Diet for mass – what is it? Sample meals for muscle mass

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Mass diet is intended for people who want to get their dream figure. This type of nutrition supports the development of muscles. You should approach the diet in an individual way. Before starting its use, the daily energy demand should be calculated. A weight-loss diet is rich in foods high in animal protein and complex carbohydrates. Additionally, supplementation is used.

Diet for mass – what is it?

The main assumption of a diet for mass is the development of muscle mass thanks to a properly arranged menu. A diet for mass is primarily about increasing the caloric content of meals. It is also important that the products are of the highest quality, i.e. as processed as little as possible. Another important element is the introduction of an increased amount of wholesome protein of animal origin.

Many people also use supplements because they provide their body with an extra amount of essential nutrients, minerals and vitamins.

Thanks to the supplements you take, the process of gaining muscle mass is accelerated, and at the same time you do not have to worry about the increase in body fat. It is important that the diet for mass is adapted to the individual and his training plan.

Before you start using a mass diet, you should define the goal you want to achieve. It should also be remembered that the mass diet is selected according to the body weight. A common rule for everyone using this diet is the regularity of meals, and the intervals between them should not exceed 3-4 hours.

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Mass diet – protein

When you build muscle, the more protein the better, right? Not necessarily. When you work on building muscle with exercise, protein should be between 10 and 35 percent. total calories in adults.

On the other hand, maintaining muscle mass requires much less protein than building new muscle. A typical day of 3 servings of low-fat or no-fat dairy products and 3 servings of protein foods (such as lean meats, poultry, fish, or beans) will provide you with high-quality protein sources to help you achieve this goal.

Grains, especially whole grains, also provide protein, but may not be sufficient to meet your nutritional needs.

Also check: Protein important to the heart

Diet for mass – carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are an important group of muscle-building foods. This is because carbohydrates are partially converted into glycogen which is stored in the muscles. Men and women who exercise strength at least twice a week need about half the calories from carbohydrates a day. This does not mean that you should eat pizza and buns several times a day.

Try adding good-quality, low-fat carbohydrates, such as whole wheat bread and cereals, to your diet. Low-fat milk and yogurt, and fruits and vegetables are also good options that provide carbohydrate to our diet. When planning meals and snacks, it is advisable to stay away from high-fiber foods immediately before or during exercise.

The editorial board recommends: Seven foods rich in carbohydrates that must not be missing in your diet

Diet for mass – fats

Your body relies on fat to supply energy to your muscles during exercise. The amount of fat a person needs can vary. As a general guideline, fat should make up 20 to 35 percent of your total calories.

For overall good health and muscle mass, focus on healthy fats including extra virgin olive oil, rapeseed oil, walnuts, pistachios, almonds, avocados, and fatty fish such as salmon, halibut, mackerel. sardines and trout.

Fat contains twice as many calories as carbohydrates and protein, so monitoring your serving size is important. For example, 1 tablespoon of olive oil has 120 calories, and a larger handful of walnuts (about 14 nuts) has 185 calories.

See: When the fat starts to run away …

Mass diet – remember about water

You sweat when you lift weights, especially when the weights get heavy. You need to drink water to recover any fluids lost through sweating. You need water for proper muscle regeneration.

How much water you need in your weight loss diet depends on how much you sweat, which also depends on the season and where you live. If you train in Bangkok, Thailand during the summer, you will sweat more and drink 3-4 bottles of water more easily.


You don’t need all those sweet drinks. This is not endurance training – it is training to gain muscle mass. Workouts are short and you spend most of your time resting between sets.

Just bring a bottle of water to the gym. Drink while exercising. Usually, drink about 1,5 liters of water during training.

Read also: Why does our body need water?

Products for muscle mass – which ones to choose?

Individual nutritional products are especially recommended for people who are on a diet for muscle mass. Below you will learn about the products that should form the main basis of a muscle diet.

Lean beef should be the staple of your diet if you want to gain muscle. Lean beef contains various substances that promote muscle growth, including: iron, zinc, and B vitamins. More importantly, it provides your body with high-quality protein (not all proteins are created equal) and a high level of creatine that works with insulin to promote muscle growth.

Like beef, chicken is an excellent source of high-quality protein, which is important in a mass diet for muscle maintenance and repair, bone health and weight maintenance. And of course there are many ways to cook and prepare chicken.

