Enter multiple rows in one Excel cell

If you need to insert a large amount of text into one Excel cell, then it will be a great solution to arrange it in several lines. But how? After all, when you enter text into a cell, it is located on one line, no matter how long it is. Next, we’ll demonstrate how you can insert more than one line of text into any cell in an Excel worksheet.

5 Steps to Improved Data Composition

Suppose your table has a column with names that are spelled out in full. You want to make sure that the first and last names are on different lines. The following simple steps will help you specify exactly where line breaks should go:

  • Click on the cell where you want to enter multiple lines of text.
  • Enter the first line.
  • Press combination Alt+Enterto create another row in the cell.Click Alt + Enter a few more times to move the cursor to where you want to enter the next line of text.
  • Enter the next line of text.
  • To finish entering, press Enter.

Remember the key combination well Alt + Enter, with it you can insert line breaks anywhere you want in a cell, regardless of its width.

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