General description of the disease
A crisis is a fast, lightning-fast, sudden, paroxysmal manifestation of any disease.
Types, causes and symptoms of crisis
Depending on what kind of disease is manifested, a crisis is:
- 1 Hypertensive – blood pressure rises sharply, due to which a person begins to have severe headaches, heart pains, convulsions, shortness of breath, loss of consciousness, a blood pressure reading above 120 mm Hg. The main reason is disturbances in vascular regulation, due to which a spasm occurs in the arterioles and cardiac contractions increase and, as a result, blood pressure rises.
- 2 Vegetative (sympathoadrenal) – a sudden attack of panic and fear. During this crisis, the patient begins to have severe headaches, interruptions in the heartbeat are heard, weakness and trembling in the limbs, lack of air, stomach pains, difficulty breathing, there is a feeling of fear of losing control over their actions, there is a fear of losing consciousness and mind, fear of death. Causes: severe stress or nervous breakdown, birth trauma, concussion, premenstrual syndrome, puberty, thyroid disorders, medication.
- 3 Myasthenic – acute muscle weakness occurs due to intoxication of the body, excessive physical exertion, stress, due to the use of tranquilizers and chlorpromazine. At the same time, the pupils dilate, the skin becomes dry, tachycardia occurs, there are violations in the functioning of the pelvic organs, there may be convulsions, vomiting.
- 4 Acidotic – the transition of the body to internal nutrition (occurs during starvation, when the body begins to eat its old and diseased cells); the first symptoms of a crisis are: weakness, nausea, bad mood, unreasonable anger, headache, urine becomes dark in color, a white coating appears on the tongue and the smell of acetone from the mouth and from the skin. After the body is cleansed, all the symptoms will gradually disappear, and the person will begin to lose 200 grams, instead of the kilogram that was gone earlier in the day.
- 5 Addison’s (Addison’s disease) – in other words, adrenal insufficiency, which develops with a sharp decrease in the production of adrenal hormones or develops with a complete cessation of their production.
- 6 Vascular – a sharp change in the filling of blood vessels with blood, which occurs due to various pathologies of the central nervous system and peripheral vessels, congenital heart disease, blood vessels, imbalance of adrenaline, serotonin, aldosterone. It can manifest itself in the form of a cold snap of the extremities, sweating, episodic heartbeat or, conversely, its increased frequency, gag reflexes, shortness of breath, muscle tension.
- 7 Sexual or hormonal crisis in newborns – after birth, the amount of female hormones in the baby drops sharply.
- 8 Oculogynous (also called “gaze convulsion”) – deviation of the eyes upward, less often – downward. The reasons are: craniocerebral trauma, multiple sclerosis, encephalitis, Rett and Tourette syndromes.
- 9 Thyrotoxic – a lightning-fast increase in the hormones T3 (triiodothyronine) and T4 (thyroxine) in the blood plasma. With this type of crisis, excitement, psychosis, nausea, tremor of the limbs, pain in the abdomen, anuria, diarrhea, heart failure are noted.
- 10 Blastny (in chronic myeloid leukemia) – increased content of blasts in the bone marrow or blood (up to 30% or more). It is characterized by severe weight loss, an enlarged spleen, a high number of leukocytes in the blood.
Useful products for a crisis:
- RџSЂRё Addisonic crisis it is recommended to consume a large amount of vitamins (especially groups B and C), proteins, carbohydrates and fats, which can be obtained from brewer’s yeast, black currant, rose hips, vegetables and fruits, meat and fish dishes. Meat and fish should be eaten only boiled. You need to adhere to a fractional diet. Important rules are a light dinner (for example, a glass of kefir or milk) and an increased dose of table salt (its amount should be equal to 20 grams per day).
