A special gentle diet for gastritis is the most important part of the treatment. If unhealthy diet, smoking, alcohol abuse and stress have led to a painful outcome, it’s time to rethink your diet. Having determined with the help of a doctor what type of gastritis has struck the gastric mucosa, make the right diet that will help get rid of pain and prevent new attacks. Don’t hold on to your stomach – hold on to your mind!
Not all gastritis is the same. The acidity of the gastric environment is the most important characteristic that must be taken into account in order to draw up a correct diet for gastritis. The wrong choice of the type of diet for gastritis can lead to the fact that the disease will not recede, but will attack with renewed vigor.
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My stomach hurts. Probably gastritis?
Under the general name “gastritis” (the word is derived from two Latin words meaning “stomach” and “inflammation, disorder”) there are many ailments that have very similar symptoms, but different causes. Including therefore, having felt any pain in the stomach, peritoneum, lower chest, you must not endure or grab onto something approximately suitable from the first-aid kit, and make an appointment with a gastroenterologist… Self-diagnosis and self-treatment of gastritis is especially dangerous for women – under the banal “stomach ache” a gynecological disorder can be hidden, even if the discomfort seems to be concentrated in the stomach area.
“In the stomach” can be given a violation in almost any internal organ, including the heart, this is a quirk of the nervous system. Remember, when you feel pain or hear this word from someone close to you, the first action is to call your doctor!
Gastritis is characterized by damage to the gastric mucosa, which plays the role of a “body armor” and in a healthy state does not allow the contents of the stomach and caustic gastric juice to injure the walls of the organ that processes food. This specific condition can occur suddenly, if, for example, you have eaten a food contaminated with microorganisms, ate something incredibly spicy or sour, or a systematic test of the gastric mucosa for strength (unhealthy diet, smoking, stress) has finally led to its damage and inflammation. Often people are tormented by a series of attacks – the pain relieves under the influence of medication or after the normalization of the diet, but then it comes back again.
Gastritis can be acute, caused by a one-time action of irritants: in this case, we are talking only about inflammation of the mucous membrane, which, with proper care, is removed and heals safely. Acute gastritis is “convenient” because it is easy to recognize it – the stomach hurts! But in some cases, we can talk about chronic gastritis, in which inflammation turns into a structural reorganization of the stomach tissues.
Chronic gastritis is dangerous for its possible low symptoms: the patient may not take seriously mild indigestion and tolerable infrequent pains, in fact, indicating that the stomach is slowly ceasing to cope with its function.
Chronic gastritis can occur against the background of drug abuse, fast food and “dry food”, alcohol, due to stress and infection with H. pylori bacteria. In addition, it is often associated with hereditary causes, untreated infectious diseases, metabolic disorders and a diet poor in vitamins.
A qualified doctor will help to determine the type and cause of gastritis, as well as to choose a medication. But the main role is assigned to you – since gastritis damages the stomach, you need nutrition, firstly, sparing the resulting “wound” of the mucous membrane, and secondly, helping to recover. And here a diet for gastritis comes to the rescue.
Softer, even softer …
In some cases, acute attacks of gastritis, accompanied by vomiting (caused or spontaneous), suggest a complete refusal of food for up to a day, after which the patient is allowed to eat pureed soups and liquid cereals. In any case, both recovery after an attack of acute gastritis and treatment of the chronic form of the disease require a special diet for gastritis.
Any diet for gastritis dictates strict rules for the processing and preparation of certain foods. So, for example, meat must be chosen lean, soft, without cartilage and veins, and cook it thoroughly (over low heat, at least in two waters). Pour the broth mercilessly: the diet for gastritis prohibits eating meat broth. Vegetables should also be boiled or steamed, and fruit should be cooked as compote or baked (removing seeds and skins). The general requirement for food on a gastritis diet is that the food should be soft in taste and texture, as homogeneous as possible.
The diet for gastritis pays great attention to the intake of protein: since the stomach is a muscular organ, building material is required for its restoration. Recent studies have shown that a very specific amino acid found in protein is most beneficial for the successful treatment of gastritis: glutamine (glutamine). Inspired by the properties of glutamine, scientists even called it “the king of amino acids.” Glutamine interferes with inflammatory and autoimmune processes. Plants containing high levels of glutamine, such as cabbage, legumes, and raw leafy vegetables, are generally contraindicated in gastritis. Therefore, those suffering from inflammation of the gastric mucosa, making up a diet for gastritis, are not recommended to give up glutamine-rich animal products – beef, fish, eggs, milk.
