For a long time, it never occurred to anyone to eat bran. And today they are recognized as a real health product, have received the approval of doctors and nutritionists and have taken a strong place in the ratings of the most useful products. What is so good about bran? Why is it important to include them in your daily diet? How to use them correctly? The company “Biocor”, specializing in the production of healthy food products, will help us to understand all the subtleties.
The shell is worth its weight in gold
In essence, bran is a by-product of flour milling. This is the same hard protective shell that covers the wheat grains. If it is not removed, the flour will lose its snow-white color. At the same time, it is in this shell that the maximum amount of useful and absolutely irreplaceable nutrients is concentrated.
Wheat bran is a rich storehouse of fiber, vitamins B, E, PP, as well as potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc and selenium. However, bran is made not only from wheat, rye and oat bran are also popular, which store a huge benefit for the health of the body. So, rye produces a tonic and tonic effect, improves metabolic processes. Oats nutritionists call the ideal cereal for weight loss, because it accelerates lipid metabolism and helps fats to be better absorbed.
The most important component of any bran is fiber, the content of which in them reaches 40 %. It is she who instantly quenches her hunger. Once in the stomach, it swells and creates a pleasant feeling of fullness until the next meal. Another valuable element of bran is beta-glucan. It binds and removes fatty acids, thereby normalizing cholesterol levels. B vitamins are important participants in the metabolic processes through which the body assimilates useful substances.
The line of crunchy bran “Lito” from the Company “Biocor” includes products that are additionally enriched with calcium, lecithin and probiotics. Interesting taste notes are given to them by additives in the form of sea cabbage, beetroot, carrot, apple. And all this is natural dried vegetables and fruits, and not synthetic flavor enhancers.
The nutritional value of bran ranges from 160 to 340 kcal, where the main share is accounted for by fiber, vegetable proteins and carbohydrates, while the fat content in them is extremely low — only about 4 g per 100 g of product.
The useful properties of bran are impressive. Thus, fiber plays an important role in the digestive processes: it nourishes the intestinal mucosa, improves peristalsis, and stimulates the production of various enzymes and bile. Therefore, bran can be used as a prevention of constipation.
The unique balanced composition makes bran an optimal dietary product. As we have already found out, they allow you to adjust the metabolism. In addition, they act as a powerful sponge, absorbing and painlessly removing fats, toxins, carcinogens and other food “garbage”from the body. This is a win-win product for the menu of all kinds of diets and fasting days.
Bran also has other hidden abilities. They slow down the process of sugar absorption and starch breakdown, and therefore will be very useful in diabetes. Also, dietary fiber helps to reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood and is actively involved in the formation of a favorable intestinal microflora. It is no coincidence that doctors recommend using bran to prevent and combat the consequences of dysbiosis.
The cosmetic “effect” of bran is widely known. With regular use, they help to improve the condition of the skin, nails and hair. By the way, they can not only be eaten, but also make home-made cosmetic masks and wraps with a scrubbing effect for deep cleansing and nutrition.
However, it is extremely important to take into account the existing contraindications. Bran is strictly prohibited for acute colitis, diarrhea, peptic ulcer disease, gastritis, as well as the presence of adhesions in the abdominal cavity. Before you include them in your daily diet, it is advisable to consult a doctor.
With health benefits
Most often, bran is made in two types: finely ground and granulated. Each of these products is already ready for use. Powdered bran is very convenient to add to different dishes. Granulated bran is used as a healthy snack or an independent meal.
Measure the required amount of bran, pour kefir, fermented milk or drinking yogurt without fillers, mix well and let it brew for 5-10 minutes. You can add sweets by adding pieces of fresh and dried fruits, berries, honey or maple syrup. Bran goes well with fresh juices, homemade fruit drinks and compotes without sugar. To enhance the dietary effect, you can put a pinch of cinnamon, turmeric or ground ginger.
Doctors recommend starting acquaintance with bran with 1-2 tsp. a day and carefully monitor the sensations and reaction of the body. In this case, the bran must be washed down with a large amount of liquid. After a week, the volume of the daily portion can be gradually increased to 50-60 g. Of course, you should not eat more than a kilogram of bran during the week.
Another advantage of bran-they are perfectly combined with a variety of products. Bran is suitable for the role of breading for cutlets and meatballs. They will successfully replace rice in stuffed dishes and meatballs, and semolina in cottage cheese casseroles and desserts. Some housewives put bran in soups, salads, hot fish and meat dishes or sauces to them. Ground bran makes delicious homemade bread, buns, muffins, pancakes, pancakes, cookies and any other baked goods. Wherever you add bran, each dish will sound new and become much healthier.
Bran is the most valuable product of natural origin, available to us at any time of the year. Thanks to it, the daily diet will be balanced and complete. Of course, bran is not a panacea, but with proper and regular use, they have a beneficial effect on the entire body and serve as a prevention of various diseases.
You can learn more about the crispy bran “Lito” by visiting the special project page.