Do you have them? 9 things that are forbidden to keep in the kitchen
Remote workers sometimes literally live in this room. It is not surprising that a lot of unnecessary things appear there.
Feng Shui says that the kitchen is the main place in the house, its heart, soul. And it’s hard to disagree with him. If something goes wrong in the kitchen, then everything in the house is wrong. Therefore, the situation in the kitchen is strictly regulated by signs. But even without them, there are many rules – those created for security reasons. We have compiled a whole list of what should not be in the kitchen – both by signs and by science.
Store tablets and medicines in a dark, cool, dry place out of the reach of children. The kitchen hardly meets these criteria. First, because it is usually quite humid here. Secondly, children will not be able to reach except for the upper cabinets, and there it is just the warmest. So at least two of the four points of the drug storage rules will be violated. This means that the pills will deteriorate faster. It is hardly worth the risk.
Aggressive household chemicals
Every year hundreds of children end up in the hospital with chemical burns and poisoning – all because bright bottles and boxes are literally at hand. A baby may mistake bottles of cleaning products for bottles of soda or juice, and capsules for washing – for candy.
“Household chemicals and capsules for washing powder should be out of the reach of children in order to avoid swallowing and chemical burns, contact with the eyes and skin of these substances. A box with household chemicals should be locked, protected by a lock, or high enough so that the child cannot reach, ”the pediatrician reminds over and over again Anna Levadnaya.
It is difficult to lock powders and products somewhere in a safe place in the kitchen – usually, all these products are stored right under the sink. Experts beg: if you don’t have a pantry, come up with one.
Defective technique
Everything is simple here: if a coffee maker, kettle or toaster suddenly began to spark, then they must either be carried for repairs, or thrown out. As a last resort, get out of sight. Otherwise, the risk of a short circuit is too great – in this case, not only the ill-fated kettle can burn out, but also something more valuable. For example, a refrigerator is a technique that is sensitive to power surges. In the worst case, a fire could start.
Mirror elements
This is already from the field and will accept feng shui. There are few such objects that are attributed to more mystical properties than mirrors. The most common omen is that you cannot look into a broken mirror, this is a sure way to incur unhappiness and health problems. So it is with all mirrored objects in the kitchen: if the reflection is broken into parts, there will be trouble.
Low-functional gadgets
Devices and gadgets, which have only one purpose – this is a direct path to littering and generally bad form. Why keep a meat grinder, food processor and mixer in the kitchen when one good blender is enough? A steamer, bread maker and yogurt maker – they can be easily replaced by a multicooker. And we will not even comment on any excesses like egg cutters.
Space experts recommend getting rid of not only things that can only do one thing, but also those that you don’t use. Or take them out of sight at a time when they are not needed.
Expired spices
They are of no use at all, only harm. Spices quickly fizzle out, giving off their aroma to nowhere. And then they just accumulate dust – you don’t want to eat food with dust?
By the way, kitchen designers think spice containers and jars are also a bad idea. They accumulate dust, and it is painful to wipe the shelf under them every time. Therefore, it is better to buy only those spices that you really use, keep them in tightly closed bags, and replenish stocks as needed.
A brightly colored mat or wicker rug can look very cute and organic. But there are several “buts”. You won’t be able to fix the rug on the floor – you need to wash it underneath. This means there is a chance of stumbling. When you have a pot or a plate of hot soup in your hands, you really don’t want to stumble. The second “but” – the fabric absorbs not only everything that is spilled, but also the smell. That is, the aroma of fried fish will disappear many times longer. Third, crumbs and other debris will inevitably be packed between the fibers. As a result, the rug from a cute accessory will quickly turn into an untidy rag.
Cookware you are not using
Scratched pans, cracked plates and mugs – they have no place in the kitchen. Cooking with damaged pans is hazardous to your health, and chipped plates look just untidy. And this is if you do not take into account feng shui – he is generally categorical in relation to dishes with cracks. After all, we are adults, haven’t we earned our right to eat from normal dishes – beautiful and whole?
And with regard to pots and other utensils that are idle, the same rule works as in the case of clothes: if you do not use the season, give it to good hands.
Feng Shui rules say that it is generally better not to keep plants in the kitchen. The thing is that the main energy here is the energy of fire. And the energy of the tree, which is generated by plants, conflicts with fire. Conflicts in the house are useless, even on an energetic level.
And if you do not believe in omens and feng shui, then just do not overdo it with flowers: the kitchen is not a greenhouse, there is no need for too much land and greenery. By the way, on the windowsill it is quite possible to grow not only ficuses and violets, but also useful tasty greens – for some plants even pots are not needed, a glass of water is enough.