Losing weight up to 16 kg in 4 weeks.
The average daily calorie content is 840 Kcal.
Varicose veins (varicose veins) is a disease in which there is an expansion and hardening of the veins and vessels of the lower extremities, which supply blood to the heart. Such a pathology can cause dangerous health problems. This disease is very common.
A special diet will help minimize the negative effects of varicose veins and mitigate its effects.
Diet requirements for varicose veins
The main reasons for the formation of varicose veins are considered by doctors to be the following.
- Heredity… You have a very high chance of developing this disease if one of your relatives had varicose veins.
- Gender… According to statistical observations, varicose veins are found in every tenth man and every third woman. In women, who are more often attacked by this disease, it manifests itself during pregnancy or when taking various hormonal drugs.
- Life… Low mobility increases the risk of meeting varicose veins. At the same time, it can also be caused by long-term work of a static nature in an upright position.
- Body mass… More often, this vascular disease appears in overweight people (especially with severely obese people).
The main symptom of varicose veins is pain in the extremities, which worries both day and night. Skin tone may change, various bumps and nodules appear above the vessels, venous asterisks and frequent swelling of the legs may appear.
Why is it so important to follow a diet for varicose veins? A special nutritional technique can help restore proper blood flow. As a result, it reduces blood viscosity and helps to lower blood pressure, strengthens blood vessels, relieves puffiness, and, if necessary, helps to lose weight. Recall that in the presence of such, it is doubly difficult to deal with varicose veins.
When following a diet for varicose veins, it is recommended to focus on the following foods and liquids:
– water (drink up to 2 liters of clean liquid daily);
– dried fruits (they thin the blood and help reduce cravings for sweets);
– curry spices, ginger, thyme, turmeric (they are rich in plant substances that help improve blood properties);
– algae (they contain minerals that help strengthen the vascular walls);
– various nuts and legumes (they found enough space for vitamin E and easily digestible vegetable proteins);
– berries, fruits (in addition to containing a huge amount of important components for the body, they are useful for cellular respiration);
– seafood (it is a source of essential omega-3 unsaturated fats that help get rid of cholesterol plaques);
– sprouted wheat (this is a very useful product for cleansing the body as a whole and blood vessels).
It is strictly prohibited for varicose veins, especially in its severe forms, foods rich in fats, alcoholic beverages, canned food, rich meat broths, smoked meats, strong black tea and coffee, sugar and various fast carbohydrates.
When drawing up a menu, we focus your attention on the products recommended below.
Every day you need to eat a variety of cereals, because any porridge is perfectly absorbed by the body, perfectly saturates and supplies many useful components. Also include beef liver in your diet, which is very beneficial for joint health. Eat fresh vegetable salads seasoned with natural vegetable oils. Various herbal teas are recommended for drinks. It is very good to use, in particular, hot infusions of thyme, raspberry, linden, lemon balm, mint, etc.
Don’t overeat. Remember that fullness is felt 20-30 minutes after eating. Try to eat fractionally. It is better to eat more often, but in smaller quantities. Try to split the usual for many three meals a day into five meals a day. Avoid eating 3-4 hours before bedtime. In general, according to the rules of the diet for varicose veins, you should not eat after 18-19 hours.
Do not drink directly with meals. Liquids dilute gastric juice, which contributes to the worst absorption of food intake.
If you want to quickly lose weight and do not suffer from a lack of willpower, you can also practice fasting days on fruits or freshly squeezed vegetable and fruit juices.
The duration of the diet for varicose veins in a strict version is determined by the doctor, taking into account the state of your body. But it is always recommended to adhere to its basic principles. After all, this is a rational balanced diet, which is useful both for this disease and for the body as a whole.
An approximate diet for three days of a diet with varicose veins
Day 1
Breakfast: buckwheat porridge and non-starchy vegetable salad.
Snack: a handful of raisins with herbal tea.
Lunch: vegetable soup, which can be cooked in low-fat meat broth; lean fish fillet boiled or baked with vegetables.
Afternoon snack: seaweed salad.
Dinner: apple-orange salad with a glass of low-fat yogurt or kefir.
Day 2
Breakfast: a sandwich made from black bread, hard cheese and tomatoes; a cup of ginger tea.
Snack: a handful of your favorite berries and a glass of homemade yogurt.
