Demodicosis on a man’s face
Skin diseases are still relevant today. And demodicosis is no exception. So what is demodicosis?

What is demodicosis 

Demodecosis This is a skin disease caused by the iron mites (Demodex). It is a parasite that lives on the skin of the face and in human hair follicles. Sometimes it migrates to the skin of the chest and back. For the reproduction of demodicosis, a nutrient medium is needed, which is sebum (sebum).

Carriers of the tick can be people of different ages, but most often they are women from 20 to 40 years old. Exacerbation of demodicosis is possible only if the skin microflora is disturbed and the patient’s immunity is reduced.

It is during this period that the tick actively multiplies. A red rash and pink spots appear on the skin that peel off. Also appear on the face pustules (vesicles with pus) or vesicles (fluid bubbles). The skin becomes inflamed and covered with weeping crusts. 

In the absence of the necessary treatment from a dermatologist, the patient’s skin condition worsens.

Types of demodicosis

A variety of demodicosisEvidence
Acneform demodicosisthe presence of papules and pustules that resemble acne rashes
Rosacea-like demodicosisthe appearance of papules on the background of redness of the skin
Seborrheic demodicosisrash on the skin accompanied by peeling
Ophthalmic demodicosiseyelid skin inflammation

Also distinguish: 

Primary demodicosis 

  • diagnosed with a strong reproduction of ticks, the absence of dermatitis (acne, rosacea, seborrhea) and a successful cure after therapy; 
  • in patients over 40 years of age. 

Secondary demodicosis 

  • are detected in the presence of skin lesions (acne, rosacea, dermatitis) and systemic diseases (leukemia, HIV, etc.) 
  • in immunocompromised patients. 

Causes of demodicosis

Demodicosis is a skin disease caused by the Demodex mite. It is also called iron. It is transparent and invisible to the naked eye.

Normally, this mite lives on the surface of the skin of any person and is part of the normal microflora. Ticks feed on decay products in the upper layers of the epidermis. In case of malfunctions of the immune system and other negative factors, mites multiply too actively, and “settle” in the ducts of the sebaceous glands, causing inflammation. In addition to the skin, Demodex affects the roots of the eyelashes.

As an independent disease, demodicosis is not distinguished as a separate disease by most doctors, since this is always preceded by another pathology or a violation of hygiene. The disease often occurs against the background of acne, dematitis and rosacea. Inflammatory phenomena and vascular pathologies cannot but affect the state of the skin microflora, the balance is disturbed and the tick multiplies more actively.

Demodicosis can even provoke prolonged exposure to the sun, which is stressful for our skin and causes a drop in local immunity. Violation of the rules of personal hygiene – a rare change of towels and bed linen, rare washing, someone else’s cosmetics. You should not get too carried away with hygiene either – frequent visits to baths and saunas can provoke a vascular reaction, which will cause demodicosis.

Improper nutrition, prolonged use of hormonal ointments, frequent acute respiratory viral infections affect the general and local state of immunity.

Symptoms of demodicosis  

For demodicosis of the face, the following symptoms are characteristic:

  • acne;
  • increased oiliness of the skin;
  • redness of the inflamed areas;
  • puffiness of the nose;
  • “earthy” complexion;
  • itchiness

Separately, I want to say about demodectic blepharoconjunctivitis.  This is inflammation of the eyelids, which occurs both independently and together with demodicosis of the skin of the face. 

When the mite multiplies, scales form on the skin of the eyelids. The patient complains of itching, which is aggravated by heat and UV rays, a foreign body sensation in the eyes, eye fatigue and a burning sensation. 

A viscous and sticky discharge accumulates in the corners of the eyes. This is especially noticeable in the morning. The skin becomes dry, and the areas affected by demodicosis become covered with weeping crusts.

The long course of the disease can lead to loss of eyelashes and scarring.


A doctor can diagnose demodicosis in a patient by conducting a visual examination and receiving laboratory results.1. As a necessary material, a scraping is taken from the skin of the face. An adhesive tape test is also used – a special tape is glued to the patient’s skin overnight. After that, using a microscope, an analysis is carried out for demodex. 

Demodicosis rarely occurs on its own. Most often, it accompanies other diseases: various forms of rosacea, acne, dermatitis, acne, etc. 

