Diet for waist, 7 days, -7 cm, -5 kg

Weight loss up to 5 kg and up to -7 cm in 7 days.

The average daily calorie content is 640 Kcal.

Nature has endowed the fair sex with the ability to accumulate an overwhelming amount of fat in the waist area. Let’s not be cunning when we say that there is a weight loss method that helps to lose weight especially in the waist. Weight goes away from all parts of the body, without exception, and even from the face. But with the help of specially selected nutrition and physical activity, it is possible to significantly modify mainly the waist.

Diet requirements for the waist

The basic nutritional requirements for a flat tummy and gaining a wasp waist are as follows.

  • A ban on the presence in the diet of foods that contain sugar and fast-acting carbohydrates: baked goods, fast food, semi-finished products, smoked meats, marinades, overly salty foods. From drinks, there is no weighty applied to carbonated and alcoholic ones.
  • At least 40% of the diet should be lean proteins. With adequate physical activity, they will help you lose weight by losing fat, not muscle. After all, you probably want to find not just a slim, but also an elastic and toned body.
  • Reduce the amount of fat on the menu to about 10%. Preference should be given not to butter or fatty sauces, but to those that are of vegetable origin. For example, it is very good to supply dishes with various vegetable oils, to eat nuts, as well as fish.
  • You can narrow your waist and shrink your belly simply by reducing the amount of salt in your diet. This will lead to the outflow of unnecessary fluid, which makes the body visually more massive. Try not to oversalt food and add salt just before eating.
  • Reduces the volume of the stomach and contributes to the early weight loss of fractional meals. It is recommended to organize your food schedule in such a way that there are 5-6 daily meals, which will occur at approximately equal time intervals. It is advisable to have breakfast in the first hour after waking up and refuse food 3-4 hours before lights out. It is very good if during the diet period you can shift the dinner time to 19 hours, allowing the body to take a break from eating in the evening.
  • If you want weight loss to move at a faster pace, reduce the calorie intake and eat food with calories up to 1200 units per day. Such an indicator is enough for the weight to go away, and at the same time the body does not go into the so-called process of saving, because of which the metabolism can slow down. Try to get your main energy hit at breakfast.
  • Add healthy fiber to your diet. Eat vegetables, fruits, cereals, whole grain breads (in small quantities). These foods are great for cleansing the intestines. If it gets “littered”, chances are very high of getting an unattractive bulging belly. Fiber foods are relatively low in calories and help keep you full for a long time, which can help you resist the temptation to eat too much.
  • Drink at least 1,5 liters of clean water a day. It is advisable to refuse coffee. Drink unsweetened brewed tea if desired. To induce the maximum activation of metabolic processes, in the morning on an empty stomach, drink a glass of water at room or warm temperature with a small amount of freshly squeezed lemon juice.

For a week of dieting for the waist, you can lose about 3 kg of excess weight. Physical activity promises to make a more effective technique. Do a full workout at least twice a week, focusing on problem areas. Bends, torso twists, scissors, and bicycle are considered excellent standard waist exercises. The twisting of a special hoop – hula-hoop – also helps in this case. If you can work out in the simulator, it’s just great!

Also, the cosmetic process will help to make the waist more slim and attractive. Provide the skin with adequate hydration at this place. After taking a shower, you should apply an anti-cellulite (or at least regular) cream. Wraps with the use of coffee also work very well. Do this procedure regularly (which is quite possible at home), and soon you will notice positive changes in the waist area.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with another technique – the English diet. “thin waist”, which promises to make it so as soon as possible. Over the period of its observance, due to greater severity, 4-5 or even more extra pounds can go away. Dieting is recommended for a maximum of 7 days. Its rules imply the alternation of carbohydrate, protein and hunger days.

In the first two days, you can only drink low-fat kefir or milk and tomato juice. On the third and fourth days, you should eat mainly lean meat and fish, as well as some bread. The fifth and sixth days of “thin waist” involve the use of various fruits and vegetables. The last day, according to the rules of the diet, is a complete rejection of any food. You just need to drink plenty of plain water. For more information on recommended foods for the menu, see the diet menu.

Sometimes people have a wide waist and a large belly, despite their overall slimness, or weight does not leave this part of the body, despite active dietary and athletic efforts. The reasons for this unattractive (and most importantly, hazardous to health) phenomenon may be as follows:

– an increased content of triglycerides in the blood (in simple terms – blood fat);

– lowered level of “healthy” cholesterol;

– high blood pressure;

– high blood sugar (this is how incipient diabetes mellitus can make itself known);

– the presence of various diseases of the cardiovascular system;

– diseases of the endocrine system;

– kwashiorkor (a disease that occurs due to a lack of protein in the body).