- RџSЂRё acidotic crisis – after its onset, you need to start going out of fasting. In the early days, it is necessary to introduce fresh juices from fruits, berries, vegetables into the diet. It is worth taking them every 2 hours, gradually increasing the dose. Then you need to adhere to a dairy-plant diet. The exit from fasting should be equal to the number of fasting days. After exiting, you can slowly start sticking to your normal diet.
- RџSЂRё vegetative crisis it is important to add foods to the diet that soothe the nervous system: potatoes, bananas, cocoa, beets, poultry, sea fish, bell peppers, buckwheat, nuts and beans, viburnum, sea buckthorn.
- RџSЂRё hypertensive crisis indicated for use are non-fatty sea fish, seaweed, broccoli, oatmeal, buckwheat, millet, dried fruits (especially dried apricots and prunes), citrus fruits, cocoa powder, kefir, cottage cheese.
- RџSЂRё myasthenic crisis – bananas, oranges, melons, avocados. legumes, rutabagas, pumpkin, whole grain bread, dried apricots, raisins, dairy and dairy products, cabbage, turnip leaves, nuts, figs, beef liver, buckwheat, oatmeal, barley.
- RџSЂRё oculomotor crisis – arises on the basis of a chronic disease, therefore, the diet should be drawn up based on the symptoms and signs of the disease.
- RџSЂRё thyrotoxic crisis – any kind of cabbage, spinach, radish (including Japanese), peas, beans, horseradish, mustard, peaches, strawberries, millet, turnip, radish, rutabaga, millet.
- RџSЂRё blast crisis it is necessary to eat foods rich in iron and red (gooseberries, grapes, currants, mulberries, beets, tomatoes, cherries are especially useful).
Traditional medicine for:
- 1 Addisonic crisis the reception of tinctures from snowdrop, horsetail, geranium, lungwort, mulberry, nettle, knotweed is recommended.
- 2 Vegetative crisis you need to drink tinctures and decoctions made from valerian root, motherwort, dill seeds, hawthorn, immortelle, St. John’s wort, chamomile, young pine needles, thyme, elderberry, lily of the valley, Caucasian dioscorea, clover.
- 3 Hypertensive crisis you need to do foot baths with mustard, lotions with vinegar (apple and wine are best), jam or compote from viburnum or chokeberry will help relieve high blood pressure, do massages with lavender oil, geranium oil, ylang-ylang, lemon balm, you need to eat a mixture of honey with garlic.
- 4 Myasthenic crisis you need to take a decoction of oats, onion husks, there is a medicinal mixture of garlic, lemon, flaxseed oil and honey.
- 5 Blast crisis you need to drink vitamin teas with rose hips, mountain ash, periwinkle, cherries, buckwheat, sweet clover, horsetail, nettle, mallow.
Dangerous and harmful foods in a crisis
- Addisonic crisis should reduce the consumption of legumes, potatoes, cocoa, chocolate, mushrooms, nuts, dried fruits.
- Acidotic crisis in the first days of coming out of fasting, the use of heavy, fatty, fried, smoked food is contraindicated.
- Vegetative crises limit the consumption of foods that stimulate the central nervous system: coffee, chocolate, energy drinks, cola, mate, tea, beer, guarana, ice cream.
- Hypertensive crisis – fatty fish and meat, spicy, smoked, fried, salty dishes, pastry dough, pastry creams, legumes, alcoholic drinks and sweet soda, coffee, strong tea.
- Myasthenic crisis – oily sea fish, broccoli, diuretic products: vinegar (especially apple cider), green tea, dandelion, nettle, cucumbers, fennel, tomatoes, watermelons, radishes.
- Oculomotor crisis – non-living food and products contraindicated in case of a disease that is chronic.
- Thyrotoxic crisis – canned, dried vegetables, seafood, nuts, seaweed, coffee, tea, cola, soda, spicy, salty dishes.
- Blast crisis – tea, coffee, sweet soda, viburnum, licorice, ginger, hot peppers, cranberries, vinegar (these products thin the blood and destroy blood cells).
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