The reproduction of mites on human skin indicates problems with the immune system. In this regard, the standard treatment of the underlying skin disease is first carried out, and then a comprehensive examination is carried out in order to identify chronic diseases.

Thus, demodicosis affects both the physical health and the psycho-emotional state of the patient, which ultimately affects the quality of his life.

Demodicosis treatment regimen

Demodicosis is fairly easy to diagnose under a microscope. Treatment usually does not cause any special problems, but the recovery process can be quite long, up to several months.

Medical preparations

The treatment is aimed primarily at normalizing the protective functions of the epidermis, restoring the normal microflora of the skin, and fighting mites with the help of acaricides. Reduce sebum secretion.

Antihistamines are used to reduce swelling and itching.

With concomitant diseases, infections and systemic hormonal and immune disorders, appropriate treatment is prescribed, since they are the root cause of demodicosis.

Traditional methods of treatment

A conscious rejection of drug therapy and the choice in favor of alternative methods is not recommended by experts. After all, only drug treatment has been tested by many studies and years of successful therapy, and can guarantee a favorable outcome of the disease. Treatment can only be carried out under medical supervision.

As an addition to the main treatment, it is recommended to eat right. Exclude from the diet foods that dilate blood vessels: coffee, spices, spicy. Avoid fatty and starchy foods, smoked foods, citrus fruits, soda, as they can provoke an allergic reaction. Eat as little sugar as possible. These products provoke excessive activity of the sebaceous glands, allergies and aggravate the disease.

Prevention of demodicosis

After making a diagnosis, you will have to change all cosmetics, wash makeup brushes and sponges. When choosing cosmetic products, it is worth giving preference to tubes with dispensers so that the cosmetic product does not come into contact with air and skin. Means in such packages will not have to be changed even with a relapse of the disease.

It is also worth replacing towels with disposable paper ones so that ticks and their waste products do not linger in the villi.

Change feather pillows for pillows with a different filler, often change and iron pillowcases with a hot iron. At the time of treatment, exclude visits to baths, saunas and swimming pools, less time in the sun.

It is necessary to increase overall immunity – eat right, sleep well.

Popular questions and answers

Answered popular questions dermatologist Elena Chebykin.

What ointment helps with subcutaneous ticks

In the treatment of demodicosis of the face, two drugs are used –  Metronidazole ointment и Ivermectin cream


In my medical practice, I use Ivermectin cream more often.2 is an antiprotozoal drug that has an anti-inflammatory effect and inhibits the activity of the Demodex mite. The cream is well tolerated by patients and guarantees the result. 

Metronidazole ointment3 has an antimicrobial effect and also shows good results in patients. 

The use of these drugs is possible only after consulting a doctor. 

What is impossible with demodicosis of the face

In addition to drug treatment, the patient must comply with the following rules:

• avoid direct sunlight; 

• do not visit baths, saunas, solariums. At a temperature of +36 degrees, demodicosis begins to activate and work in a pathological variant;

• exclude spicy and fatty foods that can provoke the reproduction of demodicosis;

• follow the diet prescribed by the doctor.

Is it possible to get demodicosis from another person?

You can become infected with demodicosis by tactile contact with the patient. And also when using his personal belongings (towel, comb, bed linen, cosmetics). 

Therefore, a patient with demodicosis should have their own personal hygiene items. 

Is it possible to wash with tar soap with demodicosis

No, absolutely not. Tar soap has a pH-alkaline environment, which is harmful to the skin of the face and body. The fact is that human pH is a slightly acidic environment that must be maintained on the face and body. Soap is alkalizing and causes an imbalance in the skin. This leads to skin diseases, in particular, to demodicosis.

For diagnosis and proper treatment, you should consult a doctor.

Sources of:

  1. N.S. Sirmais, M.V. Ustinov, G.A. Abesadze Demodicosis: pathogenetic aspects in various facial dermatoses.
  2. Register of Medicinal Products of Russia®. Ivermectin

  3. Reference Vidal “Medicines in Russia”. Meronidazole.
  4. Schwartz N.E. New methods of rational therapy for demodicosis // Modern medicine: topical issues. – 2015. 
  5. Kubanova A.A., Galliamova Yu.A., Grevtseva A.S. Demodicosis: textbook. allowance / GBOU DPO “Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education”. – M.: GBOU DPO RMAPO. – 2014. 

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