Definition of the logarithm, its properties and graph

Logarithm of a number is the power to which one number must be raised to obtain another.

If the number b to the extent y equals x:

by = x

So the logarithm of the number x by reason b is y:

y = logb(X)

For example:

24 = 16

log2(16) = 4


Logarithm as inverse function to exponential

logarithmic function y = logb(x) is the inverse function of the exponential x=b y.

So if we calculate the exponential function of the logarithm x (x > 0), it will turn out:

f (f -1(x)) = blogb(x) = x

Or if we calculate the logarithm of the exponential function х:

f -1(f (x)) = logb(bx) = x

Natural logarithm (ln)

The natural logarithm is the base logarithm е.

ln (x) = loge(x)

Number e is a constant that can be defined as a limit:

Definition of the logarithm, its properties and graph

Or so:

Definition of the logarithm, its properties and graph

Inverse logarithm

Inverse logarithm (or antilogarithm) of a number n is a number whose base logarithm is a is equal to the number n.

ant logan = an

Table of properties of logarithms

Below are the main properties of logarithms in tabular form.

» data-order=»Definition of the logarithm, its properties and graph«>Definition of the logarithm, its properties and graphDefinition of the logarithm, its properties and graph

» data-order=»Definition of the logarithm, its properties and graph«>Definition of the logarithm, its properties and graphDefinition of the logarithm, its properties and graph

» data-order=»Definition of the logarithm, its properties and graph«>Definition of the logarithm, its properties and graphDefinition of the logarithm, its properties and graph

» data-order=»Definition of the logarithm, its properties and graph«>Definition of the logarithm, its properties and graphDefinition of the logarithm, its properties and graph

Basic logarithmic identityLogarithm of the productDivision/quotient logarithmLogarithmic degreesLogarithm of a number to the base in the degree
root logarithm
Rearranging the base of the logarithmTransition to a new foundationDerivative of the logarithmIntegral logarithmLogarithm of a negative numberLogarithm of a number equal to the baseLogarithm of infinityЛогарифмическая функция

Функция, которая определена формулой f(x)=loga(x) – это логарифмическая функция с основанием a. При этом a>0, a≠1.

График функции логарифма

График логарифмической функции (логарифмика) может быть двух типов, в зависимости от значения основания a:

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