Count weekdays and working days in Excel

In this tutorial, you will learn how to get the day of the week from a date in Excel and how to count the number of weekdays/working days between two dates.

DAY function

  1. Function DAY (WEEKDAY) in Excel returns a number between 1 (Sunday) and 7 (Saturday) representing the number of the day of the week. It appears that December 16, 2013 in the formula below falls on a Monday.



  2. You can also use the function to display the day of the week TEXT (TEXT).



    Count weekdays and working days in Excel

  3. Create a custom date format (dddd) to display the name of the day of the week.

    Count weekdays and working days in Excel

Function CLEAR

  1. Function PURE WORKERS (NETWORKDAYS) returns the number of weekdays (excluding weekends) between two dates.



    Count weekdays and working days in Excel

  2. If you specify a list of holidays, then the function PURE WORKERS (NETWORKDAYS) will return the number of working days (excluding weekends and holidays) between two dates.



    Count weekdays and working days in Excel

    The calendar below will help you better understand the function PURE WORKERS (NETWORKDAYS).

    Count weekdays and working days in Excel

  3. Excel stores dates as numbers and counts the number of days since January 0, 1900. Instead of substituting a range of cells into the formula, substitute the number constants that represent those dates. To do this, select E1: E2 in the formula below and click F9.



    Count weekdays and working days in Excel

WORKDAY function

  1. Function WORKDAY (WORKDAY) almost opposite functions PURE WORKERS (NETWORKDAYS). It returns the date before or after the specified number of weekdays (weekends excluded).



    Count weekdays and working days in Excel

Note: Function WORKDAY (WORKDAY) returns the serial number of the date. Apply a date format to a cell to display it.

The calendar below will help you better understand the function WORKDAY (WORKDAY).

Count weekdays and working days in Excel

Again, if you substitute a list of holidays, the function WORKDAY (WORKDAY) will return the date before or after the specified number of working days (excluding weekends and holidays).

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