Do-it-yourself educational games for a child at home
Everything is learned in the game. Holding a spoon, tying shoelaces, learning about the world – children learn all this playfully.
Nowadays the shops are full of games and toys with the magic mark “developing”. But they often cost so much that because of this development, you will have to sit on dry rations for a month and in a strict economy. However, buying the entire assortment of toy stores is not at all necessary. You can make educational games yourself. asked Natalya Symonenko, the founder of Oyster educational kits for children, about this, and was surprised how simple everything could be.
Well, which of the children has not dreamed of being at least a little superhero? Just look at how easy they are to navigate the laser labyrinths – just wonders. Such a labyrinth can be built at home in the hallway. To do this, you need tapes or masking tape – glue them, pulling them between the walls in a chaotic manner. The maze is ready – who can climb without hitting the “laser”?
Make different sized holes in the cardboard box. These will be holes. The larger the holes, the less points you can earn. Arm yourself with small balls and try to throw them into the holes from a distance using your club. The stick can be a floor brush, a scoop, or even a kitchen spatula.
You will need a feather, strong magnet, stick or pencil, electrical tape, paper clip, fishing line. Tape the magnet to a stick or pencil with duct tape. Make sure the paper clip is attracted to the magnet even from a distance. Cut a small piece of fishing line, tie one end to a paper clip, and fix the other on any surface (for example, to a table with the same tape). Attach the feather to a paper clip, say the desired spell and make the feather “fly” with a stick with a magnet.
This experiment is not intended for children under 3 years old!
Drawing fruits and vegetables
They make excellent stamps for paper and even fabric. Cut open a fruit or vegetable, dip it in paint and place it on the surface you want to leave the drawing on. By the way, the drawing depends on where to cut and where to attach. In fact, almost any object can become a stamp, which is not a pity – dream up! And paints can be made edible. How – you can read in the list of brilliant parenting life hacks.
You will need music speakers, a deep glass bowl, a wide, stiff elastic band, cling film, tissue paper, that is, tissue paper, or even ordinary paper napkins. Careful, this is a very loud experiment! Cover the glass bowl with cling film and secure with an elastic band. It is important that the film is as tight as possible. Crumple pieces of paper or napkins to make lumps. Place the bowl next to the speakers, place the paper lumps on the tape, and play the music. See what happens to the paper!
Just do not forget to explain to the kid what is what in all these experiments: paper jumps, a feather flies, and fruits turn into stamps. And then your kid will surely amaze everyone with his knowledge of physics and success in arts and crafts.