- Blood Type Diet: Eat What Is In Your Nature!
- Diet by blood type: your menu is chosen by … ancestors
- Blood Type Diet I: Every Hunter Wants to Know …
- Diet according to blood group II: what can a farmer eat?
- Blood Group III Diet: For Nearly Omnivores
- Diet by blood type IV: who are you, the man of mystery?
- Effectiveness of the blood type diet
- Diet by blood type: criticism and refutation
The blood type diet is an original and very popular meal plan today, the fruit of the research work of two generations of American nutritionists D’Adamo. According to their idea, in the course of evolution, people’s lifestyle changes the biochemistry of the body, which means that each blood group has an individual character and requires special gastronomic treatment. Let the traditional science treat this technique with skepticism, this does not affect the flow of fans of the blood type diet in any way!
Being slim and healthy is in our blood! In any case, the American nutritionists D’Adamo, the creators of the famous blood type diet, think so …
Blood Type Diet: Eat What Is In Your Nature!
Based on his many years of medical practice, years of nutritional counseling, and research by his father, James D’Adamo, American naturopathic doctor Peter D’Adamo suggested that blood type is not the main factor of similarity, but not height, weight or skin color. and the differences between people.
Different blood groups interact differently with lecithins, the most important cellular building blocks. Lecithins are found in all tissues of the human body and come generously from the outside with food. However, chemically, the lecithins found in meat, for example, are different from the lecithins in plant foods. A blood type diet helps you choose exactly the lecithins your body needs to live happily ever after.
The theoretical basis of the doctor’s methodology was his work Eat Right 4 Your Type, the title of which is a play on words – it means both “Eat right for your type” and “Eat right in accordance with one of the four types.” The first edition of the book was published in 1997, and since then, the description of the blood type diet method has been on the American bestseller lists, having gone through several reprints and editions.
Today, Dr. D’Adamo runs his own clinic in Portsmouth, USA, where he helps his patients improve eating behavior. He uses not only the proprietary blood group diet method, but also various auxiliary procedures, including SPA, taking vitamins, and psychological work. Despite scientific criticism of the D’Adamo diet, the clinic is thriving.
Among his clients are many overseas celebrities, for example, fashion designer Tommy Hilfiger, fashion model Miranda Kerr, actress Demi Moore. They all trust Dr. D’Adamo and claim to have experienced the amazing slimming and health-promoting effects of a blood type diet.
According to the author of the blood type diet, American nutritionist Peter D’Adamo, knowing our blood type, we can understand what our ancestors were doing. And to form your menu, not contradicting history: hunters are traditionally supposed to eat meat, and nomads are better off avoiding milk.
In his theory, Peter D’Adamo relied on the evolutionary theory of blood grouping, developed by the American immunochemist William Clouser Boyd. Following Boyd, D’Adamo argues that everyone, united by the same blood group, has a common past, and certain qualities and properties of blood make it possible to make an exciting and not useless from a dietary point of view, travel back in time.
In his theory, Peter D’Adamo relied on the evolutionary theory of blood grouping, developed by the American immunochemist William Clouser Boyd. Following Boyd, D’Adamo argues that everyone, united by the same blood group, has a common past, and certain qualities and properties of blood make it possible to make an exciting and not useless from a dietary point of view, travel back in time.
Blood group I (in the international classification – O): described by Dr. D’Adamo as “hunting”. He claims that it is she who is the blood of the first people on Earth, which took shape in a separate type about 30 thousand years ago. The correct diet by blood type for “hunters” is predictable, high in meat protein.
Blood group II (international designation – A), according to the doctor, means that you descended from the first farmers, who separated into a separate “blood type” about 20 thousand years ago. Farmers need, again predictably, to eat lots of different vegetables and minimize their red meat intake.
Blood group III (or B) belongs to the descendants of nomads. This type was formed about 10 thousand years ago, and it is characterized by a strong immune system and unpretentious digestion, but nomads should watch out for the use of dairy products – their bodies are historically prone to lactose intolerance.
