Ears nutrition

The ear is a complex organ that includes the outer, middle and inner ear. The ears are designed to sense sound vibrations. Thanks to them, a person is able to perceive sound waves with a frequency of about 16 to 20 vibrations per second.

The outer ear is a cartilage resonator that transmits incoming sound vibrations to the eardrum and then to the inner ear. In addition, the otoliths contained in the inner ear are responsible for the vestibular balance of the body.

This is interesting:

  • Men are more likely to experience hearing loss. This is due to the fact that they are more often involved in noisy professions and this is often reflected in their hearing.
  • Loud music is harmful not only in clubs and discos, but also in your headphones.
  • The sound of the ocean that we hear when putting a seashell to our ear is not really the ocean, but the sound of blood running through the veins of the ear.

Healthy products for the ears

  1. 1 Carrot. Responsible for the normal blood supply to the eardrum.
  2. 2 Fatty fish. Due to the content of omega-3 fatty acids, fish are able to prevent the occurrence of auditory hallucinations.
  3. 3 Walnuts. They inhibit the aging process. Improves inner ear function. Stimulates the self-cleaning function.
  4. 4 Seaweed. Seaweed is one of the foods that are very important for the normal functioning of the ear. It contains a large amount of iodine, which is responsible for vestibular balance through the normalization of nerve activity.
  5. 5 Chicken eggs. They are a source of such an essential substance as lutein. Thanks to him, the range of sounds heard by the ear expands.
  6. 6 Dark chocolate. It activates the activity of blood vessels, participates in the supply of oxygen to the inner ear.
  7. 7 Chicken. It is rich in proteins, which are the building blocks of the inner structures of the ear.
  8. 8 Spinach. Spinach is rich in nutrients that protect the ear from hearing loss and hearing loss.

General recommendations

In order for the ears to remain healthy and the hearing excellent, it is worth following a number of recommendations:

  • The normal operation of the “hearing aid” is facilitated by calm, quiet music, for example, classics and a friendly atmosphere at home and at work. Loud sounds and intense stress can reduce hearing acuity very quickly. Therefore, in case of strong noises, use earbuds or special headphones.
  • Wearing seasonal hats and strong immunity will help protect you from otitis media, which is impossible without an active lifestyle (physical activity, proper nutrition and hardening of the body).
  • Periodically, it is necessary to get rid of sulfur plugs in the ears, as they can cause temporary hearing impairment.

Folk remedies for normalizing work and cleaning the ears

In order to maintain the health of your ears for many years, as well as prevent hearing loss, you need to perform the following procedures.


For otitis media, use a compress made from basil. Take 2 tablespoons of herbs, pour two glasses of boiling water. Insist for 10 minutes. Do the compress daily until you recover.

With regard to hearing loss, steam baths with the addition of meadow sage help a lot. Pour a handful of leaves with half a liter of boiling water. Ears should be warmed up alternately, without getting close to the solution (so as not to burn yourself). Repeat several times a day.

Also, rubbing the ears with sea water gives good results. To do this, you need to take 1 tablespoon of pharmacy sea salt. Dissolve in one glass of warm water. Make a turunda out of cotton wool and wipe your ears with it, using the prepared solution.

Harmful products for the ears

  • Alcoholic drinks… They cause vasospasm, resulting in the occurrence of auditory hallucinations.
  • Salt… Causes moisture retention in the body. As a result, there is an increase in blood pressure and, as a result, tinnitus.
  • Fat meat… It interferes with the blood supply to the auricles due to the content of a large amount of unhealthy fats. Increases blood cholesterol levels.
  • Smoked sausages, “crackers” and other products of long-term storage… Contains substances that cause disruption of the vestibular apparatus.
  • Coffee Tea… Contains caffeine, which affects blood circulation and is harmful to hearing. Therefore, it is advisable to consume caffeine-free drinks. As a last resort, drink no more than 2 glasses of coffee or tea a day.

Read also about nutrition for other organs:

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