Description of the raspberry variety Giant
Raspberry “Giant” gives high yields of large juicy berries with a sweet and sour taste. But this can be achieved by observing the rules of caring for her.
Description of the raspberry variety “Giant”
This is a medium-ripening variety. The bush of such a raspberry is massive and compact, reaching a height of 2 m. Its shoots are thick and erect, without a wax coating. The root system is branched. The leaves are large, dark green, with a felt edging at the top.
Raspberry “Giant” withstands drought
The berries grow in the shape of an elongated cone with a deep ruby color. They are large – the weight reaches 12-15 g. The pulp is juicy, dense, with a sweet and sour dessert taste and a delicate forest aroma.
Raspberries bear fruit for a month, starting at the end of June.
The main advantages of the variety are:
- She is unpretentious in care.
- It gives a stable, high yield – from one bush you can collect 4-5 kg per season.
- Differs in winter hardiness.
- Fruits, even ripe, do not crumble from the bush.
- The seeds of the fruits are small and are not felt when the berries are eaten.
- Thorns are completely absent on the shoots.
- Gives little root growth.
- The plant is resistant to most fungal and viral diseases.
- Withstands drought, but yields are reduced.
- The berry is not deformed during transportation.
This berry thanks generously for proper care.
Features of caring for Giant raspberries
This variety of raspberries is photophilous. It should be planted in sunny, draft-free places. When planting seedlings in a row, a distance of 70 cm must be observed between them, and at least 1,5 m between rows. This is necessary for the root system to have enough nutrients.
In order for the Giant to produce a high-quality crop, it needs:
- Watering. The root system of raspberries is located close to the surface of the earth, so it should be watered sparingly, but regularly. Otherwise, the berries will be small and dry.
- Pruning. Extra unnecessary shoots are cut off in early spring.
- Top dressing. It is necessary to feed raspberries in spring and autumn. In the spring, she needs nitrogen and mineral fertilizers, and in the fall – organic.
If you follow these steps correctly, then raspberries will delight you with a generous harvest every year.
The wrong place for planting raspberries will cause the plant to bloom later, and the berries will be smaller, paler and more acidic than they should be. Also, the quality of the crop is influenced by: frequent rains, thickening of plantings, lack of fertilizers.
Raspberry “Giant” gives a good harvest only if it is properly and timely taken care of.