Depression during pregnancy

Spotting the signs of depression during pregnancy

Rest assured, just because you have a stroke of the blues doesn’t mean you have depression. Pregnancy is a time of psychic reshuffle, it is quite legitimate to ask billions of questions. This very frequent adaptation stress does not need to be medicalized. But sometimes, the anxiety becomes “overflowing”, uncontrollable, the mother experiences a lasting discomfort that she herself sometimes does not dare to admit. It can take several forms: self-deprecation, significant physical discomfort, sleep disorders, unreasonable fatigue … “The mother has the impression that this pregnancy is foreign to her and it pains her deeply. This state of ill-being raises immense guilt, ”explains Françoise Molénat, president of the French society for perinatal psychology.

It also happens that this psychological disorder is more insidious because it is not always conscious. Pregnancy reactivates the family history of each parent, emotions and sensations that have not necessarily been mentalized. “This stress linked to early experiences of insecurity takes priority on the somatic level”, continues the specialist. In other words, mental illness can also be manifested by physical symptoms such as the, the or a difficult childbirth.

Solutions to prevent depression during pregnancy

  • Professional side

In general, any form of exaggerated, lasting discomfort that hinders the internal security of pregnant women must alert professionals. The prenatal interview, which normally takes place at the end of the first trimester of pregnancy with a midwife, allows expectant mothers to freely discuss any questions they have. This is also when they can confide in their discomfort. But only 25% of couples currently benefit. ” We are faced with a difficult challenge », Recognizes Dr. Molénat. “The big problem with preventing this depression is that insofar as it affects one’s self-image, maternal abilities, and others’ eyes, it is very difficult to identify. But if the various professionals concerned broaden their listening skills and work together, we will be able to provide answers. ”

The role of prevention is all the more important as in 50% of cases, depression during pregnancy leads to postpartum depression, as several studies show. This psychological disorder which affects 10 to 20% of young mothers occurs after childbirth. The mother is in great distress and has difficulty attaching herself to her baby. In extreme cases, his behavior can affect the proper development of the child.

  • Mom side

If you are very unwell, if you feel that this pregnancy has triggered something in you that was unwanted, you should first of all do not stay alone. Isolation is a factor that precipitates all forms of depression. As soon as you can, ptalk to a midwife or a doctor and even your loved ones about your fears. The professionals will provide you with answers and, if necessary, direct you to a psychological consultation. The birth preparations centered on the body such as yoga or sophrology are also very beneficial to relax and regain confidence. Do not deprive yourself of it.

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