Not many people know about it, but cottage cheese is almost entirely pure casein protein. Casein is a slow-absorbing protein, which means it’s great for strengthening your muscles. Cottage cheese is also an excellent source of vitamin B12, calcium, and other important nutrients.

Eggs in a weight-loss diet are also very important. Eggs contain high-quality protein, the nine essential amino acids, choline, the correct type of fat, and vitamin D.

There is a reason why whey protein supplements are the most popular supplement in the fitness industry: they provide a quick and convenient source of protein at an affordable price. Bodybuilders usually use them when they wake up right after training and mix them with certain meals.

Fish plays an important role for people on a muscle diet. Fish is high in protein, low in fat, and high in omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3s are essential because they help you lose fat and keep your body functioning properly.

Mass diet should include oatmeal. They are an excellent source of carbohydrates due to both their low glycemic index (GI) and minimal level of processing. The benefits of a low GI diet include:

  1. better micronutrient profile and more fiber,
  2. increased satiety,
  3. reduced hunger,
  4. lower energy consumption (effect of the second meal),
  5. fat loss.

In short, Low GI foods can increase fat loss in people looking to lose weight and provide a constant source of carbohydrates for muscle preservation.

Whole grains are more digested and provide more nutrients than refined grains. This promotes a steady energy level and overall health. Brown rice, in particular, can help increase levels of growth hormone, which is key to stimulating lean muscle growth, fat loss, and strength gain.

Fruits and vegetables are rich sources of antioxidants that are essential for the proper functioning of the immune system. They also provide many other nutrients, such as vitamin C, vitamin E, and beta-carotene. Finally, the body needs the fiber provided by these fruits and vegetables to aid digestion and nutrient absorption.

Also remember about L-arginine supplementation, which affects faster muscle regeneration. It can also be a supplement to a protein diet.

Sample meals for muscle mass

Below is a sample menu that will help you build muscle mass.

Breakfast for muscle mass: 3 scrambled eggs, 3 slices of grilled lean smoked bacon, a large handful of spinach and 1 slice of lightly buttered wholemeal toast. ½ grapefruit,

XNUMXnd breakfast for muscle mass: protein shake with 30 g of whey protein powder and 200 ml of semi-skimmed milk. 1 small banana.

Snack for muscle gain: 25 g of Brazil nuts,

Lunch for muscle mass: pepper grilled chicken and vegetables. Chop some peppers and onions and place them in a bowl. Add 1 tbsp rapeseed oil, 1 tsp paprika, salt and pepper and mix together. Pour the mixture onto a baking sheet for 300 g of sliced ​​chicken breast. Meanwhile, lightly cook the broccoli and then set it aside. Grill the chicken and vegetables for 5-7 minutes, then add the broccoli and grill for another 5-7 minutes. Serve with 200 g of lightly buttered new potatoes.

Snack for muscle gain: 30 g of whey protein powder mixed with 100 g of low-fat Greek yogurt and 1 small, sliced ​​frozen banana

Dinner for muscle gain: mayonnaise sandwich with tuna. Mix one 150g can of tuna with 2 tablespoons of low-fat mayonnaise and serve over two slices of whole grain bread.

Calories: 2510, Protein: 242g, Carbohydrate: 197g, Fat: 86g.

Diet for mass – tips

A weight-loss diet is the tip of the iceberg. For it to make sense, you must be consistent and train diligently. However, there are rules that will help you achieve your goal. First of all, you have to eat.

To build muscle mass, you need to increase the caloric content of meals by about 10%. It is important not to overdo it, because then fat storage will accelerate.

As you know, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It is the same in this case. Breakfast is a dose of energy and nutrients. It is a good wake-up call for the body. However, you cannot forget about dinner and refuse it. This is necessary to replenish the caloric content after a hard day.

Remember not to eat a meal 2 hours before bedtime. Enrich your diet with protein. In order not to exceed the limit, you can put them in 3 meals throughout the day. The recommended amount of protein for one dish is about 30-50 grams.

You must also be aware that the period of building mass is not the time to eat sweets or fast food.. We remember the words: you are what you eat. The last and very important rule. Take time to rest. Sleep is beneficial for our body. Calm is also important because training is a strong stress factor. You have to find time to regenerate and, above all, be patient. The development of muscle mass continues, so by following all the rules, you will achieve the intended goal.

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