Different shapes of eyebrows: which one to choose according to the type of face? Video
Naturalness is in vogue today. The effect of a natural and well-groomed face is expressively emphasized by the eyebrows. Their shape and size must be selected in accordance with your face shape in order to make imperceptible flaws and emphasize advantages.
Eyebrow shapes: which one to choose?
Which eyebrows are suitable for oval and round faces?
There are the following main types of faces:
- oval
- round
- square and rectangular
- triangular
The oval face is the most consistent with the standards of beauty
Its owners can safely experiment with their appearance – for example, try a variety of hairstyles, as well as choose any styles of makeup. However, the options for the shape of the eyebrows for the oval type of face should be selected according to all the rules of geometry.
The straight line of the eyebrows gives the elongated face a pleasant roundness. Owners of a narrow and elongated oval face are best suited for relatively straight eyebrows, which are of medium thickness and taper towards the ponytail. This shape allows you to visually round the face and divert attention from its oblongness.
Soft brows are suitable for both wide and narrow oval faces. They will emphasize the look, make it bright and expressive. The classic arc also looks good. The main thing is not to bend it too much, otherwise the look will be surprised all the time.
A round face should be visually lengthened a little. For this, eyebrows in the shape of a bird’s wing are perfect – in other words, with a soft break. This form is considered universal and suits everyone. But in the case of a round face, you must not overdo it with a kink.
The arched shape of the eyebrows is contraindicated for a round face type. She is able to turn the face into the correct circle.
A weak bend will visually shorten the face, and too strong will make the look somewhat tragic. Therefore, the break of the eyebrow should be of medium length. A wide and round face can be given a delicate look with a triangular eyebrow shape that effectively accentuates the eyes.
Eyebrow shape for square and triangular faces
The most suitable eyebrow shape for a square and rectangular face is a curved arch of medium thickness. Bending will visually increase the height of the face, and smooth lines will round it. Owners of this type of face should not experiment with thread-like eyebrows and a strong break in the line. In the case of a square shape, it is important that the eyebrows are graceful, in the shape of the face. This will soften clear and hard lines as much as possible, as well as shift the focus to the eyes.
A rectangular face needs to be visually rounded – to give it an oval shape and, if necessary, visually reduce its height
For women with a triangular face type, it is advisable to form eyebrows with a slight uniform bend. Particular attention should be paid to the length of the eyebrows. Their elongated tails can visually expand the face in the cheekbones and temples, and this is not worth doing. Also contraindicated for girls with such a face shape are straight eyebrows, which can disrupt the proportionality of the oval and distort the features.
Separately, mention should be made of the eyebrows for the face in the shape of a heart. To balance the narrow chin, the top of the brow arch should be slightly rounded.
Also interesting to read: Tumors in the eyes.