Losing weight up to 6 kg in 7 days.
The average daily calorie content is 600 Kcal.
If you need to lose 5-6 unnecessary kilograms, and you have no more than a week for this, a weight loss technique called 6 cereals can help. According to its rules, for 7 days you will need to eat different cereals, every day – a certain cereal.
6 porridge diet requirements
Diet 6 porridge refers to a method of losing weight, in which the emphasis in the diet is on the use of complex carbohydrates and cutting back on proteins and fats. On the first diet day, you need to eat wheat porridge, on the second – millet, on the third – oatmeal, on the fourth – rice, and on the fifth and sixth days, you need to focus on barley and a mix of all the cereals you like, respectively.
In order for the 6 porridge diet to be the most effective in terms of weight loss and health benefits, you should pay attention to such nuances. The groats should be poured with boiling water in the evening in a ratio of one to three. After that, bringing to a boil, boil for about 5 minutes. Then we remove the cereal, wrap it with a towel and leave to infuse for at least 10 hours. It is forbidden to add sugar, butter to porridge. It is highly desirable to give up salt. As a last resort, allow yourself to use a pinch of salt a day, but no more. Instead, you can sometimes pamper the cereal with the addition of soy sauce, also in small quantities.
In the morning (about 30 minutes before breakfast), it is recommended to drink a glass of boiled hot water. This will help awaken the body after a night’s rest and accelerate the metabolic processes taking place in it.
Try to eat fractionally, planning your diet in such a way as to eat small meals at approximately regular intervals. There is no clear portion of cereal. Listen to your feelings. Try not to overeat, but at the same time, there is absolutely no need to torment yourself with a feeling of hunger. Don’t cut your portions too much.
If you have enviable willpower, you can try to eat purely cereals. But it is quite permissible, according to the requirements of the 6 porridge diet, to diversify the diet with a small amount of berries, fruits, vegetables (preferably non-starchy type), low-fat kefir, unsweetened fruit or vegetable juice (preferably freshly squeezed). It is possible that the result of the diet will be a little less noticeable this way (lose 1-2 kilograms less than when eating only porridge), but the food will be more tasty, and weight loss will be as comfortable as possible.
Day 1
Breakfast: a portion of wheat porridge with the addition of your favorite berries (preferably seasonal).
Snack: a glass of kefir.
Lunch: a portion of wheat porridge and a glass of apple juice.
Afternoon snack: A serving of empty cucumber and white cabbage salad.
Dinner: a portion of wheat porridge with dill and parsley and a couple of small fresh tomatoes.
Day 2
Breakfast: a portion of millet porridge, which can be supplied with a small amount of kefir.
Snack: apple.
Lunch: a portion of millet porridge and cucumber-tomato salad with herbs.
Afternoon snack: 2-3 tangerines.
Dinner: a portion of millet porridge and a glass of apple juice.
Day 3
Breakfast: a serving of oatmeal and a handful of berries of your choice.
Snack: apple.
Lunch: a serving of oatmeal and a glass of citrus juice.
Afternoon snack: kefir-berry-oatmeal cocktail.
Dinner: a portion of oatmeal with herbs; A glass of tomato juice.
Day 4
Breakfast: a portion of rice porridge and 2-3 fresh cucumbers.
Snack: half an apple and 150 ml of kefir.
Lunch: a portion of rice porridge and grapefruit.
Afternoon snack: a glass of kefir.
Dinner: a portion of rice porridge and cucumber-tomato salad.
Day 5
Breakfast: a portion of barley porridge and a pear.
Snack: a glass of apple juice.
Lunch: a serving of barley porridge and fresh cucumber.
Afternoon snack: half an apple and a glass of kefir.
Dinner: a portion of barley porridge and a few tablespoons of white cabbage salad and various greens.
Day 6
Breakfast: a portion of barley and a glass of kefir.
Snack: grapefruit and a few rings of fresh pineapple.
Lunch: a portion of barley and cucumber-tomato salad.
Afternoon snack: 2 medium-sized baked apples.
Dinner: a portion of barley and a glass of tomato juice.
Day 7
Breakfast: a portion of oatmeal seasoned with kefir and small pieces of fresh or baked apple.
Snack: orange.
Lunch: a portion of rice with a salad of cucumbers, cabbage and greens.
Afternoon snack: a baked apple and a glass of kefir.
Dinner: a portion of buckwheat porridge and a fresh tomato or a glass of juice from this vegetable.
Contraindications diet 6 cereals
- The 6 porridge diet is definitely not an option for celiac disease (celiac disease). The fact is that with this disease, the villi of the small intestine become much thinner, due to which food is not fully absorbed. And since gluten is abundant in cereals, this type of diet should be abandoned.
- If you have an intolerance to any particular cereal involved in the diet, replace it with another one (preferably also from the list of recommended foods).
- If you have any stomach disease, it is imperative that you consult with a qualified specialist before starting a diet. For example, in case of a stomach ulcer, this technique may be contraindicated.
- Prohibitions for following the 6 porridge diet are also periods of pregnancy, breastfeeding, age up to 18 or after 60 years, when the body needs to eat well.
Advantages of the 6 porridge diet
- Since the favorite of this nutritional method – cereals – is quite nutritious, you will not have to face the brutal hunger that so often prevents you from completing weight loss.
- Helps maintain satiety and crushing meals. Usually, a person does not even have time to get particularly hungry (of course, if you do not eat too little).
- And the comparative short duration of the diet method, as a rule, allows you to withstand it without any particular difficulties.
- The 6 porridge diet is very beneficial in terms of waste. Surely, turning to this method of losing weight for help, you will notice that not only did you not spend extra money on food, but also saved a lot.
- In addition, each of the cereals involved in the diet has beneficial properties. Wheat porridge contains vitamins B1, B2, rich in iron, phosphorus, beta-carotene, vegetable fat, starch. It is easily absorbed by the body, helps to naturally remove toxins and toxins, improves fat metabolism and lowers blood cholesterol levels to the correct level.
- Millet porridge is especially useful for digestion, musculoskeletal system, promotes regenerative processes of the skin and helps relieve puffiness.
- Oatmeal is an amazing source of energy. It also helps to normalize cholesterol levels, reduces stomach acidity, improves the functioning of the nervous system and the functioning of the thyroid gland.
- Rice porridge is one of the leaders among cereals in terms of the content of complex carbohydrates, which have the ability to accumulate in the muscles and give the body strength and activity. In addition, it draws in harmful substances that live in the body and helps to get rid of them. Also, rice is a storehouse of vitamins B, E, PP, potassium, manganese, selenium, phosphorus, zinc.
- Barley and pearl barley are also rich in the right carbohydrates and fats, as well as dietary fiber. These cereals have a very beneficial effect on the state of the cardiovascular system, strengthen bones, improve vision and increase the body’s defenses.
Disadvantages of the 6 porridge diet
- There are few disadvantages to the 6 porridge diet. Unless such a diet is not suitable for those who are not very fond of cereals and cannot imagine life without protein products. Still, eating mostly cereals all week is not so easy, and willpower is also needed for this.
- To assess your capabilities and understand how appropriate it is for you to follow this diet, you can try to spend a fasting day on some kind of porridge. If the day passes without any particular difficulties, the state of health will not fail, then if you wish, you can also try the 6 porridge method.
Re-dieting 6 cereals
Repeating the 6 porridge diet, no matter how easy it may be for you, is not recommended earlier than 4-5 weeks after its completion.