Estimator’s Day 2023: the history and traditions of the holiday
Some professional holidays are well-known and even have official status. But few people have heard of the Day of the Estimator. What are the history and traditions of this holiday in 2023?

An estimate is a calculation of all types of costs (financial, material, time) before performing various work. Drawing up an estimate precedes all construction, restoration, repair, restoration, improvement work and many others. It is a necessary part of any procurement project, a subtle but essential activity. It is complex, painstaking, requires special knowledge, as well as attention, perseverance, and responsibility.

When is Counting Day celebrated?

Estimators celebrate their professional holiday every year 26 April.

history of the holiday

The choice of date is not accidental. It was on April 26, 2000 that the State Estimated Standards (GESN – State Elemental Estimated Norms) were adopted. They underlie all estimates and represent a collection of more than fifty collections of various types of work.

The initiator of the creation of the holiday was the group of companies “Adept”, which is the largest supplier of software for estimators, as well as the organizer of the “Best estimator” contest.

Holiday traditions

To date, this holiday has no official status. But in organizations where there is a position of an estimator, congratulations are held for employees, corporate parties, awards and letters of thanks are awarded.

Profession: estimator

What qualities and knowledge are required in the performance of estimates? Of course, engineering (the estimator must be confident in the materials and technologies used in the project), as well as economic. It is their combination that allows the most competent and accurate calculations. In addition to education, the estimator will need experience, attentiveness, and the ability to search for information, because he needs to choose the best option. You also need skills in working with specialized computer programs. The specialist should be familiar with the latest pricing documents. In the process, you have to interact with a variety of people, and therefore the skill of negotiating and knowledge of psychology will come in handy. In fact, the estimator is an engineer and an economist rolled into one, a unique and irreplaceable specialist.

It is the estimator who makes calculations of the upcoming costs for rent, purchase of materials or equipment, its maintenance, purchase of spare parts and consumables. He also calculates labor costs and the amount of payments to employees, whether it be wages or payments under work contracts. The drafting of projects begins with an assessment of costs, opportunities for minimizing costs, and the entire material component depends on the quality of the work of the estimator.

This is not at all boring routine work, as it might seem at first glance. Every new project requires a deep dive. Experienced estimators compare this to the small life they live while working on a task. Working time is occupied by the preparation of estimates, their verification and coordination. And the result is a document with specific data, justifications and explanations.

The position of the estimator is not available everywhere, some resort to the services of third-party organizations. In addition to working at an enterprise or a specialized company, estimators can work independently, but in this case they will have to look for customers themselves.

A large number of such specialists are employed by construction contractors. Estimators also work in design organizations, public authorities and control and financial authorities, examination bodies, investment organizations, organizations that perform the functions of customers-builders and others.

If you are attracted to this profession, you can get a construction, engineering or economic education. Short-term specialized courses will not be superfluous.

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