From time to time, our body needs help to cleanse. Of course, the processes of getting rid of toxins and toxins occur regularly and independently and do not require additional efforts. But nutritionists believe that occasional powerful general cleansing should be done to improve your health and appearance. At the same time, cleaning should not be aggressive, so as not to damage health. These home cleaning options are gentle and harmless.
Sprouted grains
Sprouted grains are a gentle method that will take several days. For germination, you can use wheat, mung bean peas, soybeans, green buckwheat. Many tools are sold for this process, but you can also germinate grains in a simple glass jar. Also, there are already sprouted grains on sale that can be used immediately. The daily rate of germinated grains per day is up to 80 grams, and the course of cleansing should take at least one month.
Cleansing Salad
This is the most natural way to cleanse your body well without changing your diet – just add Brush salad to your food. You will need an equal amount of shredded cabbage, carrots, and beets, cut into strips. The salad is seasoned with lemon juice and eaten raw. Before eating salad, you should ask a therapist for advice, as it has some contraindications.
Wheat bran
Wheat bran is a simple and gentle way to cleanse the body, but very effective. It has no contraindications and does not require a lot of finance to prepare it. Pour 2 tablespoons of bran with 150 milliliters of kefir and mix well. It is advisable to take the drink in the morning on an empty stomach or in the evening before bedtime.
This method is suitable for those who are not disgusted with the consistency of this drink. Oatmeal shake improves the functioning of the digestive tract and helps to accelerate metabolism. To prepare jelly, pour a tablespoon of oatmeal with a glass of water and cook over low heat for 15 minutes. In this case, the oatmeal should not be instant, but whole, unprocessed grains. You need to drink jelly twice a day, 30 minutes before meals.
Detox diet
A detox diet is already a special food that requires carefulness. Detox is recommended no more than once a year. It cleanses not only the intestines, but the entire body. Detox Diet Nutrition Scheme:
Day 1 – drinking detox, when you should consume a broth of buckthorn or hay on an empty stomach, and during the day – 6-7 glasses of freshly squeezed vegetable juices.
Days 2 and 3 are raw food days, when you can eat any raw vegetables and fruits without salt and oil. Nuts, seeds and greens are also allowed.
Day 4 – vegetable detox, when it is allowed to eat stewed or boiled vegetables without salt and oil.
5 and 6 days – days of fruits and cereals (buckwheat and oatmeal). Fruit can be eaten raw, while dried fruit and honey can be consumed in moderation.
Day 7 – you can eat low-fat dairy products, yeast-free bread, steamed omelet and boiled eggs.
For the week following the detox, eat in moderation and follow a light diet. Avoid greasy, fried, and canned foods.