Every year, thousands of schoolchildren go to rest in a completely unfamiliar environment. New people, new experiences – what could be wrong with that? However, there are downsides, and there are plenty of them.
The camp gives a lot to domestic children. It improves socialization skills, conflict resolution, independence, even discipline, if you’re lucky. You can try yourself as an actor, entertainer, sportsman, inventor, get new skills – depending on the slope of the camp.
But, unfortunately, it cannot do without unpleasant moments.
1. Pimples (dry, chapped, dirty skin with micro cracks). All day in the fresh air, sports games, wet clothes, wind, sun and unwillingness to wash according to all the rules. And there is no one to smear with cream. So children come with hands that look more like bird paws – coarse and covered with chicks.
2. Lice. No matter what kind of health certificates they require in the camp, it still happens that children pick up this rubbish. It happens that parasites remain from the previous shift, if the camp is not too actively concerned about compliance with sanitary standards and does not disinfect mattresses and pillows.
3. Wounds, abrasions, scratches. There is simply no summer without it. But in each camp there is a medical center, where the child will be provided with all the necessary assistance on time and with high quality.
4. Fungus and skin infection. You can save a child from the first misfortune if he never walks barefoot in the shower, in the room, or in the pool for anything. Flip flops or slippers are safe. But a skin infection can easily be picked up from squadmates, and all through the same bedding, if in the camp they turn a blind eye to sanitation issues.
5. Broken heart. We will not even mention such “delights” of independent rest, as a romantic relationship with a cute boy or girl from a neighboring squad, and their consequences. But make sure, just in case, that your child knows exactly where children come from and that falling in love is great, of course, but everything else is perhaps too early.
6. Bad company… It is not known who your beloved child will meet and make friends with in the camp. It may happen that his attention will be captured by someone with whom you would never have allowed him to communicate, and he will transfer this friendship into his everyday life.
7. Fathers and Sons Conflict. In the camp, the children have a lot of time to communicate with each other, and everyone shares what the situation is within the family, what rules they live by, what prohibitions are accepted, or, conversely, what they are allowed to do. Often, guys embellish them in order to raise their status in the eyes of new friends and to look more independent and independent from their parents than others. Returning home, someone will try to start pumping the driver’s license in the style of “yes, my ancestors keep pace with them,” but if such an initiative is stopped in time, then family relations will soon return to their usual course.
8. Independence. The child can return with the confidence that he has grown up and he has every reason to make decisions on his own, without asking the consent of the parents.
9. Shyness. In the camp, before going to bed, children are very fond of telling horror stories. Sometimes the best authors are those who are truly afraid of the dark, brownies, and ghosts, but never admit it to their roommates for anything. And after returning home, such a child begins to sleep with a night light or asks to go to the parents’ room.
10. Skvernoslovie. Why this happens is not entirely clear, but children believe that if you
11. Hairstyle. A girl may unexpectedly return home without a braid, with cropped bangs, or even in a different color. Don’t be alarmed. When else to experiment with appearance, if not in school years. If only it did not turn out that the child was forced to experiment against his wishes.
12. Piercing, tattoo. Having seen enough of other guys and girls, your child at home may seriously ask for permission to pierce his lip or make a tattoo. Fortunately, tattoo parlors do not do such pranks without parental permission.
13. Bad habits. Oh, there could be many. First, the child can try smoking. You should not strain here, all the same, you will not save the child from the influence of the environment. Secondly, there can be a bunch of little things: biting nails, drinking coffee or strong tea, spitting, poking, screwing stupid words into conversation, etc. However, if you do not perceive changes in behavior as a disaster, do not focus on them, everything will return to normal.
14. Change of image and clothing preferences. This can happen not to every child, but rather to someone who easily succumbs to someone else’s influence and still does not quite know how he wants to look and how he wants to be seen by others. Any change of this kind is fickle and fearless. Even if the girl decides to wear a transparent blouse or ultrashort shorts, her mother will always be able to explain to her the rules of good manners and the right choice of clothes.
Do you send your children to camp?
My child loves to spend holidays at the camp and is looking forward to summer with pleasure.
Have not tried a vacation like this yet. But I think it’s worth it.
My child has never been to the camp and will not go.