Blood group IV (AB) is called the “mystery”. The first representatives of this relatively rare type appeared less than 1 years ago and illustrate evolutionary variability in action, combining the characteristics of very different groups I and II.
Blood Type Diet I: Every Hunter Wants to Know …
… what he needs to eat in order not to get better and get healthier. 33% of the world’s population can consider themselves to be the descendants of ancient brave miners. There is a scientific opinion that it was from the first blood group in the process of natural selection that all the others originated.
The diet for the first blood group requires that the diet contains:
red meat: beef, lamb
offal, especially liver
broccoli, leafy vegetables, artichokes
fatty varieties of sea fish (Scandinavian salmon, sardines, herring, halibut) and seafood (shrimp, oysters, mussels), as well as freshwater sturgeon, pike and perch
from vegetable oils, preference should be given to olive
Walnuts, sprouted grains, seaweed, figs and prunes provide micronutrients and aid digestion in a diet rich in animal protein.
The foods on the following list make hunters put on weight and suffer the effects of a slower metabolism. The blood type diet assumes that the owners of group 1 will not abuse:
foods high in gluten (wheat, oats, rye)
dairy products, especially fatty
corn, beans, lentils
any cabbage (including Brussels sprouts), as well as cauliflower.
Observing a diet for blood group I, it is necessary to avoid salty foods and foods that cause fermentation (apples, cabbage), including juices from them.
Of the drinks, mint tea and rosehip broth will be of particular benefit.
The blood group diet assumes that the owners of the oldest group have a generally healthy gastrointestinal tract, but the only correct food strategy for them is a conservative one, new foods are usually poorly tolerated by hunters. But it is the owners of this blood group by nature that are designed for all kinds of physical activity and feel good only if they combine proper nutrition with regular exercise.
Diet according to blood group II: what can a farmer eat?
The Blood Group 2 Diet eliminates meat and dairy products from the diet, providing the green light for vegetarianism and fruit eating. About 38% of the world’s population belongs to the second blood group – almost half of us descended from the first agrarians!
The following foods should be present in the blood group 2 diet:
vegetable oils
cereals and cereals (with caution – gluten-containing)
fruits – pineapples, apricots, grapefruits, figs, lemons, plums
the use of meat, especially red meat, is not recommended for “farmers” at all, but fish and seafood (cod, perch, carp, sardines, trout, mackerel) will benefit.
In order not to gain weight and avoid health problems, owners of blood group II on an appropriate diet are advised to remove the following from the menu:
dairy products: inhibit metabolism and are poorly absorbed
wheat dishes: the protein gluten, which is rich in wheat, reduces the effect of insulin and slows down the metabolism
beans: difficult to digest due to their high protein content
eggplants, potatoes, mushrooms, tomatoes and olives
from fruits oranges, bananas, mangoes, coconuts, tangerines, papaya and melon are “forbidden”
people with the second blood group are better off refraining from drinks such as black tea, orange juice, and any soda.
The strengths of the “farmers” include a robust digestive system and, in general, good health – provided that the body is fed correctly. If a person with a second blood group consumes too much meat and milk to the detriment of a plant-based menu, his risk of developing heart and cancer diseases, as well as diabetes, increases many times over.
Blood Group III Diet: For Nearly Omnivores
About 20% of the world’s inhabitants belong to the third blood group. The type that arose during the period of active migration of the masses is distinguished by an excellent ability to adapt and a certain omnivorousness: wandering back and forth across continents, nomads are accustomed to eating what is available, with the maximum benefit for themselves, and passed this skill on to their descendants. If in your social circle there is a friend with a tinned stomach, who does not care about any new food, most likely his blood type is the third.
The diet for the third blood group is considered the most varied and balanced.
