Do-it-yourself bream access

Fishing for bream on a jar from a boat is practiced mostly on large rivers with strong and moderate currents, for example, on the Volga. Fishing conditions at a considerable depth and a strong jet near the fairway simply do not allow the use of other gear. The equipment of various donoks used on the right steep bank of the Volga is often striking in its massiveness, since it is the right bank that is distinguished by almost extreme conditions, especially taking into account the operation of hydroelectric power plants, when the current can be completely absent, and after the dam gates are opened, the force of the current often raises the most heavy onboard feeders. Therefore, “heavy artillery” comes into play, and this is the famous “ringing” – tackle with a heavy feeder, the weight of which can reach 1-3 kg, depending on the strength of the current and the depth in this particular place. Let’s start with the ring.


Admission on a strong current – this is how you can characterize this powerful tackle with a massive feeder on a strong nylon cord, which serves as a rope-halyard for dropping the actually sliding bottom to the feeder at the bottom. The sinker of this sliding donk is also a massive lead ring, through which the main line of the donk is passed. With the help of special latches or passages in the ring, the cord of the feeder is placed in this kind of sinker. And after that, a ring with a long undergrowth falls down along the cord to the feeder lying at the bottom. The effectiveness of this ingenious donka for bream is that the leashes with hooks and bait are exactly in the stream washed out of the bait feeder. There was even one period in the history of Russian fishing when, for its catchability, the “ring” was considered a poaching tackle and banned. This ban has now been lifted.

A good alternative to a massive ring that tightly ties the feeder cord to the main line of the feeder are the so-called “eggs”. These are two metal balls on a spring wire that move freely along the cord. They replace the ring, like a sinker, and are a detachable element when playing a fish. And this greatly simplifies and makes it safer for tackle to rise from the bottom of a large bream. In the course of the deaf bunch of the ring with the main fishing line, the leash often causes the leash to break or even the entire undergrowth of the leash, the length of which can reach 3 meters. With the inevitable jerk during hooking, the “eggs” are unfastened from the cord and the bream or other large fish are played in free mode, as when playing the fish on a spinning rod or other tackle.

From the boat on the current, other gear can be used. And here sometimes there is no other way out but to replace the “ring” with another bottom gear. What is the reason for this often urgent need? After all, as we found out, the “ring” is a very effective and catchy tackle. It’s all about the external conditions of fishing, which can change dramatically due to a change in the operating mode of the Volga hydroelectric power station. That is, the current may completely disappear or weaken to the point that the three-meter undergrowth of the let-down will overwhelm around the cord of the feeder and cling to the feeder itself. A can for bream fishing can be a great tackle in these new changed conditions. What is this tackle?


The name of this simple and at the same time insidious tackle is associated with the principle of operation of this donkey and its feeder. The name itself suggests that the feeder can be some can at hand, for example, from coffee. Also, the feeder can be rolled up with your own hands from a sheet of stainless metal in the form of a large mesh and fixed at the ends with tightening clamps. On one side of such a cylindrical feeder there should be a mesh cover, opening which, you can place feeder or other bait inside. On the other hand, there should be a plug, preferably also a mesh one.

In addition, our chemical industry has produced a sufficient number of various plastic jars that can also be used as a feeder. It is best, of course, to use plastic feeders or feeders made of polyvinyl chloride, that is, PVC that is familiar to us. Why? As far as we know, sound travels very quickly and strongly in water. Therefore, metal feeders sometimes become a source of rather sharp sounds. The reason for the occurrence of such sounds is the sliding of a metal feeder over shell rocks and stony placers at the bottom, the movement and tapping of a metal cover.

You can also make a simple and functional feeder from a piece or coupling of a PVC plumbing pipe. You only need to drill holes in the body of the future feeder, as well as in the plug and lid. Typically, the hole diameter is 10 mm.

Rough sharp edges of the holes can damage the line. A more perfect option is to equip the feeder with a plastic soft tube in which the main donkey line will move. An even simpler way is to wind the feeder to the body or attach a conventional plastic anti-twist for fishing on the feeder with tightening clamps. This also solves the problem of free movement of the main line of the inlet. The feeder is usually supplied with a sinker, which can be screwed on like the bottom of the feeder, or placed inside. The weight of the sinker can be 200-300 grams.

Do-it-yourself bream access

In addition to bream, a wide variety of fish are caught on the boat. It can be: white-eyed sopa, blue bream, roach, silver bream. And often it is this not very large fish that saves fishing when the bream refuses to take it or the current is too weak to use the “ringing”. Then the fishermen are removed from the anchors and go to the mouths of the Volga tributaries. There is no depth there, as near the right steep bank of a large river, but quite often a lot of quite weighty bream and other fish mentioned above are kept. Putting a “ring” here makes no sense. In a weak current there will be constant overlaps of the feeder cord. In addition, a heavy feeder standing directly under the boat will scare away cautious fish. And let the most fragrant bait be in the feeder, and the most delicious bait on the hooks, the fish will not work, especially if the depth at the fishing site is no more than 3 meters. And this is where the tackle for catching bream on a let under the conditional name “bank” comes in handy. Somewhere it is called “mitten”, somewhere – “chuvashka”. It all depends on where it is applied.

The tackle is a donk, on the main line of which there is a sliding feeder that can hold about 500 g of bait, no more. Otherwise, it will be difficult to raise and lower the feeder during intensive biting. Below the feeder, it is advisable to put a silicone damper bead so that the swivel does not break. A 1-3 m long undergrowth is attached to the swivel. It all depends on the fishing conditions. On the undergrowth of the undergrowth, several branch leashes are tied. In the complete absence of flow, you can even fasten a bottom mounting of the “rocker” type in the form of a piece of spring wire with loops located perpendicular to the feeder. Two short leashes are usually tied to the “yoke” loops.

How to make the run-off workable, even if the depth is shallow and there is almost no current? In contrast to the clumsy “ring”, the feeder of which can weigh 3-5 kg ​​together with bait, the “bank” is a more mobile tackle. It can be thrown from the boat by 10-12 meters in the direction of a catchy edge. Even a small current will stretch the line, and the tackle will work quite functionally, although only on a relatively strong current of the “bank” does it fully show its best qualities.


Tackle in the form of the above “ringing” requires more powerful equipment in the form of a nylon cord for the feeder, the main line and undergrowth as an undergrowth. The cord can be of any diameter, but should not cut your hands, since the feeder weighs almost like a bucket filled with bait. The diameter of the main line is 0,4 mm, the undergrowth is 0,3 mm, the leaders are 0,2 mm. Hook size – No. 10-8 international numbering. The “donky-can” rig can be a little more miniature. For fishing from a boat on the “ring” and “bank”, side rods are used with rather rigid gatehouses made of spring wire or a flat spring. Coils can be conductive or inertialess, as it is more convenient.


The most successful bank for catching bream is used if you use the “rolling” method, when the feeder with leashes, hooks and bait is etched downstream, and then pulled up to the boat, but not closer than 10 m. Such active fishing causes the same active response bream.

The above donks are the most effective gear for fishing from a boat in conditions of strong and moderate currents on large rivers, where the use of a feeder usually does not give a positive result due to the small volume of feeders. And on a large river – and the consumption of bait is large. Only this often attracts fish to baited hooks. Therefore, there is no alternative to heavy and powerful side donks.

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