Diet for the heart, 4 weeks, -12 kg

Losing weight up to 12 kg in 4 weeks.

The average daily calorie content is 1030 Kcal.

Many doctors agree that malnutrition is a serious provocateur of heart problems. For the normal functioning of this most important organ, it is necessary to exclude (or minimize) from the diet foods rich in harmful cholesterol, which contribute to the deposition of fat clots on the vascular walls, which impede proper blood flow.

A special nutritional technique is designed to maintain heart health. Let’s get acquainted with the basic rules that will allow us to establish the correct operation of the motor of our body.

Heart Diet Requirements

For heart health, it is worth first of all to give up foods in which the maximum amount of bad cholesterol is concentrated. These include: fatty pork (meat from the belly of the carcass), kidneys, liver, skin, fatty duck meat, sausages, mayonnaise, butter, fatty cheese, sour cream, whole milk, deep-fried dishes, fatty pastries and sweets. For lovers of sweets, experts offer an alternative option – consume a small amount of dark chocolate with a maximum percentage of cocoa. Scientists have proven that eating dark chocolate in moderation raises good cholesterol levels (and moods as well) and is not harmful to health.

You should not eat instant products, industrial sauces, too salty or spicy foods, pickles, smoked meats, soy sauce, nuts in large quantities. In the list of products rich in unnecessary cholesterol, experts also put shrimp and fish roe.

From drinks, you need to refuse strong coffee and alcohol with a high percentage of alcohol. Maximum, you can afford a little wine from time to time, if there are no contraindications for its use.

It is recommended to focus on lean meat (chicken, turkey, veal, rabbit fillet) when drawing up the menu. It is also recommended to eat low-fat cottage cheese, cheese (not too salty, and its fat content should not exceed 12%), chicken egg proteins, low-fat kefir and yogurt. From fish, flounder, tuna, herring, cod, representatives of the salmon family are recommended for consumption. In sufficient quantities, you should eat seasonal vegetables, fruits and berries, cereals (best of all coarse grinding: barley, buckwheat, oatmeal, rice, bulgur), various legumes and potatoes.

From flour products, if there is no noticeable excess weight, rusks, yeast-free bread, oatmeal cookies are recommended for use in small quantities. You can pamper your dishes with a little mustard, vinegar, various spices, natural spices, herbs.

As for the number of meals, it is advisable to eat five times, adhering to fractional meals. In any case (for example, if your schedule does not allow for a snack), you need to eat at least three times a day, allowing yourself a full breakfast, lunch and dinner. Hunger for a healthy heart is not a friend.

In short, the basic principles of the methodology are as follows.

When preparing sandwiches, replace butter and margarine with natural yogurt; you can add spice to it with chopped herbs and spicy herbs. Let thick fruit or berry puree replace high-calorie and fatty jams.

When purchasing products, pay attention to the labels. A good indicator is considered such inscriptions on them as “no salt”, “low sodium”. Avoid foods labeled “hydrogenated fats.”

Eat fish cooked without oil at least twice a week, often combining it with a serving of healthy vegetable salad.

Dilute a portion of morning porridge with natural yogurt, your favorite berries, fruits, add seeds, nuts, bran.

Eat products with healthy flour, and ideally bake yourself. So you will be confident in the quality of the food you eat and in the absence of unwanted hazards in it.

Keep fruits and vegetables on hand to always have a snack with them, if desired, and minimize the risk of eating something unnecessary.

The volume and calorie content of foods on a heart diet should be calculated based on your individual characteristics. Listen to your body and try not to overeat. You can stick to this diet for as long as you like, because it does not contradict the principles of proper and balanced nutrition.

Heart Diet Menu

Approximate diet menu for the heart for a week


Breakfast: a portion of oatmeal with apple pieces, seasoned with yogurt.

Second breakfast: tuna salad in its own juice, herbs, pumpkin seeds and apple.

Lunch: bowl of pea soup; baked salmon fillet seasoned with lemon juice; a few tablespoons of mashed potatoes or baked potatoes.

Afternoon snack: apple and pear salad.

Dinner: a couple of bell peppers stuffed with boiled pearl barley, various herbs and a small amount of walnuts.


Breakfast: fruit salad with a handful of almonds and natural yogurt dressing.

Second breakfast: whole grain sandwich with a slice of mozzarella, tomato, spinach and avocado.

Lunch: bowl of mashed potatoes and feta cheese.

Afternoon snack: a cocktail of banana and a few small kiwis with minimum fat whipped cream or natural yogurt.

Dinner: pasta of hard pasta and tomatoes with herbs.


Breakfast: oatmeal with berries, flax seeds and a handful of walnuts.

Second breakfast: fruit smoothies.

Lunch: low-fat chicken broth soup with vegetables.

Afternoon snack: a couple of carrot truffles and an orange.

Dinner: casserole of any kind of cabbage (or their mixes) and low-fat cheese.


Breakfast: buckwheat pancakes with blueberries, which can be flavored with a small amount of natural honey.

Second breakfast: a couple of oatmeal cookies.

Lunch: mackerel soup with dill; eggplant caviar with celery.

Afternoon snack: sorbet made from slices of mango, banana, currant.

Dinner: a portion of buckwheat and vegetable salad.


Breakfast: casserole of cottage cheese and berries.

Second breakfast: a slice of whole grain casserole with feta, tomatoes and various herbs.

Lunch: a bowl of bean soup with herbs.

Afternoon snack: apple.

Dinner: a portion of warm bulgur salad, bell pepper and arugula.


Breakfast: a steamed omelet of two chicken eggs with onions, spinach and tomatoes.

Second breakfast: banana sorbet.

Lunch: a bowl of vegetarian borscht and a pie made from solid flour with lean meat and vegetables.

Afternoon snack: soufflé from curd and carrots.

Dinner: a couple of baked potatoes with onions.


Breakfast: rice porridge with a handful of walnuts and berries.

Second breakfast: a glass of natural yogurt and about 30 g of raisins.

Lunch: a portion of lean cabbage soup and boiled green beans with a small amount of chopped almonds and herbs.

Afternoon snack: a slice of whole grain bread with hummus, tomatoes and lettuce.

Dinner: baked flounder with rice and baked eggplant.

Heart Diet Contraindications

As such, the diet for the heart has no contraindications.

  • You cannot adhere to it only if, due to some peculiarities of the body, it is necessary to eat in a different way.
  • Of course, if you have allergic reactions to any foods involved in the diet, you should not eat them.

Benefits of a Heart Diet

  1. A hearty diet involves a tasty, varied diet.
  2. If you correctly approach the preparation of the diet, it will not get bored and will provide the body with all the necessary components.
  3. In addition to improving the work of the heart, the state of the whole organism is positively modernized, the appearance becomes fresher and healthier.
  4. And with the correction of the calorie content of the diet, those who wish to lose weight can achieve this goal.

Disadvantages of a Heart Diet

  • Not the most joyful moments of this technique include the fact that it is advisable to abandon a certain list of products forever, and this still requires psychological work on oneself and reshaping eating behavior.
  • To improve your health, you need to live on a heart diet for at least a couple of weeks. Alas, the lightning-fast result does not appear. You will need to be patient.

Re-dieting for the heart

You can repeat the diet for the heart, unless otherwise prescribed by the doctor, whenever you wish. Indeed, in fact, this is the correct and healthy diet, which should only benefit the body.

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