Daily routine and health: how to organize?

So you want to get enough sleep more often, cook the right food, go in for sports … But what to do if time for yourself is sorely lacking? WDay.ru is sure: everything can be changed! For example, turning one normal day into a health day.


Don’t rush to jump out of bed immediately after the alarm rings. Pamper yourself and lie around for another five minutes. Stretch, remember what you dreamed about. Then get up and go to the kitchen. Drink a glass of water and eat a banana. It will energize you.


It’s time to charge. If the weather permits, put on your running shoes and go for a run. This feat will give you a lot of positive emotions! However, you can arrange exercises at home. But, if you do not like physical activity in the morning, transfer it to 18 hours.


It’s time for water treatments! Shower using a light exfoliator or a soft bristled brush. Think only about the good, let the water charge you with positive energy.


Make yourself a delicious and healthy breakfast. For example, an omelet with spinach and olive oil. Brew black tea or a cup of coffee, cut a slice of whole grain bread, treat yourself to jam (sweet in the morning has a beneficial effect on the brain). Finish your breakfast with fruit.


It’s time to brush your teeth. But how do you turn monotonous action into pleasure? Very simple! Turn on the music and start the procedure. Brush your teeth for one song, it will take the allotted 3 minutes.


The road to work is another reason to use time to your advantage. In the car, turn on the audiobook, but if you are taking the metro, take with you your favorite volume of Chekhov, an English dictionary or a simple magazine. This will not only distract from the hustle and bustle, but also allow you to devote more time to spiritual development.

Morning at the office

Run away from work for half an hour? At times like these, being selfish is good for your health.


Before entering the office, stop by the grocery store and buy a bottle of mineral water. Make it a rule to keep water on your desk. This will allow you to drink the prescribed one and a half liters of water per day (including soups and teas).


Find a secluded corner in your office where you can retire. Stand up straight, draw in your stomach, straighten your back. Do not bend your lower back! Raise your straight arms up (the back of your head also looks up, you don’t need to throw your head back too much), stretch. Mentally direct the tailbone down, and pull your arms up, bend slightly. Feel your spine stretch. Put your hands down. Take 3-4 sets.

Move more throughout the day. For example, do not use icq or e-mail, it is better to approach the person once more and transfer the information personally. The more movement the better!


It’s time for lunch. Eat an apple and a handful of nuts. This combination of carbohydrates and proteins will give you a burst of energy.


Take a walk before lunch. Find like-minded people for this purpose and go outside for 20 minutes. Then proceed to lunch.

Day in motion

Make daytime walks a must


You can also walk a little after lunch. Back in the office, you will feel sleepy as usual. This is fine. Therefore, if possible, sleep. Or close your eyes for 20 minutes. Studies show that 15-20 minutes of sleep during the work day improves attention, memory and relieves fatigue.


Eating lunch recently and feeling hungry again? Do not deny yourself the pleasure. To do this, stock up on bread and fruit. Or give preference to a school afternoon snack: milk, but instead of a roll, eat a slice of wholemeal bread.


It’s time to charge! Stretch. Sitting on a chair, spread your legs as wide as possible and put your hands on your knees. Lean forward. To keep your back straight, move your tailbone and pull your stomach into you. During the exercise, do not strain your muscles; on the contrary, try to relax. Feel the spine stretch.


Take a break from work for a few minutes. Think about your plans for the evening or tomorrow. So you will reduce the tension that has accumulated towards the evening and put your thoughts in order. Do some mechanical work, such as tidying up your desk.

An evening in harmony

Sometimes it’s helpful not to think about anything. After a busy day at work, allow yourself to relax


For those who haven’t done their morning exercises, it’s time to burn calories. Start at this time to visit the gym, dance school, yoga, sign up for swimming. At least once a week, devote time to full-fledged sports.


Time for a delicious dinner. Prepare a light, healthy dinner with salmon, vegetables, and spices as advised by most nutritionists.


Whatever they say about the dangers of laziness, but there should be time for doing nothing! Rest from everything is the key to physical health and peace of mind. Take a bath, dance to your favorite music, lie in bed, flip through albums, forget about all the problems and affairs.


It’s time to think about tomorrow. Think in advance about the outfit for the next day, pack your bag, prepare documents and other necessary little things. In the morning, you don’t have to run around your apartment looking for a lost mobile phone.


Do some stretching exercises before bed. This will release muscle tension, you will relax and fall asleep faster. By the way, do not forget to ventilate the room, fresh air will not give insomnia a single chance.


If tomorrow you want to wake up early again and not feel overwhelmed, go to bed before 12 at night. Pleasant dreams!

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