Lunch: pumpkin soup and baked lean fish with a few tablespoons of mashed potatoes.
Afternoon snack: a glass of natural carrot and apple juice.
Dinner: baked or boiled lean fish with herbs.
Day 3
Breakfast: a portion of cottage cheese with grated apple and a handful of nuts; whole grain bread and a glass of juice.
Snack: apple baked with honey and nuts.
Lunch: lentil soup; buckwheat with lean meatballs.
Afternoon snack: a few grain crisps with a glass of tomato juice.
Dinner: boiled beef liver with a few non-starchy vegetables and a slice of rye bread.
Diet contraindications for varicose veins
- This diet should be prescribed (and, if necessary, corrected its menu) by a phlebologist.
- Alcohol in any form must be discarded, as it is a diuretic product that causes blood thickening due to dehydration.
- You cannot categorically lift more than 5 kg, because additional load increases the pressure on the veins many times and can cause a critical condition for them.
- In no case violate the recommended drinking regime, especially in the warm season or when visiting a sauna / bath – a critical thickening of the blood is also possible.
- Do not increase the dose of salicylic acid (aspirin) recommended by your doctor, including taking into account products containing it – this can increase the diaphoretic effect and, conversely, lead to thickening of the blood.
- Bananas, mangoes, wild rose, lentils, walnuts, chokeberry, pomegranate juice, which are strictly prohibited, should be completely excluded from the diet as blood thickening. This can also include foods that cause a high load on the liver – fats, smoked meats, marinades, canned food, sausages, meat broths, jelly, cream and white bread – correct this list with your doctor (depending on the severity of the disease).
- Medicinal herbs, the use of which requires prior medical advice (also capable of thickening the blood) – nettle, St. John’s wort, yarrow, corn silk, valerian, highlander and chokeberry.
- Do not refuse to use compression garments if recommended – they are effective as a serious measure to prevent complications.
- Massage with rubbing in honey and cupping massage is contraindicated – but massage of the calf muscles with rubbing in anti-varicose ointments and creams can or should be prescribed in a medical institution after a medical consultation, depending on the severity of the disease.
The advantages of a diet for varicose veins
- The diet for varicose veins is built on general principles to avoid the further development of the disease process and its possible complications.
- Weight will gradually, but steadily decrease – namely, excess weight is the main obstacle to the treatment of varicose veins.
- Your body will not suffer from a lack of vitamins – the diet menu is well balanced.
- The diet menu contains a sufficient amount of fiber, therefore, problems from the gastrointestinal tract are excluded.
- Blood pressure is normalized.
- The viscosity of the blood will decrease and its trophic parameters will improve.
- The diet helps restore normal blood flow.
- The load on the damaged vessels will decrease, and the vessels themselves will strengthen and their elasticity will be restored.
- The diet can be used both at the first symptoms of the onset of the disease (both prophylactic) and in advanced cases, as well as after surgical intervention and in the preoperative period.
- The diet is also used in cases of varicose veins in the legs and in cases where the disease has affected the pelvic area.
- The swelling of the extremities will decrease, but at the same time there will be no fluid deficiency in the body.
- Additional physical activity is not only not contraindicated, but also encouraged. For example, remedial gymnastics can be recommended during the examination when prescribing a diet, especially with a sedentary lifestyle.
Disadvantages of a diet for varicose veins
- The diet should be prescribed by a doctor and its menu should be adjusted taking into account the characteristics of the organism – age, weight, hereditary predispositions, the presence of allergic reactions, general health and lifestyle specifics.
- The traditional menu is not balanced in terms of the composition of minerals – in addition, it is necessary to take magnesium either as part of mineral complex preparations, or as part of magnesium preparations or as part of products with a high magnesium content (oatmeal, rolled oats, ginger).
- This disease and diet requires to give up factors that increase blood viscosity – smoking, alcohol and contraceptive, hormonal and diuretic drugs.
- You can not get involved in physical activity uncontrollably – moderation is appropriate here no matter where.
- As a rule, the diet for varicose veins must be followed for a long time, which requires reshaping many eating habits.
- Also, the recommended fractional meals can be a difficulty, because due to being busy, not everyone can change their schedule so as to eat often.
Re-dieting with varicose veins
The decision to repeat the cycle of dietary nutrition with varicose veins must be made in consultation with a phlebologist.