Cucumbers for diet too

There is no need to talk for a long time about the nutritional value of cucumbers: they are 95% water. There is a minimum of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, no satiety, respectively. But if a person diligently loses weight, this disadvantage instantly turns into dignity. After all, what is a product for a person on a diet, in 100 grams of which there is only 15 kcal? A gift of fate! Eat as much as you want, there is no chance of getting better. In addition, cucumbers contain biologically active substances that accelerate the process of burning fat.

Lose weight on cucumbers

Principles cucumber diet simple: do not try to sit on only cucumbers for days – you will really lose weight, but not for long! The result obtained due to strict restrictions on food is almost impossible to keep. We advise you to eat 200 grams of cucumbers at breakfast, lunch and dinner. These can be salads and cold soups. You need to fill them not with mayonnaise and sour cream, but with low-fat kefir or yogurt. Alternatively, you can drink a glass of cucumber juice before meals (if there are no problems with increased acidity of gastric juice). This will allow you to slowly, with pleasure, without painful restrictions to part with excess weight. “Leisurely” is the key word: the business of losing weight does not tolerate fuss.

What are the most useful cucumbers

From the point of view of the content of biologically active substances, everything is in order with cucumbers:

  • Yes vitamins (A, C, groups B, PP; contained mainly in the skin);
  • organic acidwith antioxidant properties; they are also responsible for the refreshing effect produced by these wonderful vegetables;
  • iodine (necessary for hypothyroidism, that is, in a situation where the thyroid gland produces less hormones than it should);
  • potassium (needed for the normal functioning of the heart and kidneys; helps to fight edema, lowers blood pressure);
  • pectin (normalize the motor work of the intestines);
  • enzymesthat improve the absorption of nutrients not only from the cucumbers themselves, but also by-products (therefore, we advise you to serve cucumbers as a side dish, add to salads).
  • To get all this wealth to the fullest, choose small cucumbers – they are the healthiest. By the way, the word “cucumber” itself comes from the Greek “immature”. The greener the better!

Cucumber masks give a good whitening effect and help to say goodbye to freckles and age spots. No wonder the stencil housewife in the films from the series “love boat crashed against everyday life” is always lying on the couch with slices of cucumber on her face. It looks comical, but it works! You can not be limited to masks, but freeze, for example, pieces of cucumber and wipe your face in the morning as a tonic procedure.

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