Eight sexual behaviors that define what each person is like in bed
Familiar, homelike, loving, disinterested, passionate, functional, explorer and lucid are the eight sexual profiles defined by the Sex360 project, developed by a multidisciplinary team

For some people their main motivation for sex is to have fun, for others it implies a demonstration of love and commitment and for others it may even be something expendable, something that they are not particularly interested in. Each of them has a different behavior that, according to the Sex360 project team, can fit into a specific sexual profile. This project, developed by researchers in the fields of urology, gynecology, anthropology and sexology, has defined eight profiles: familiar, homely, loving, disinterested, passionate, functional, explorer and playful.
To define these profiles, the researchers of the Sex360 project launched a questionnaire four years ago (in which more than 12.000 people participated) that allowed them to reach
a consensus and determine that sexuality responds to motivations, that is, to internal or external gains. In fact, the eight profiles of sexual behavior defined by this project are based on the division of the tradition-innovation axis and the like-dislike axis (I like it or I dislike it), although they clarify that they included questions that allow applying corrections and counterweights to limit the response segos.
To date, as the questionnaire is still active and continues to collect data, the most common profiles are the loving, the passional and playful.
So is each profile
- The love profile includes those who enjoy sex with the person they love and feel that, without love, sex is not full.
- The passionate profile includes those who enjoy sex with the right person at the right time.
- The functional profile includes those who believe that sex is not having fun, but a way of relating to a person on other levels.
- The playful profile includes those who think that their main motivation for having sex with someone is that they have a good time.
- The explorer profile unifies the idea of enjoying sex and experiencing ways of relating to another person through sex or not.
- The home profile is the one that gathers a traditional vision about sex from those who see it as a demonstration of love and commitment.
- The family profile includes those who see sex as a means to have children and reproduce.
- The disinterested profile is not particularly attracted to sex because it is not something in which it interests.
People with a family, home and loving sexual profile therefore have a more traditional conception of sex than functional, explorer and playful profiles. At the same time, the loving, passionate and playful profile show more sex in their relationships. Even so, Eduard García, urologist and expert in male sexual health who is one of the promoters of Sex360, specifies that none is better than another, that is, that there are no good or bad profilesBut there can be happy people, sexually speaking, in all of them, but also unhappy people. “The important thing is not to have the correct profile, the important thing is to feel happy sexually,” he clarifies.
On this point, however, it does clarify that through the study the researchers have been able to deduce that some profiles are sexually happier than others and that the education that each person receives throughout their lives directly influences sexual happiness. However, as García explains, “the profiles evolve over time and can also change depending on the sexual partner we have.”
Another aspect that has been concluded in the research is that clearly we do not fit in sexually with everyone and that with some people we fit in much better than with others, which is why they explain that tools such as the ones they have developed in their Sex360 model («that must be reviewed by the scientific community and validated by the administration in a real-life environment, as clarified in the paper ‘A multidisciplinary approach to sexual behavior profiles: The Sex360 Model’) can help to better choose, know each other and have higher quality and healthier sex.
This is how the study was done
The Sex360 project has been developed with Delphi’s real-time methodology, which allows obtaining results anonymously, thus making Big Data a tool to find the answers on social behavior that we still do not know. In turn, the research group is made up of Eduard García, urologist and expert in male sexual health; Mónica González, gynecologist; Diana Marre, expert in social and cultural anthropology; Josep M. Monguet, Doctor of Engineering; Mafe Peraza, uroandrologist and expert in sexuality; Hernán Pinto, Doctor of Medicine; Eduardo Romero, telecommunications engineer; Carmen Sánchez, clinical psychologist and expert in sexology; Carlos Suso, Doctor in Psychology and Álex Trajo, Industrial Engineer.
It started four years ago and the initial questionnaire included a total of 50 questions that helped define the different sexual profiles.