Embryo implantation – symptoms, course and duration of implantation

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Embryo implantation, also known as implantation, is the moment when the fertilized egg finds a safe place in the uterine mucosa. Many women wonder how the implantation process takes place and how long it takes for the embryo to reach the uterus. It turns out that the matter is purely individual, but there are certain universal terms and rules.

What is the implantation of an embryo?

What happens between the fertilization of the egg and the implantation of the embryo in the uterus can be determined by a very complicated, albeit relatively short, process. The connection of the egg with the sperm usually takes place in the fallopian tube. This is how a zygote is formed that begins its journey from the fallopian tube to the uterus. During this journey, the zygote is subject to numerous divisions. A zygote in the morula stage produces a blastocyst when the fetus resembles a mulberry fruit. It differs into two layers. The outer one later becomes the placenta, while the inner one becomes the embryo and then the fetus. Before implanting in the uterus, the embryo produces many proteins, including, for example, the chorionic gonadotropin, or hCG. This hormone is recognized in pregnancy tests. The embryo travels the rest of the way to the uterus where it is implanted and continues to develop until the day of birth.

How long does it take for the embryo to implant in the uterus?

The duration of the embryo’s implantation in the uterus is an individual matter for every woman who prepares to become a mother. On average, it is estimated that the implantation of the embryo takes place between the 6th and 12th day of embryo development. The nesting process takes several days. The embryo usually implants on the back wall of the uterus, where it finds a warm and safe shelter for the next 9 months.

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Embryo implantation – symptoms

Symptoms of embryo implantation in the uterus are very diverse. It is worth mentioning that in some women the implantation is asymptomatic, so that future mothers are not even aware of their pregnancy. The symptoms of embryo implantation are most often observed by those women who are trying for a child and look for every slightest signal that could indicate the fertilization and implantation of the embryo. Symptoms that may appear at the time of implantation include:

  1. slight spotting – occurs as a result of damage to the blood vessel wall at the time of implantation of the embryo. Many women confuse spotting with menstruation. In the case of pregnancy spotting, there is much less blood, the spotting does not last longer than 3 days, there is no pain in the lower abdomen, characteristic of the period, and there are no clots in the blood;
  2. uterine contractions – next to spotting, uterine contractions are the most common symptom of embryo implantation. The contractions should be very gentle;
  3. nausea;
  4. breast swelling;
  5. pressure on the bladder;
  6. enhanced sense of smells;
  7. mood swings caused by the action of hormonal changes.

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