So, if the excess weight does not go away from the waist with standard efforts, be sure to consult a doctor in order to quickly find out the true cause of the problem and do everything possible to solve it.

Also, attempts to lose weight can be futile in such cases:

– Weakness of the abdominal muscles directly against the background of sufficiently developed muscles in other places;

– various violations of posture;

– elderly age;

– constant stay in stressful conditions (when they produce too much cornisol, which can cause an expansion of the waist and bulging of the abdomen);

– bowel disorders (constipation, increased gas accumulation).

Waist diet menu

Diet diet for the waist for a week

Day 1

Breakfast: croissant (preferably with whole grain flour); tea with milk.

Lunch: a portion of brown rice with a shabby apple (the fruit can be used baked or fresh); green tea.

Dinner: a slice of lean fish; a tomato; a pair of lettuce leaves.

Day 2

Breakfast: a couple of whole grain breads and freshly squeezed orange juice.

Lunch: a slice of boiled or baked chicken fillet and a bowl of vegetarian soup.

Dinner: vegetable stew.

Day 3

Breakfast: a glass of empty yogurt; apple or pear.

Lunch: a slice of boiled veal; 2-3 small baked potatoes.

Dinner: apple-orange salad and green tea.

Day 4

Breakfast: oatmeal cooked in water; up to 50 g of hard unsalted cheese with a minimum fat content.

Lunch: a couple of cucumbers and a glass of tomato juice.

Dinner: grated carrots, seasoned with a few drops of vegetable oil.

Day 5

Breakfast: 2-3 boiled or soft-boiled chicken eggs; tea.

Lunch: a portion of boiled broccoli.

Dinner: baked chicken fillet and about 200 ml of orange juice.

Day 6

Breakfast: a couple of fruits; green tea.

Lunch: cucumber-tomato salad with various herbs, sprinkled with vegetable oil and lemon juice.

Dinner: 2 raw or baked apples and a glass of water with lemon juice and natural honey (1 tsp).

Day 7

Repeat the diet of any of the previous diet days that you liked the most.

Note… Empty yogurt, low-fat cottage cheese and kefir, fruits, vegetables and nuts are perfect for snacks for lunch and afternoon tea.

The diet of the “thin waist” diet

1-2 days – “hungry”

Breakfast: a glass of tomato juice.

Snack: a glass of milk.

Lunch: a glass of kefir.

Afternoon snack: a glass of milk.

Dinner: a glass of kefir.

Before going to bed: you can also drink a glass of kefir.

3-4 days – protein

Breakfast: a slice of rye or black bread, greased with a thin layer of butter or a teaspoon of honey; a cup of coffee or tea to which you can add some low fat milk.

Lunch: a bowl of low-fat meat or fish broth; a piece of bread; a couple of tablespoons of green peas; about 100 g of fish or meat fillets, boiled or baked.

Afternoon snack: 1-2 tsp. honey; a glass of low-fat milk or a cup of tea.

Dinner: a piece of boiled fish or lean meat; a slice of black bread with a thin layer of low-fat cheese; about 200 ml of low-fat kefir.

5-6 days – carbohydrate

Breakfast: 2 oranges or apples (you can make a salad using one of the indicated fruits).

Lunch: a serving of vegetable soup without frying; bell pepper stuffed with carrots; a couple of tablespoons of vinaigrette without potatoes.

Afternoon snack: any non-starchy fruit.

Dinner: cucumber-tomato salad with herbs and a cup of tea.

7 day – unloading on the water.

Diet contraindications for the waist

  • Diet contraindications for the waist include periods of pregnancy and breastfeeding, acute infectious processes in the body and general malaise.
  • Also, it is not worth following this technique in case of exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Benefits of a Waist Diet

  1. The advantages of a diet of this nature include the fact that if the above rules are followed, you can significantly reduce the waist and modernize the figure as a whole.
  2. You can also cleanse the body of toxins and other harmful substances.
  3. In addition, the advantages of the technique include the relative balance of the diet. With a well-designed menu, you can lose weight without depriving the body of vital components and without experiencing the unpleasant feeling of hunger that accompanies many other methods.
  4. The foods offered on the diet are affordable, the preparation of meals does not require a lot of time, and the diet has a beneficial effect on the state of the body.

Disadvantages of a waist diet

  • The diet has no significant drawbacks for the waist. It’s not just that it can only be given to avid lovers of sweets or other too high-calorie food, because there are still dietary restrictions.
  • If we talk about the “thin waist” technique, weakness and malaise may occur on hungry days. So it is worth approaching it with extreme caution.

Re-dieting for the waist

With good health and a desire to modernize the body more, the waist diet can be repeated in a month and a half.

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