Losing weight up to 5 kg in 7 days.
The average daily calorie content is 510 Kcal.
In many weight loss methods, we find recommendations to exclude flour from the diet, including pasta. In contrast to this belief, there is a diet that is precisely based on the consumption of copious amounts of pasta. She came to our region from Italy. They say that this method helps to maintain the figure of Sophia Loren herself. You can stick to a pasta diet for up to one month. According to reviews, a plumb line in one week, as a rule, ranges from 4,5 kg of excess weight.
Pasta Diet Requirements
Speaking about the main characteristics of the pasta diet, it is worth noting that for its effectiveness it must be based on durum wheat products. It is important to focus on the fact that a sign of high-quality pasta is their somewhat rough, matte surface, on which there is no white flour coating. And also on pasta there may be small black dots, like traces of grains. The main difference between hard pasta and ordinary pasta is that the former contain little starch and a lot of healthy fiber. Hard pasta is much healthier than its soft counterparts, and this affects not only the figure, but also health.
It’s also important to cook your pasta properly. Remember that for 100 g of pasta, you need to use 1 liter of water. It is this ratio that will help them not to boil and not turn into a sticky mass. In salted water (try not to oversalt) the pasta should be boiled for no more than 5-7 minutes.
Diluting the pasta diet (after all, no matter how much you love this food, you just don’t want to eat it) is allowed with fruits, vegetables, cereals, lean meat, fish and seafood. A small amount of dairy and fermented milk delicacies are also allowed. Salads can be slightly seasoned with vegetable oil.
It is definitely worth giving up if you want to lose weight from fatty meat, any fried foods, sweets and flour products (of course, pasta itself does not belong to them).
You can drink, in addition to regular water, fruit and vegetable juices without sugar, empty tea and coffee. From alcohol, if you wish, you can afford a glass or two of dry wine per week (maximum!).
It is recommended to eat 4 times a day, refusing food 3-4 hours before lights out. According to the principles of the pasta diet, it is highly desirable to find time for sports. Anyway, the lifestyle should be active. When it comes to serving size, you should be guided by your individual characteristics and how much food you are used to eating. But it’s important not to overeat. Try to keep the size of the finished portion less than 200-250 g.
Day 1
Breakfast: a salad of your favorite fruits and green tea.
Lunch: pasta with boiled carrots and peppers.
Afternoon snack: a glass of freshly squeezed apple juice.
Dinner: boiled chicken fillet and boiled or baked non-starchy vegetables.
Day 2
Breakfast: boiled chicken egg and rosehip broth or herbal tea.
Lunch: boiled fish fillet and favorite vegetables, boiled or raw.
Afternoon snack: freshly squeezed citrus fruit juice.
Dinner: boiled rice.
Day 3
Breakfast: apple and pear, plus a cup of black custard coffee.
Lunch: pasta with boiled vegetables (eggplant and carrots).
Afternoon snack: freshly squeezed pineapple juice.
Dinner: up to 100 g of low-fat cheese or cottage cheese and boiled vegetables to your taste.
Day 4
Breakfast: Whole wheat toast with fruit jam and herbal tea.
Lunch: pasta with baked eggplants and tomatoes.
Afternoon snack: tomato juice.
Dinner: buckwheat.
Day 5
Breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese and herbal tea.
Lunch: noodle soup cooked in low-fat broth (with vegetables); fresh cucumber and bell pepper.
Afternoon snack: apple juice.
Dinner: fish with steamed or baked vegetables.
Day 6
Breakfast: toast with a slice of low-fat cheese and rosehip broth.
Lunch: pasta in the company of baked eggplants and herbs.
Afternoon snack: a glass of pineapple juice.
Dinner: boiled skinless chicken and a salad of white cabbage and cucumbers.
Day 7
Breakfast: boiled chicken egg and brewed coffee.
Lunch: vegetable hodgepodge and pasta.
Afternoon snack: carrot and apple juice.
Dinner: oatmeal with a handful of raisins.
Contraindications to the pasta diet
The pasta diet is not indicated for diabetics and people who are overweight associated with hormonal disorders.
Advantages of the pasta diet
The pasta diet has many benefits.
- Many doctors and nutritionists advocate it for the reason that weight loss is gradual, which means that it does not cause significant stress to the body.
- Throughout the entire technique, as a rule, there is no feeling of hunger.
- Also, another plus to this diet is the ability to adhere to it after consulting a doctor for pregnant women and lactating mothers.
- The diet does not contain harmful components and is a fairly balanced way of correcting forms.
- If you then do not indulge in all the food excesses, the result obtained will most likely be saved for a long time.
- The pasta diet has a positive effect on overall health. It helps to normalize blood pressure, improve the digestion process and the work of the gastrointestinal tract, increase the metabolic rate (which, as you know, spurs the process of losing weight).
- The body’s defenses increase, respiratory diseases are less likely to attack, and the skin becomes smooth and elastic.
- It is also noteworthy that, according to scientific statistics, the risk of cancer and diseases of the cardiovascular system is almost halved.
Disadvantages of a pasta diet
The disadvantages of the pasta diet are significantly fewer than the advantages.
- Perhaps, it can not be suitable only for those people who do not like pasta (after all, they need to be consumed daily).
- This technique is difficult for those who cannot imagine life without sweets, which are strictly prohibited on a pasta diet.
Re-dieting pasta
It is not recommended to repeat the pasta diet for the next month after its completion.