Dangerous infections during pregnancy, intrauterine infection
At the time of bearing a baby, a woman’s body is especially susceptible to the effects of pathogenic microorganisms. Infections during pregnancy occur under the influence of bacteria, viruses and various fungi, which multiply against the background of a weakening of the immunity of the pregnant woman, and some of them lead to severe pathologies of fetal development.
Dangerous infections during pregnancy
In newborns whose mothers have had infectious diseases, inflammatory processes in the liver or lungs, respiratory failure, skin rashes, and neurological disorders are often detected.
Infections during pregnancy are dangerous for the health of the expectant mother and the development of the fetus
The most dangerous infections are:
- Rubella. In the first trimester, it causes serious fetal malformations. If the expectant mother becomes ill after 16 weeks of pregnancy, the risk to the fetus decreases, but the child may develop deafness.
- Chicken pox. It causes the death of the fetus and the development of congenital pathologies in it.
- Cytomegalovirus. It becomes the cause of the development of congenital pathologies.
- Herpes. Active genital herpes is dangerous, since the baby can become infected during childbirth. In the future, the baby may develop neurological problems.
- Hepatitis B, C, D. May cause liver damage in the expectant mother and fetus.
- Flu. If the expectant mother becomes infected in the first trimester, it can cause serious malformations in the child and lead to his death. After 12 weeks of pregnancy, the virus can provoke fetal hypoxia and increase the risk of early birth.
- Syphilis. Dangerous in the active stage. It causes deformation of the bones and teeth of the fetus, ailments of the nervous system and can lead to the death of the child.
- Chlamydia. May cause fetal death, pneumonia, and eye infections.
- Toxoplasmosis. It can lead to intrauterine fetal death and severe pathologies. Children born with toxoplasmosis are at high risk of developing malformations of the nervous system.
In order for the baby to develop normally in the womb, it is better to prepare in advance for pregnancy and treat all existing infections.
What is the risk of intrauterine infection during pregnancy?
The negative effect on the fetus of intrauterine infections is associated with the gestational age:
- in the first trimester, an infectious disease can cause a miscarriage or pathology in the formation of the baby’s organs;
- in the second trimester, fetal development is often delayed and organ malformation;
- in the third trimester, the risk of ailments of the child’s internal organs is high.
If dangerous infections are detected during pregnancy, it is important to start treatment in a timely manner in order to prevent infection of the fetus.