It certainly includes the following products:
sources of animal protein – meat and fish (preferably marine as a storehouse of easily digestible and important for metabolism fatty acids)
milk products (both whole and sour)
cereals (except for buckwheat and wheat)
vegetables (except for corn and tomatoes, melons and gourds are also undesirable)
various fruits.
Owners of the third blood group, in order to maintain health and maintain a normal weight, it makes sense to refrain from:
pork and chicken
corn and lentils
nuts, especially peanuts
Despite all their flexibility and adaptability, nomads are characterized by a lack of protection against rare viruses and a tendency to autoimmune diseases. In addition, it is believed that the scourge of modern society, “chronic fatigue syndrome”, also refers to the nomadic heritage. Those belonging to this blood type are relatively infrequently overweight, so a diet by blood group for them becomes primarily a way of regulating metabolism and maintaining good health.
Diet by blood type IV: who are you, the man of mystery?
The last, fourth blood group, the youngest from a historical point of view. Dr. D’Adamo himself calls its representatives “riddles”; the name “townspeople” also stuck.
The blood of such biochemistry is the result of the latest stages of natural selection and the influence on humans of external conditions that have changed in recent centuries. Today, less than 10% of the entire population of the planet can boast of this mysterious mixed type.
If they intend to lose weight and improve metabolism with a diet according to the fourth blood group, they will have to be prepared for unexpected recommendations and no less unexpected prohibitions on the menu.
People-“riddles” should eat:
soybeans in various forms, and especially tofu
fish and caviar
green vegetables and fruits
dry red wine.
And at the same time, on a blood group IV diet, the following foods should be avoided:
red meat, offal and meat products
any beans
corn and wheat.
oranges, bananas, guava, coconuts, mangoes, pomegranates, persimmons
The mysterious townspeople are characterized by instability of the nervous system, a predisposition to cancer, strokes and heart attacks, as well as a weak gastrointestinal tract. But the immune system of the owners of a rare fourth group is distinguished by sensitivity and adaptability to renewing conditions. Therefore, it is especially important for the “townspeople” to monitor the intake of vitamins and minerals.
Effectiveness of the blood type diet
The blood type diet is one of the systemic meal plans that require significant dietary revisions and do not give predictable results over a specific period of time. According to the developer, if the diet coincides with what the blood “wants”, getting rid of excess weight will surely come after the metabolic processes are adjusted and the cells begin to receive the building material from exactly those sources that they need.
The author recommends a diet according to her blood group for those people who seek to solve for themselves the issue of cleansing the body, gradual weight loss. And also the prevention of diseases, the list of which, according to Dr. Peter D’Adamo, differs for each blood group with its own specifics.
Diet by blood type: criticism and refutation
Peter D’Adamo’s method has sparked scientific controversy since its first publication. In early 2014, researchers from Canada published data from a large-scale study of the effect of diet on blood type, in which about one and a half thousand participants took part. Scientists announced that their conclusion is unequivocal: this meal plan does not have a pronounced weight loss effect.
In some cases, as noted in the digest of results, a vegetarian diet or a decrease in the amount of carbohydrates helps to reduce weight, but this is not due to the combined action of food and blood group, but to the overall health of the menu. The II blood group diet helped the subjects lose several pounds and lower blood pressure, the IV blood group diet normalizes cholesterol and insulin levels, but does not affect weight in any way, the I blood group diet reduces the amount of fat in the plasma, and the III blood group diet did not noticeably affect anything at all, – such conclusions were reached by the employees of the research center in Toronto.
However, it is unlikely that these findings will seriously affect the popularity of Dr. D’Adamo’s diet. The blood type diet has managed to find hundreds of thousands of fans around the world: it may not help you lose weight as dramatically as any strict diet, but it allows you to get to know yourself better and learn to be aware of the needs of your body.
If you have ever lost weight on a blood type diet, what results have you been able to achieve?
I have not been able to lose weight.
My result is quite modest – in the category of 3 to 5 pounds dropped.
I have lost more than 5 kg.
The blood type diet is my consistent eating style.
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