Those who suffer from gastritis should minimize salt intake and almost completely abandon spices, as well as not smoke or drink strong tea and coffee. Probably, as an addition to the diet for gastritis, the doctor will recommend vitamin supplements that will give strength, help recovery and strengthen the nervous system (and it is tightly connected to the digestive system, so loose nerves often turn into food processing disorders). Do not forget that in order to assimilate vitamins, preparations containing them should be taken immediately after meals (unless otherwise prescribed). Drinking with gastritis can be ordinary non-carbonated clean water, a neutral taste (without excessive acid or sweetness) compote, weak tea. Please note that different herbal teas are suitable for different types of gastritis (see below)!
There are two main types of diet for gastritis, selected depending on the concentration of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. Their menu has significant differences because it has different goals. The doctor will specify what kind of gastritis you “got” – with high or low acidity.
Diet for gastritis with high acidity
A diet for gastritis with high acidity will help reduce the activity of gastric juice. For this:
We remove from the diet food with pronounced fiber fibers and other coarse elements that can mechanically damage the walls of an inflamed stomach (stringy meat, fish with cartilage, radishes, turnips, rutabagas, bran bread, muesli, etc.).
We refuse products that provoke increased gastric secretion, i.e. production of gastric juice. These are alcohol, citrus fruits, soda, black bread, coffee, mushrooms, sauces, white cabbage.
We carefully monitor the temperature of food, avoiding the consumption of too cold and too hot foods. It is best that the temperature of the food entering the stomach is between 15 and 60 degrees. Hot food irritates the stomach too much, and food that is too cold takes a lot of energy from it to digest.
A diet for gastritis with high acidity allows the use of the following products:
lean meat (goose, duck and lamb should be excluded from the diet, ideal is skinless chicken and a dietary healthy rabbit);
river fish – it contains unsaturated fatty acids that contribute to the restoration of damaged tissues;
fat milk (goat, sheep, village cow – carefully monitor the origin and be sure to boil to disinfect);
egg whites;
oatmeal and buckwheat;
vegetables: peeled tomatoes, carrots, spinach, green peas, zucchini, beets, pumpkin, lettuce, parsley, dill and green onions;
fruits and berries (mashed or boiled, not on an empty stomach): raspberries, strawberries, strawberries;
herbal tea and infusion (chamomile, yarrow, wormwood, mint, sage).
If you have gastritis with high stomach acidity, then avoid low-fat milk and any fermented milk products, reduce the amount of simple carbohydrates to a minimum (sweets, confectionery, use only recommended ones from cereals), do not eat onions and garlic.
Rules to follow for gastritis:
eat often, but little by little (4-6 times a day, at the same time)
chew food thoroughly
rest after eating (15 minutes, if possible – lying or reclining)
What not to do with gastritis:
there is a TV, internet, magazine, etc.
chewing gum
sit on strict diets
snack on the go
Diet for gastritis with low acidity
Acidity below the physiological norm often accompanies chronic atrophic gastritis: the stomach tissues are reborn under the influence of the disease, therefore, the production of gastric juice and the acid content in it decreases. Food is poorly digested, and this affects all body systems. The diet for gastritis with low acidity should “seduce” the stomach with the right food, which helps the production of digestive substances.
To make this happen, follow these rules:
before meals, drink a glass of soft carbonated mineral water (for example, Essentuki-17 is suitable for a diet with gastritis with low acidity);
eat slowly: ideally, you should have at least 30 minutes for lunch;
eat baked fruit with your main course.
As you already know, many foods, such as fried foods, fast food, and soda, trigger the release of gastric juice. However, this does not mean that they can become part of the diet for gastritis with low acidity: despite the ability to whet the appetite, such food remains unhealthy. But there are also several indulgences in comparison with “sour” gastritis – if the juice in the stomach is not produced enough, you can add white cabbage, citrus fruits (in limited quantities), tea with sugar to the menu. Honey, lingonberries, gooseberries (in the form of a decoction or compote) also become a useful part of the diet for gastritis with low acidity. Herbal tea can be made from burdock and marshmallow.
The diet for gastritis with low acidity recommends well-cooked lean meat and fish. Of vegetables, it makes sense to place special hope on cauliflower and broccoli, cabbage, carrots (stewed and steamed).
Unlike “sour” gastritis, gastritis, characterized by a decrease in the secretory function of the stomach, does not tolerate milk. But the diet for gastritis with low acidity allows the use of fermented milk products.