again, after which the belching occurs again and this is repeated several times.

If we saw this process in action, wouldn’t we lose the desire to spread honey on our morning toast? While some will object, “So what?”, the fact remains that honey is a mixture of saliva and regurgitated “food” from bees.

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