Diet on dried apricots, 2 days, -2 kg

Losing weight up to 2 kg in 2 days.

The average daily calorie content is 850 Kcal.

Dried apricots (dried apricots) will help both transform your figure and maintain health. Now we suggest you learn about ways to lose weight using dried apricots lasting 2 and 5 days.

Diet requirements for dried apricots

If you need to quickly reanimate your figure before an important event or after a feast, it will suit you two-day diet on dried apricots… Her rules imply 4 meals a day. Breakfast is always the same: you need to eat up to 70 grams of this dried fruit. We have lunch and dinner with such dishes: a moderate portion of cereals cooked in water, vegetable soup without frying, lean meat or fish. For lunch, it is advisable to eat two main courses, and dinner, stopping at one. In both meals, you can use, in addition to the “main” food, up to 50 grams of dried apricots. So that she does not get bored, it is allowed to feast on other dried fruits. For an afternoon snack, eat a fruit or vegetable salad (it is better to focus on non-starchy products) and 30 grams of dried apricots.

This diet can be varied somewhat and other foods can be introduced at your discretion. But it is definitely worth giving up sweets (including sugar-containing drinks), fried, too salty and high-calorie dishes, and white flour products.

Drink about two liters of still water daily. The total amount of dried apricots (and other dried fruits) consumed per day should not be less than 200 grams. For two days of this diet on dried apricots, as a rule, 1,5-2 extra kilograms go away.

If you want to lose weight more tangibly, you can try the second popular way to transform a figure using dried apricots – a diet that is recommended to continue for a maximum of 5 days. After this period, you can lose up to 5 kilograms of excess weight, that is, on average, one unnecessary kilogram leaves the body per day. Agree, this is a good result! But, it is worth noting that the willpower for this will not be weak, since you will have to sit, in fact, on a mono-diet.

The main dish that will appear on your table is puree made from dried apricots. To prepare it, take 300 grams of dry apricot and rinse well. You can also soak dried apricots in water, this will make it more uniform. After that, you need to fill it with apricot juice (in the amount of 500 g) and mix it all with a blender. Divide the resulting mass into equal parts and consume throughout the day. It is advisable that there are at least four meals. It is not recommended to eat after 18:00. In addition to clean water without gas, you can drink unsweetened green tea on a diet.

Continuing the diet beyond the specified period is strongly discouraged Despite the fact that dried apricots contain a large amount of nutrients, nutrition alone cannot fully meet the body’s needs for all the necessary components. At the end of such a diet, it is very smooth to introduce new products into the menu, and it is better to focus on lean protein products, for which the body has probably already begun to yearn. Do not forget to enrich the menu with cottage cheese, low-fat kefir, meat and fish cooked without oil and other fatty additives.

To maintain the existing weight or to smoothly and comfortably reduce it, special fasting days on dried apricots… To prepare the diet of such a day, take 2 cups of dried apricots, rinse it, fill it with water and leave it overnight. In the morning on an empty stomach you need to drink some water in which you soaked the apricot. Divide the remaining fruits into 6 equal portions and eat during the day. It is important to drink enough fluids during this time. It is desirable that its total amount is at least three liters (this includes plain or mineral still water, green and herbal teas without added sugar).

It is important to choose the right dried apricots. Before purchasing it, make sure it has matured and dried naturally. Such dried apricots should be brownish in color. If the fruits are bright yellow, orange, reddish, it is better to refuse to taste them. Chances are good that they have been chemically treated for better storage or beauty. Also pay attention to the fact that the dried apricots do not have an unnatural shine. The most natural origin and the best quality are evidenced by the matte fruit.

Diet menu on dried apricots

An example of the diet of a two-day diet on dried apricots

Day 1

Breakfast: dried apricots.

Lunch: bowl of vegetable soup; 150 g boiled chicken fillet; dried fruits.

Afternoon snack: cucumber-tomato salad and dried apricots.

Dinner: rice porridge cooked in water with the addition of dried fruits.

Day 2

Breakfast: dried apricots.

Lunch: a couple of tablespoons of boiled buckwheat and dried fruits.

Afternoon snack: baked apple and dried apricots.

Dinner: 100-120 g of baked fish and dried fruits.

Diet contraindications for dried apricots

  • Diet on dried apricots (and indeed consumption of dried apricots in tangible quantities) is contraindicated in diabetes mellitus due to the high concentration of sugars in this dried fruit. Although they are of natural origin, diabetics should not use them in such quantities.
  • Another distinctive feature of dried apricots is its ability to lower blood pressure. For this reason, this diet is contraindicated for hypotensive patients, because they have this important indicator so low.
  • It is impossible to follow the rules of the diet on dried apricots for people who have diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • This technique (especially mono-diet) is not recommended for women during pregnancy and when breastfeeding a baby, children and people of age.
  • It is highly advisable not to neglect your health before starting a diet and seek the advice of a doctor.

Advantages of the dried apricot diet

  1. In addition to the fact that in a short time you can throw off a couple of extra pounds, the use of this dried fruit perfectly discourages cravings for sweets. But it is known that it is the addiction to confectionery and other sugar-containing products that so often becomes a stumbling block on the way to the desired forms. Due to the lack of glucose during active mental work, many people so want to pamper themselves with a chocolate or something similar. But do not rush to the store for the “forbidden fruit”. Try to replace it with dried apricots, which are great at nourishing the brain and pleasing the taste buds. Having introduced dried apricots and other dried fruits into the diet, you will probably soon notice that you want sweets less and less. And over time, the sweet tooth will probably get rid of their harmful attachment altogether. And it is not surprising, because the need for sweets will be more than satisfied with dried fruits.
  2. Dried apricots are rich in other useful properties. Due to the abundant potassium content, it has a positive effect on the work of the cardiovascular system. Iron, phosphorus, zinc, chlorine, nickel, selenium and other natural benefits are present in considerable quantities in dried apricots. In this regard, the introduction of dried apricots into the menu is very useful for anemia, hypertension, the occurrence of atherosclerosis and anemia.
  3. The varied vitamin composition of dried apricots reduces the risk of harm to the body from diets, in which the diet is significantly curtailed. A distinctive feature of dried apricots is the presence of a large amount of fiber in it. This beneficial substance contributes to the natural cleansing of the intestines from toxins and other substances that can be harmful.
  4. Another advantage of the technique using this dried fruit can be considered the nutritional value of dried apricots: 100 grams contains about 230 calories. This is a significant indicator. However, candies or cakes contain much more energy units. And it is difficult to eat a lot of dried apricots. The use of this delicacy, even in small quantities, helps to saturate the body and avoid bouts of acute hunger and the desire to break loose. In addition, most of the calories of dried apricots are correct carbohydrates. They are quickly converted into energy and consumed by the body. But there are practically no fats in dried apricots that increase the chances of gaining excess weight. Positively, the introduction of dried apricots into the diet also affects the metabolic process, the speed of which is important for losing weight and maintaining a new weight.
  5. The use of dried apricots promotes the production of endorphins – a hormone that naturally raises mood and relieves irritability. The composition of dried apricots has a very good effect on the human nervous system. Its components do not overload the body, but are absorbed quite easily.

Disadvantages of a diet on dried apricots

To stay on a diet to the end (especially on the five-day option), you need to show willpower and patience. Eating only dried apricots for 5 days can get bored.


Diet on dried apricots is not recommended more than once a month. But a fasting day, if you are comfortable with it, can be arranged once a week.

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