Cupping – how to put cups and when to use this treatment?
Cupping - how to put cups and when to use this treatment?Cupping – how to put cups and when to use this treatment?

For many, cupping is associated with archaic methods of treatment, not equal to the effectiveness and safety of remedies used in modern medicine. However, this assertion can be challenged. Cupping is a proven method of treatment, helpful in the fight against colds, alleviating pain. Sometimes cups are also placed for a relaxing massage, during which the symptoms of fatigue are eliminated and tension is reduced. However, in order to decide on it, you should carefully familiarize yourself with the methodology of this method of treatment, in order to carry out the procedure skillfully and safely.

Cupping – a proven, effective method of treatment or an outdated invention of the old days?

Although some disregard this method, its effectiveness in the fight against colds, bronchitis, pneumonia, rheumatism, and upper respiratory tract infections cannot be questioned. Their use also has additional advantages – it reduces stress, improves circulation. Cupping massage can also be used as a relaxation method. How do they work? First of all, the bubbles are applied to the skin, as a result of which they are sucked and a vacuum is created. Different types of cups are used, but each time cups are placed mainly in the place of pain. The operation of the oldest, classic glass bubbles is based on the use of spirit burning inside, which consumes oxygen. Although it is not a completely safe method, it is the most effective. Optionally, you can also put another type glass bubbles, in which no fire is used, but only sucking in the air with a valve. This is definitely a safer form of help of this type. Another type of bubbles are rubber ones, in which a vacuum is created as a result of expanding the rubber. It is it that causes white and red blood cells to be sucked out of the blood vessels, which activates the body in the fight against disease and pain.

Healing bubbles – in what situations are they used?

Most often this method of treatment is used in the event of a cold. Then they are applied on the back, sides of the chest. Can be used bubbles every few days, placing them in the place of pain. Such treatment is a cheap form of treatment – cups of all kinds are widely available in pharmacies.

In children, it is best to use safe, non-fire bubbles. Usually three are placed bubbles on each side of the back on previously smeared skin. The procedure takes about 10 minutes, during which the child’s body is covered. After cupping, the sick child should stay at home for a few days.

Vacuum bubbles are used not only in medicine. They can also be used for a cosmetic massage aimed at reducing tension and stress. Such a relaxing massage is usually performed with rubber bubblesapplied to moisturized and oiled skin. They should be gently sucked so that they can move freely and not feel pain during the procedure.

Take care of safety when placing bubbles!

Before we start putting bubbles on someone, we should learn a number of rules that will guarantee the safety of this procedure. First of all, you should take proper care of the skin on which you will bet bubbles – grease it, warm it up, massage it. In addition, you need to remove the hair around these parts. If someone has not dealt with this method before, then he should practice before the procedure. During its implementation, it is very important to carefully observe the patient. Uncertainty when performing this procedure should result in choosing a safer option – placing fireless bubbles.

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