Diet for 1 blood group: allowed and prohibited foods on a diet for the first blood group
A diet by blood type has long been a surprise. She also has an army of fans who claim that the blood type diet really helps to keep the figure in enviable harmony, there is also a crowd of ill-wishers and critics. What is the meaning of a diet by blood group and what foods are especially useful for owners of group 1?
Holders of the I blood group now know the exact answer to the question: “What to eat to lose weight?” The blood group 1 diet, compiled by the famous naturopathic physician Peter D’Adamo, is substantial proof of this.
Before embarking on a listing of useful and not too much food in the blood group 1 diet, it is worth mentioning what the essence of the “bloody” weight correction technique is.
So, the author of the diet by blood group is considered to be the American naturopathic physician Peter D’Adamo, who, based on the research of his father, James D’Adamo, proved that the same foods are digested differently in people with different blood groups. … After a long study of the issue, he compiled lists of dishes and products for each of the four blood groups: in one list he included foods and dishes that contribute to weight loss, normalization of metabolism and health, in the other – a list of products that he considered “heavy” for representatives of this blood groups. “Heavy” means those that are poorly digested, have a toxic effect, provoke fat accumulation and weight gain. What foods are good for a blood group I diet, and what are bad?
Diet by blood type 1: foods to help you lose weight and restore health
In the diet according to the first blood group, according to the statements of the father and son of D’Adamo, the following foods are especially useful:
Artichokes, broccoli, collard greens, spinach. These products help regulate the digestion process, improve metabolism.
Red meat. Especially lamb, beef, lamb and veal. Red meat is an excellent supplier of iron, vitamin B12 and protein, which play a huge role in the metabolism of representatives of the 1st blood group.
Seafood: salmon fish, anchovies, shrimp, mussels and oysters. And also such types of fish as perch, cod, pike.
Of all the oils in the blood group 1 diet, olive oil is recommended.
In addition, representatives of the 1st blood group in their diet should find a place for walnuts, sprouted bread, figs and prunes.
“Harmful” foods in terms of diet for blood group 1
If foods are “harmful” in the blood group 1 diet, this does not mean that they are hazardous to health. However, Dr. D’Adamo considered them undesirable for representatives of the 1st blood group. Due to the peculiarities of the cellular structure of their body, for these people the products of their “black list” are dangerous only because they contribute to weight gain and slow down metabolism. But you must admit – and this is enough to stop using them.
The junk food list for people with the first blood group includes:
Products made from wheat, oats, barley and rye containing gluten (gluten). This sticky substance slows down metabolic processes in the body of representatives of the 1st blood group, so it is better to limit their use in the diet to a minimum.
Corn, beans, lentils, which reduce the intensity of the action of insulin, and thus also reduce the metabolic rate.
Cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and cabbage. These vegetables provoke hypothyroidism – a decrease in the function of the thyroid gland.
Fatty dairy products (including butter, cream, cottage cheese, cheese and others), which D’Adamo advised to replace with soy or low-fat fermented milk products.
It is interesting to know that the first blood group is the most common in the world and the oldest. It is believed that initially all people who lived on Earth about 40 thousand years ago had only one blood group, and it was the first. That is why today people with this group are usually referred to the type “Hunter”, for which it is recommended to follow a predominantly meat diet, with limited use of cereals and vegetables.